hey. my name is adam. aka xx0a_q, xeqo. i do computer stuff.
i maintain some stuff including Jule, linutil, a couple of personal projects & PKGBUILDs for arch linux (btw)
projects & repositories
emoji | name | description | language |
nvrs | fast new version checker for software releases | Rust | |
HighlightOS | x86_64 OS (kernel) made from scratch | Rust, ASM | |
snapbox | HTTP Client Library for Jule | Jule, C++ | |
>_ | CLIQ | CLI library for Jule | Jule |
jpu | fast and lightweight ProtonUp alternative | Jule, C | |
linutil | distro-agnostic toolbox for simplifying Linux tasks | Rust, Shell | |
jule.nvim | official Jule plugin for Neovim | Lua, Vim | |
jule-mode.el | official Jule major mode for Emacs | Elisp, Jule | |
PKGBUILDs | sources of AUR packages i maintain | Shell | |
dwm | my build of dwm + st + some dotfiles | C, Shell | |
website | source of adamperkowski.dev | Rust, HTML, SCSS, JS |
Personal projects
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8:40 AM
Member since November 16, 2024