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  • Kevin Morris's avatar
    add /tu/ (get) index · d674aaf7
    Kevin Morris authored
    This commit implements the '/tu' Trusted User index page.
    In addition to this functionality, this commit introduces
    the following jinja2 filters:
    - dt: util.timestamp_to_datetime
    - as_timezone: util.as_timezone
    - dedupe_qs: util.dedupe_qs
    - urlencode: urllib.parse.quote_plus
    There's also a new decorator that can be used to enforce
    permissions: `account_type_required`. If a user does not
    meet account type requirements, they are redirected to '/'.
    @account_type_required({"Trusted User"})
    async def some_route(request: fastapi.Request):
        return Response("You are a Trusted User!")
    Routes added:
    - `GET /tu`: aurweb.routers.trusted_user.trusted_user
    Signed-off-by: Kevin Morris's avatarKevin Morris <>