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Release 6.2.7 - 2023-08-04

- 5ccfa7c0: same ssh key entered multiple times
- c0bbe21d: (test) correct test for ssh-key parsing
- fa1212f2: translations not containing string formatting
- 27819b44: /rss lazy load issue & perf improvements
- 862221f5: (deps) update all non-major dependencies
- 5729d678: git links in comments for multiple OIDs
- bc03d8b8: Fix middleware checking for accepted terms
- e45878a0: Fix issue with requests totals
- f74f94b5: (deps) update dependency gunicorn to v21
- 969b84af: (deps) update all non-major dependencies
- 7a44f379: (deps) update dependency fastapi to v0.100.1
- 94b62d29: Check if user exists when editing account
- 8ad03522: (deps) update all non-major dependencies

- 347c2ce7: Change order of commit validation routine

- 44c158b8: Implement statistics class & additional metrics
- 86994579: Separate cache expiry for stats and search
- 375895f0: Add Prometheus metrics for requests

- 6cd70a5c: Add tests for user/package statistics