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  • Giancarlo Razzolini's avatar
    roles/aurweb: cgit and smartgit changes · 35e5a8a4
    Giancarlo Razzolini authored
    Added a smartgit_socket option to the defaults. Reworked the tasks package
    installation to look cleaner and also separated the cgit and git package installations
    so we can trigger uwsgi reloads on updates. Changed the tubylaws repo update variable
    to trigger the bylaws changes only when the tubylaws repository change, not the aurweb
    one. Added tasks to install the apcu configuration, cgit uwsgi ini file, cgit rc file and
    smartgit uwsgi ini file. Trigger an uwsgi reload in case the cgit-aurweb or git packages
    change. Also added a few missing options to the aurweb configuration file. Rework the nginx
    configuration file to use the cgit and smartgit uwsgi services.