diff --git a/roles/grafana/templates/datasources.yaml.j2 b/roles/grafana/templates/datasources.yaml.j2
index 45f6a113a8dc627eeee3c50aa6d8690603944386..5bd0139270e7ec9d192c18887e3ea8152292908b 100644
--- a/roles/grafana/templates/datasources.yaml.j2
+++ b/roles/grafana/templates/datasources.yaml.j2
@@ -31,4 +31,40 @@ datasources:
   url: http://localhost:9093
     implementation: prometheus
+- name: Tempo
+  type: tempo
+  access: proxy
+  url: http://localhost:3200
+  jsonData:
+    tracesToLogsV2:
+      # Field with an internal link pointing to a logs data source in Grafana.
+      # datasourceUid value must match the uid value of the logs data source.
+      datasourceUid: 'P8E80F9AEF21F6940'
+      spanStartTimeShift: '-1h'
+      spanEndTimeShift: '1h'
+      #tags: ['job', 'instance', 'pod', 'namespace']
+      filterByTraceID: false
+      filterBySpanID: false
+      customQuery: false
+    tracesToMetrics:
+      datasourceUid: 'PBFA97CFB590B2093'
+      spanStartTimeShift: '1h'
+      spanEndTimeShift: '-1h'
+      #tags: [{ key: 'service.name', value: 'service' }, { key: 'job' }]
+      #queries:
+      #  - name: 'Sample query'
+      #    query: 'sum(rate(traces_spanmetrics_latency_bucket{$$__tags}[5m]))'
+    serviceMap:
+      datasourceUid: 'PBFA97CFB590B2093'
+    nodeGraph:
+      enabled: true
+    search:
+      hide: false
+    traceQuery:
+      timeShiftEnabled: true
+      spanStartTimeShift: '1h'
+      spanEndTimeShift: '-1h'
+    spanBar:
+      type: 'Tag'
+      tag: 'http.path'
 {% endif %}