From c9951fa8c1d54fe1e7b5c657f2b940a00d921b76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Levente Polyak <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 17:47:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] dbscripts: remove obsolete svnlog script

 roles/dbscripts/files/svnlog | 1092 ----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1092 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 roles/dbscripts/files/svnlog

diff --git a/roles/dbscripts/files/svnlog b/roles/dbscripts/files/svnlog
deleted file mode 100755
index defecd348..000000000
--- a/roles/dbscripts/files/svnlog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1092 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-our $ID = q($Id: svnlog,v 1.15 2009-02-28 23:02:39 eagle Exp $ );
-# svnlog -- Mail Subversion commit notifications.
-# Written by Russ Allbery <>
-# Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
-#     Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University
-# Based on cvslog, copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
-#     Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University
-# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Modules and declarations
-# I want to use open (FOO, '-|', @command).
-require 5.008;
-use strict;
-use Date::Parse qw(str2time);
-use Encode qw(decode encode FB_CROAK);
-use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
-use IPC::Open2 qw(open2);
-use POSIX qw(strftime);
-# The path to the repository, set later.
-# The default path to svnlook, which can be overridden on the command line.
-our $SVNLOOK = 'svnlook';
-# Debugging is off by default.
-our $DEBUG = 0;
-# Clean up $0 for errors.
-our $FULLPATH = $0;
-$0 =~ s%^.*/%%;
-# Utility functions
-# Given a prefix and a reference to an array, return a list of all strings in
-# that array with the common prefix stripped off.  Also strip off any leading
-# ./ if present.
-sub simplify {
-    my ($prefix, $list) = @_;
-    my @stripped = @$list;
-    for (@stripped) {
-        s%^\Q$prefix\E/*%%;
-        s%^\./+%%;
-    }
-    return @stripped;
-# Run the given command, capturing its output and returning the output as an
-# array.  Be aware for huge inputs that the output is read entirely into
-# memory.
-sub read_command {
-    my (@command) = @_;
-    my $pid = open (CMD, '-|', @command) or die "$0: cannot fork @command\n";
-    my @output = <CMD>;
-    close CMD;
-    my $status = $?;
-    if ($status != 0) {
-        my $error = "$0: pipe from '@command' failed:";
-        my $exit = $status >> 8;
-        my $signal = $status & 127;
-        $error .= " status=$exit" if $exit;
-        $error .= " signal=$signal" if $exit;
-        die "$error\n";
-    }
-    if ($DEBUG) {
-        print "Output from @command:\n";
-        print @output;
-        print '-' x 78, "\n";
-    }
-    return @output;
-# Parsing functions
-# Given a hash to hold the data we're accumulating and the revision number of
-# the change, get the general information about the commit message.  This
-# gives us the user making the change, the date, and the commit message.  Sets
-# author, date, and message in the provided hash, with date being the Unix
-# timestamp.
-sub parse_info {
-    my ($data) = @_;
-    my $rev = $$data{revision};
-    my @info = read_command ($SVNLOOK, 'info', $REPOSITORY, '-r', $rev);
-    chomp (@info);
-    # User, date, and then size of log message (ignored).
-    $$data{author} = shift @info;
-    $$data{date}   = str2time (shift @info);
-    shift @info;
-    # Remainder is the log message, although strip off any trailing blank
-    # lines.
-    pop @info while (@info && $info[-1] =~ /^\s*$/);
-    $$data{message} = @info ? join ("\n", @info, '') : '';
-# Given a hash to hold the data we're accumulating and the revision number of
-# the change, obtain the list of files affected.  For right now, we ignore
-# property modifications.  Anything other than an add (A) or delete (D) is
-# treated as a modification.  Sets prefix, added, modified, deleted, and files
-# in the provided hash.
-sub parse_files {
-    my ($data) = @_;
-    my $rev = $$data{revision};
-    my @info = read_command ($SVNLOOK, 'changed', $REPOSITORY, '-r', $rev);
-    # Go through the files and in the process, calculate the common prefix.
-    # Start with the dirname of the first file and remove a level of directory
-    # structure until we find a match for every file.
-    my $prefix;
-    my (@added, @modified, @deleted);
-    for (@info) {
-        my ($flag, $props, $file) = /^(.)(.)  (.*)$/;
-        next unless $file;
-        if ($file !~ m%/$% && $flag ne '_') {
-            $$data{summarizable} = 1;
-        }
-        if    ($flag eq 'A') { push (@added,    $file) }
-        elsif ($flag eq 'D') { push (@deleted,  $file) }
-        else {
-            push (@modified, $file);
-            if ($props ne ' ') {
-                $$data{propchange}{$file} = 1;
-            }
-            if ($flag eq 'U') {
-                $$data{contents}{$file} = 1;
-            }
-        }
-        if (defined $prefix) {
-            while ($prefix && index ($file, $prefix) != 0) {
-                $prefix =~ s%/*([^/]+)/*$%%;
-            }
-        } else {
-            $prefix = $file;
-            $prefix =~ s%/*([^/]+)/*$%%;
-        }
-    }
-    unless (@added || @deleted || @modified) {
-        die "$0: unable to get list of changed files from svnlook\n";
-    }
-    # Stash the data.
-    $$data{prefix}   = $prefix;
-    $$data{added}    = [ sort @added    ];
-    $$data{modified} = [ sort @modified ];
-    $$data{deleted}  = [ sort @deleted  ];
-    $$data{files}    = [ sort @added, @modified, @deleted ];
-# Given the data hash and a reference to the diff output, build the
-# metainformation about what changed.  Right now, this just grabs information
-# about copies.
-sub parse_metadata {
-    my ($data, $diff) = @_;
-    my ($propchange, $property);
-    for my $line (@$diff) {
-        if ($line =~ /^Copied: (.*?) \((from rev \d+, .*)\)$/) {
-            $$data{copied}{$1} = $2;
-            undef $propchange;
-        }
-    }
-# Given the revision, get the diff for that revision.  Note that this stores
-# the full diff output in memory.
-sub parse_diff {
-    my ($rev) = @_;
-    my @diff = read_command ($SVNLOOK, 'diff', $REPOSITORY, '-r', $rev);
-    return @diff;
-# Given the data hash, parse the commit message and look for Debian bug
-# closers.  Return all of the bugs found.
-sub parse_debbugs {
-    my ($data) = @_;
-    # The regex for matching the bug closers, taken from the Debian
-    # Developer's Reference Manual with capturing parens added to grab the bug
-    # numbers.
-    my $close = qr/closes:\s*(?:bug)?\#\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(?:bug)?\#\s*(\d+))*/i;
-    # Scan through the commit message looking for added bug closers.
-    my @bugs = ($$data{message} =~ /$close/g);
-    @bugs = map { defined $_ ? $_ : () } @bugs if @bugs;
-    return @bugs;
-# Formatting functions
-# Determine the From header of the message from the user provided.  Right now,
-# this is dead simple, but I'm guessing it will get more complex later as I
-# find more ways of getting this information.
-# We currently assume that all names containing non-ASCII characters are
-# encoded in UTF-8.  If they're not, we send them verbatim in the mail
-# message.
-sub build_from {
-    my ($data) = @_;
-    my $user = $$data{author};
-    my $name = (getpwnam $user)[6] || '';
-    $name =~ s/,.*//;
-    my $utf8 = eval { decode ('utf-8', $name, FB_CROAK) };
-    unless ($@) {
-        $name = encode ('MIME-Q', $utf8);
-    }
-    if ($name =~ /[^\w ]/) {
-        $name = '"' . $name . '"';
-    }
-    return "From: " . ($name ? "$name <$user>" : $user) . "\n";
-# Takes the data hash, a prefix to add to the subject header, and a flag
-# saying whether to give a full list of files no matter how long it is.  Form
-# the subject line of our message.  Try to keep the subject under 78
-# characters by just giving a count of files if there are a lot of them.
-sub build_subject {
-    my ($data, $prefix, $long) = @_;
-    my $subject = "Subject: " . $prefix . $$data{prefix} . ' ';
-    my $length = 78 - length ($subject);
-    $length = 8 if $length < 8;
-    my @files = simplify ($$data{prefix}, $$data{files});
-    my $files = join (' ', map { my $f = $_; $f =~ s%/$%%; $f } @files);
-    $files =~ s/[\n\r]/ /g;
-    if (!$long && length ($files) > $length) {
-        $subject .= '(' . @files . (@files > 1 ? " files" : " file") . ')';
-    } else {
-        $subject .= "($files)";
-    }
-    return $subject;
-# Generate file lists, one file per line, with the appropriate heading and
-# including additional information for modified files.  Takes the data hash
-# and the heading.
-sub build_filelist {
-    my ($data, $heading) = @_;
-    my $key = lc $heading;
-    return '' unless $$data{$key} && @{ $$data{$key} };
-    my $output = "$heading:\n";
-    for my $file (@{ $$data{$key} }) {
-        my $cleanfile = $file;
-        $cleanfile =~ s%/+$%%;
-        if ($key ne 'modified') {
-            $output .= "  $file\n";
-        } else {
-            $output .= "  $file";
-            if ($$data{propchange}{$file}) {
-                my @attrs = ('properties');
-                unshift (@attrs, 'contents') if $$data{contents}{$file};
-                my $attrs = '(' . join (', ', @attrs) . ')';
-                my $length = length ($file) + 2;
-                $length += 8 - $length % 8;
-                if (78 - $length < length ($attrs)) {
-                    $output .= "\n    $attrs\n";
-                } else {
-                    $output .= "\t$attrs\n";
-                }
-            } else {
-                $output .= "\n";
-            }
-        }
-        if ($key eq 'added') {
-            if ($$data{copied}{$cleanfile}) {
-                $output .= "    ($$data{copied}{$cleanfile})\n";
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return $output;
-# Build the subheader of the report, listing the files changed and some other
-# information about the change.  Takes the data hash, the revision, and a flag
-# saying whether to show the author of the change.  Returns the header as a
-# string.
-sub build_header {
-    my ($data, $rev, $showauthor) = @_;
-    my $date = strftime ('%A, %B %e, %Y @ %T', localtime $$data{date});
-    $date =~ s/  / /;
-    my $header = "    Date: $date\n";
-    $header   .= "  Author: $$data{author}\n" if $showauthor;
-    $header   .= "Revision: $rev\n";
-    return $header;
-# Build a report for a particular commit; this includes the list of affected
-# files and the commit message.  Returns the report as a string.  Takes the
-# data hash.
-sub build_message {
-    my ($data) = @_;
-    my $message = '';
-    if ($$data{message}) {
-        $message .= $$data{message};
-        if ($$data{added} || $$data{modified} || $$data{deleted}) {
-            $message .= "\n";
-        }
-    }
-    $message .= build_filelist ($data, 'Added');
-    $message .= build_filelist ($data, 'Modified');
-    $message .= build_filelist ($data, 'Deleted');
-    return $message;
-# Given the revision and the diff, check to see if it's longer than 200KB
-# (this limit should be configurable).  If it is, suppress the diff and
-# print out a message explaining why.  Otherwise, return the diff as a text
-# string.  (We use lots of memory.  I guess I don't care that much.)
-sub build_diff {
-    my ($rev, $diff) = @_;
-    my $length = 0;
-    for (@$diff) {
-        $length += length ($_);
-    }
-    if ($length > 200 * 1024) {
-        my $old = $rev - 1;
-        return "The diff is longer than the limit of 200KB.\n"
-            . "Use svn diff -r $old:$rev to see the changes.\n";
-    } else {
-        return join ('', @$diff);
-    }
-# Build a summary of the changes by running the patch through diffstat.  This
-# gives a basic idea of the order of magnitude of the changes.  Takes the data
-# hash (for file prefix), revision, and the path to diffstat as arguments, and
-# optionally takes a reference to the array holding the diff if it was already
-# obtained for other reasons (if not, we'll run svnlook ourselves).
-# Doesn't handle binary files properly yet (they'll just disappear in the
-# diffstat output rather than being marked binary).  I need to see the svn
-# diff output again to know what to do.
-sub build_summary {
-    my ($data, $diffstat, $diff) = @_;
-    $diffstat ||= 'diffstat';
-    unless ($diff) {
-        $diff = [ parse_diff ($data) ];
-    }
-    open2 (\*OUT, \*IN, $diffstat, '-w', '78')
-        or die "$0: cannot fork $diffstat: $!\n";
-    for (@$diff) {
-        s%^(\*\*\*|---|\+\+\+) \Q$$data{prefix}\E/*%$1 %;
-        s%^(Added|Modified|Deleted): \Q$$data{prefix}\E/*%$1: %;
-        print IN $_;
-    }
-    close IN;
-    my @stats = <OUT>;
-    close OUT;
-    if ($DEBUG) {
-        print "Output from diffstat:\n";
-        print @stats;
-        print '-' x 78, "\n";
-    }
-    my $offset = index ($stats[0], '|');
-    unshift (@stats, '-' x $offset, "+\n");
-    return @stats;
-# Configuration handling
-# svnlog takes all of the same parameters as both command-line arguments and
-# configuration file parameters.  Right now, we only support a simple
-# configuration file that's the same for every path; that will probably change
-# in the future.
-# This function takes in a list of Getopt::Long options and parses both the
-# configuration file and the command line.  Normally, the command-line options
-# override the configuration file; the exceptions are the address and header
-# parameters, where all provided options are merged together into one list.
-# There are three options only supported as command-line options, not as
-# configuration file parameters:  help, version, and config.
-# Returns a reference to a config hash that contains the parameters provided
-# as keys.
-sub configure {
-    my (@rules) = @_;
-    my %config;
-    # Parse command-line options.
-    Getopt::Long::Configure ('bundling', 'no_ignore_case', 'require_order');
-    GetOptions (\%config, @rules) or exit 1;
-    # Handle special options.
-    if ($config{help}) {
-        print "Feeding myself to perldoc, please wait....\n";
-        exec ('perldoc', '-t', $FULLPATH);
-    } elsif ($config{version}) {
-        my @version = split (' ', $ID);
-        shift @version if $ID =~ /^\$Id/;
-        my $version = join (' ', @version[0..2]);
-        $version =~ s/,v\b//;
-        $version =~ s/(\S+)$/($1)/;
-        $version =~ tr%/%-%;
-        print $version, "\n";
-        exit;
-    }
-    # If a config file was specified, read it.  All of the options in @rules
-    # are also allowed in the config file except help, version, and config.
-    if ($config{config}) {
-        my %keys = map {
-            my $key = $_;
-            $key =~ s/\|.*//;
-            $key =~ s/=.*//;
-            if ($key =~ /^(help|version|config)$/) {
-                ();
-            } else {
-                $key => 1;
-            }
-        } @rules;
-        open (CONFIG, '<', $config{config})
-            or die "$0: cannot open $config{config}: $!\n";
-        local $_;
-        while (<CONFIG>) {
-            next if /^\s*\#/;
-            next if /^\s*$/;
-            chomp;
-            my ($key, $value) = /^\s*(\S+):\s+(.*)/;
-            unless ($value) {
-                warn "$0:$config{config}:$.: invalid config syntax: $_\n";
-                next;
-            }
-            unless ($keys{$key}) {
-                warn "$0:$config{config}:$.: unrecognized config line: $_\n";
-                next;
-            }
-            $value =~ s/\s+$//;
-            $value =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/;
-            if ($key eq 'address' || $key eq 'header') {
-                if ($config{$key}) {
-                    push (@{ $config{$key} }, $value);
-                } else {
-                    $config{$key} = [ $value ];
-                }
-            } else {
-                $config{$key} = $value unless defined $config{$key};
-            }
-        }
-        close CONFIG;
-    }
-    # Set some defaults if needed and then return.
-    $config{diffstat} ||= 'diffstat';
-    unless ($config{sendmail}) {
-        my ($path) = grep { -x $_ } qw(/usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail);
-        $config{sendmail} = $path || '/usr/lib/sendmail';
-    }
-    $config{subject}  ||= 'Commit in ';
-    return %config;
-# Main routine
-# Parse the command line and load the configuration file, if any.  The long
-# option has to be listed first to get the hash table loaded properly,
-# unfortunately.
-my @options = ('address|a=s@', 'config|c=s', 'confirm', 'debug|D',
-               'debbugs=s', 'diff|d', 'diffstat=s', 'from|f=s',
-               'header|H=s@', 'help|h', 'include|i=s@', 'long-subject|l',
-               'omit-author|o', 'sendmail=s', 'subject|p=s', 'summary|s',
-               'svnlook=s', 'version|v');
-my %config = configure (@options);
-die "$0: no addresses specified\n" unless ($config{address});
-$DEBUG   = $config{debug}   if $config{debug};
-$SVNLOOK = $config{svnlook} if $config{svnlook};
-# Unbuffer output for debugging.
-$| = 1 if $DEBUG;
-# There must now be two command-line arguments remaining: the path to the
-# repository and the revision number of the change.
-die "Usage: $0 [options] <repository> <revision>\n" unless @ARGV == 2;
-$REPOSITORY = shift;
-my $revision = shift;
-# Get the data.
-my %data;
-$data{revision} = $revision;
-parse_info (\%data);
-parse_files (\%data);
-# If we were told to include only particular files, exit if none of those
-# files were modified.
-if ($config{include}) {
-    my $found = 0;
-    for my $file (@{ $data{files} }) {
-        if (grep { $file =~ /$_/ } @{ $config{include} }) {
-            $found = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    exit unless $found;
-# Get the diff.  Right now, this is unconditional because of parse_metadata.
-my @diff = parse_diff ($revision);
-# Get additional metadata.
-parse_metadata (\%data, \@diff);
-# Get the From header.
-my $from = $config{from} ? "From: $config{from}\n" : build_from (\%data);
-# Prompt the user if we should ask for confirmation.
-if ($config{confirm}) {
-    my $response;
-    open (TTY, '>/dev/tty') or exit;
-    do {
-        print TTY "\nSend notification to @{ $config{address} } (y/n)? ";
-        $response = <STDIN>;
-    } until ($response =~ /^[yn]/i);
-    exit if $response =~ /^n/i;
-    close TTY;
-# Send debbugs control message if needed.
-if ($config{debbugs}) {
-    my @bugs = parse_debbugs (\%data);
-    if (@bugs) {
-        if ($DEBUG) {
-            open (MAIL, '>&STDOUT')
-                or die "$0: cannot dup standard output: $!\n";
-        } else {
-            open (MAIL, "| $config{sendmail} -t -oi -oem")
-                or die "$0: cannot fork $config{sendmail}: $!\n";
-        }
-        print MAIL "To: $config{debbugs}\n";
-        print MAIL $from;
-        print MAIL "\n";
-        print MAIL "tag $_ pending\n" for @bugs;
-        print MAIL "thanks\n";
-        close MAIL;
-        unless ($? == 0) {
-            warn "$0: debbugs sendmail exit status " . ($? >> 8) . "\n";
-        }
-        if ($DEBUG) {
-            print '-' x 78, "\n";
-        }
-    }
-# Open our mail program for the main mail message.
-if ($DEBUG) {
-    open (MAIL, '>&STDOUT') or die "$0: cannot dup standard output: $!\n";
-} else {
-    open (MAIL, "| $config{sendmail} -t -oi -oem")
-        or die "$0: cannot fork $config{sendmail}: $!\n";
-my $oldfh = select MAIL;
-$| = 1;
-select $oldfh;
-# Build the mail headers.
-print MAIL "To: ", join (', ', @{ $config{address} }), "\n";
-print MAIL $from;
-if ($config{header}) {
-    for my $header (@{ $config{header} }) {
-        print MAIL $header, ($header =~ /\n\z/ ? '' : "\n");
-    }
-my $subj = build_subject (\%data, $config{subject}, $config{'long-subject'});
-print MAIL $subj, "\n";
-# Add a User-Agent header with the version of svnlog.
-my @version = split (' ', $ID);
-shift @version if $ID =~ /^\$Id/;
-print MAIL "User-Agent: svnlog/$version[1]\n";
-print MAIL "\n";
-# Build the rest of the message and write it out.  Is it the right thing to
-# always try to do the summary and diff, or is this going to bite me for tags?
-print MAIL build_header (\%data, $revision, !$config{'omit-author'});
-print MAIL "\n", build_message (\%data);
-print MAIL "\n", build_summary (\%data, $config{diffstat}, \@diff)
-    if $config{summary} && $data{summarizable};
-print MAIL "\n", build_diff ($revision, \@diff) if $config{diff};
-# Make sure sending mail succeeded.
-close MAIL;
-unless ($? == 0) { die "$0: sendmail exit status " . ($? >> 8) . "\n" }
-exit 0;
-# Documentation
-=head1 NAME
-svnlog - Mail Subversion commit notifications
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<svnlog> [B<-Ddhlosv>] [B<-a> I<address> ...] [B<--confirm>] [B<-c> I<file>]
-    [B<--debbugs>=I<address>] [B<--diffstat>=I<path>] [B<-f> I<from>]
-    [B<-H> I<header> ...] [B<-i> I<regex> ...] [B<--sendmail>=I<path>]
-    [B<-p> I<prefix>] [B<--svnlook>=I<path>] I<repository> I<revision>
-Subversion, including the B<svnlook> command-line tool; Perl 5.8.0 or later;
-B<diffstat> for the B<-s> option; and a sendmail command that can accept
-formatted mail messages for delivery.
-B<svnlog> is intended to be run out of Subversion's post-commit hook,
-generates a commit notification, and sends it via e-mail.  The format is
-almost identical to the format of mail generated by B<cvslog>.  By default,
-the commit message will contain the author, date, and revision number; the
-files added, deleted, or modified; and the commit message.  Optionally, the
-full diff of the commit or a diffstat(1) summary of the changes, or both,
-can be added to the notification.
-For information on how to add B<svnlog> to your Subversion repository, see
-L<"INSTALLATION"> below.  All necessary configuration options can be given
-on the command line, but if you would prefer you can also use the B<-c>
-option to point B<svnlog> at a configuration file.  See L<"CONFIG FILE">
-below for the syntax.
-The full path to the repository and the revision number of the change must
-be given on the command line.  These are the same parameters that Subversion
-passes to its post-commit hook.  B<svnlog> must be able to find B<svnlook>
-to work; if B<svnlook> isn't on the default path, specify it via either the
-B<--svlook> command-line option or the I<svnlook> configuration parameter.
-At least one B<-a> option must be given or at least one I<address> parameter
-must be set in the configuration file; otherwise, B<svnlog> has nowhere to
-send mail and nothing to do.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-All of these options except B<-c>, B<-h>, and B<-v> can also be set in a
-configuration file specified with B<-c>.  See L<"CONFIG FILE"> below for the
-=over 4
-=item B<-a> I<address>, B<--address>=I<address>
-Send the commit notification to I<address>.  This option may occur more than
-once, and all specified addresses will receive a copy of the notification
-(including any addresses set in the configuration file, if any).  There is
-no way to override the addresses set in the configuration file, just add
-more addresses.
-=item B<-c> I<file>, B<--config>=I<file>
-Load configuration options from I<file>.  See L<"CONFIG FILE"> below for the
-syntax.  Normally, command-line options override values set in the
-configuration file, but settings for B<-a> (I<address>) and B<-H>
-(I<header>) are cumulative between the command line and the configuration
-=item B<--confirm>
-Prompt for user confirmation before sending the commit notification.  The
-user must answer C<y> or C<n>, and if they answer C<n>, B<svnlog> will exit
-without doing anything further.
-This option is something of a hack.  It will only work if it can open the
-user's tty to print the prompt, which means that it may only work with local
-repositories or remote repositories accessed via ssh.  If it cannot open the
-tty, it will exit quietly (as if the user said C<n>), but if this function
-is called by a daemon that may have a tty of F</dev/console>, its operation
-is unpredictable.  Recommended only for use with local repositories.
-=item B<-D>, B<--debug>
-Prints out the information B<svnlog> got from Subversion as it works.  This
-option is mostly useful for developing B<svnlog> and checking exactly what
-data Subversion provides.
-=item B<--debbugs>=I<address>
-This is a special feature probably only of use to Debian developers.  If this
-flag is given, scan the commit message for any bug closers (using the same
-syntax as is used in Debian changelog files).  If any bug closers are found,
-send a separate mail message to I<address> with the debbugs commands to tag
-those bugs as pending.  The easiest way to get the appropriate bug closers
-into the commit message when working on Debian packages is to use B<debcommit>
-to commit changes.
-In versions of svnlog prior to 1.11, this option instead checked the diff for
-modifications to F<debian/changelog>.  This proved too likely to tag bugs
-spuriously when importing old source and was changed to only look in the
-commit message.
-=item B<-d>, B<--diff>
-Append the full diff output for each change to the notification message
-provided that it is less than 200KB.  If longer than that, just append a
-note saying that the diff is too large and giving the B<svn> command that
-would display it.
-=item B<--diffstat>=I<path>
-Sets the path to B<diffstat>.  If this option isn't given, B<svnlog>
-defaults to attempting to find B<diffstat> in its path (and what its path is
-will depend a great deal on your Subversion configuration).
-=item B<-f> I<from>, B<--from>=I<from>
-Sets the From header of the mail generated by B<svnlog> to I<from>.  This
-must be syntactically valid as the contents of an RFC 2822 From header (a
-simple address of course qualifies).  If this option is not given, the
-From header will be set to the user who made the commit, with their full
-name added if they're found in the local password file or equivalent.
-(Normally, the local mail system will then append a local domain to form
-an e-mail address.)
-I<from> should be specified in UTF-8.  If it is, it will be encoded using
-RFC 2047 encoding if needed.  If it is encoded in some other character
-set, B<svnlog> will try to use it in the mail message without modification
-or encoding, which may produce surprising results.
-=item B<-H> I<header>, B<--header>=I<header>
-Include I<header> in the headers of the mail message.  I<header> must be a
-valid mail header (including the keyword, colon, and space).  This option
-may be given multiple times, and all of the headers (including any specified
-in the configuration file) will be included in the message.  There is no way
-to override the headers set in the configuration file, just add to them.
-=item B<-h>, B<--help>
-Print out this documentation (which is done simply by feeding the script to
-C<perldoc -t>).
-=item B<-i> I<regex>, B<--include>=I<regex>
-Only send a notification message if one of the files modified matches the
-regular expression I<regex>.  If none do, the commit will be silently
-ignored.  This option may be given multiple times, and a notification
-message will be sent if any of the files in the commit match any of the
-provided regular expressions.  There is no way to override include patterns
-set in the configuration file, just add to them.
-If the notification is sent, all details about that commit will be sent,
-including listing files that don't match the regexes, including other
-changes in summary and diff output, and so forth.
-=item B<-l>, B<--long-subject>
-Normally, B<svnlog> will just list the number of changed files rather than
-the complete list of them if the subject would otherwise be too long (more
-than 78 characters).  This flag disables that behavior and includes the full
-list of modified files in the subject header of the mail, no matter how long
-it is.  Currently, B<svnlog> does not wrap the header, so using this option
-can result in a message that is not syntactically valid.
-=item B<-o>, B<--omit-author>
-Omit the author information from the commit notification.  This is useful
-where all commits are done by the same person (so the author information is
-just noise) or where the author information isn't actually available.  The
-author will still appear in the From header of the commit message unless the
-B<-f> option is also given.
-=item B<--sendmail>=I<path>
-Sets the path to B<sendmail>.  If this option is not given, B<svnlog> will
-search for sendmail in F</usr/sbin> and then F</usr/lib>, falling back on
-using F</usr/lib/sendmail> (and probably failing) if neither appears to
-=item B<-p> I<prefix>, B<--subject>=I<prefix>
-Sets the Subject prefix for all commit messages.  Appended to this prefix
-will be the relative path in the repository to the lowermost parent
-directory of all changed files and then a list of files (or a count of
-files) in parentheses.  If this option is not given, the default prefix is
-C<Commit in >.  Note that you will normally want I<prefix> to end in a
-trailing space.
-=item B<-s>, B<--summary>
-Append to each commit notification a summary of the changes, produced by
-generating diffs and feeding those diffs to diffstat(1).  diffstat(1) must
-be installed to use this option; see also the B<--diffstat> option to
-specify the path to the program.
-=item B<--svnlook>=I<path>
-Sets the path to B<svnlook>.  If this option is not given, B<svnlog> attempt
-to find B<diffstat> in its path (and what its path is will depend a great
-deal on your Subversion configuration).
-=item B<-v>, B<--version>
-Print out the version of B<svnlog> and exit.
-B<svnlog> can be told to read a configuration file with the B<-c> option.
-The syntax of this file is one configuration parameter per line in the
-    parameter: value
-The value may be enclosed in double-quotes and must be enclosed in
-double-quotes if there is leading or trailing whitespace that should be part
-of the value.  Whitespace after the colon and before the value (or an
-opening double quote) is ignored.  There is no way to continue a line; each
-parameter must be a single line.  Lines beginning with C<#> are comments and
-ignored, as are blank lines.
-The configuration parameters are exactly the same as the long names of the
-command-line options, with the exception that B<--config>, B<--help>, and
-B<--version> have no corresponding parameters (for obvious reasons).  As
-with the command-line options, the I<address> and I<header> parameters may
-be given multiple times; for all other parameters, the last value is taken
-if the paramter occurs multiple times.
-When setting a boolean parameter like I<summary> or I<diff>, the value
-should be C<1> if you want to turn it on and C<0> if you want to turn it
-Command-line options always override the configuration file except for the
-B<--address> and B<--header> options, as noted.
-Follow these steps to add B<svnlog> to your project:
-=over 4
-=item 1.
-Install B<svnlog> on your system in some convenient location.  You may need
-to change the path to Perl on the first line of the script if your Perl
-isn't in F</usr/bin/perl>.  B<svnlog> does not have to be inside the
-F<hooks> directory of the Subversion repository; it can be anywhere
-(F</usr/local/bin>, for instance).
-=item 2.
-In the F<hooks> directory of your Subversion repository, create a file named
-F<post-commit> with the contents:
-    #!/bin/sh
-    /path/to/svnlog <options> "$1" "$2"
-where C</path/to/svnlog> is the full path to wherever you installed
-B<svnlog> and <options> are whatever options you wish to use.  Be sure to
-include at least one B<-a> option (or a B<-c> option pointing to a
-configuration file that includes at least one I<address> parameter setting)
-so that B<svnlog> knows where to send the mail.
-It's best to always specify the path to B<svnlook> with the B<--svnlook>
-option (and the path to B<diffstat> with B<--diffstat> if you're using it)
-even if you think that program will be in the default path, since Subversion
-can be run under unusual situations (such as by a web server) and the path
-may not be what you expect.
-That's all there is to it.  Try committing to your repository and see if
-mail is sent as you expect.  Note that if you're configuring B<svnlog> to
-send commit notifications to a mailing list, you may need to use the B<-f>
-option to set the From header to an address that's allowed to mail that
-list.  It's a good idea to test your configuration with B<-a> pointing to
-your own e-mail address so that you see what the From header looks like and
-can find any problems.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-The following examples show the B<svnlog> command line that would go into
-the Subversion post-commit hook, so they assume that $1 is the path to the
-repository and $2 is the revision number.
-A minimalist configuration, sending mail to
-    /usr/local/bin/svnlog -a "$1" "$2"
-A more typical configuration, specifying the paths to B<svnlog> and
-B<diffstat>, sending commit notifications from
-(perhaps a special address that can send to mailing lists and discards any
-replies), sending them to and to,
-and including diffstat output.
-    /usr/local/bin/svnlog --svnlook=/usr/bin/svnlook \
-        --diffstat=/usr/bin/diffstat --summary \
-        --from="Subversion Commits <>" \
-        -a -a \
-        "$1" "$2"
-Here is the same example, but taking all of its parameters from a
-configuration file:
-    /usr/local/bin/svnlog -c /usr/local/etc/svnlog.conf "$1" "$2"
-where F</usr/local/etc/svnlog.conf> contains:
-    # svnlog configuration
-    svnlook:    /usr/bin/svnlook
-    diffstat:   /usr/bin/diffstat
-    summary:    1
-    from:       Subversion Commits <>
-    address:
-    address:
-Finally, here is an example for a Debian package maintainer.  Send all
-commits, including diffs, to, and cc with tag commands when appropriate.  Also add the
-    X-Debian-Commit: yes
-    X-Comment: Generated by svlog
-to each commit message.
-    /usr/local/bin/svnlog --svnlook=/usr/bin/svnlook \
-        --diff \
-        --header="X-Debian-Commit: yes" \
-        --header="X-Comment: Generated by svnlog" \
- \
-        "$1" "$2"
-The From header on the mail will be the default, derived from the user
-making the commit and the name from the local password file.
-=over 4
-=item cannot dup standard output: %s
-(Fatal) B<svnlog> is running in debug mode (B<-D>) and was unable to send
-the output that would normally go into a mail message to standard output
-=item cannot fork %s: %s
-(Fatal) B<svnlog> was unable to run a program that it wanted to run.  This
-may result in no notification being sent or in information missing.
-Generally this means that the program in question was missing or B<svnlog>
-couldn't find it for some reason.
-=item cannot open %s: %s
-(Fatal) B<svnlog> was unable to open the configuration file specified with
-B<-c> or B<--config>.  The file may be missing or not readable by the user
-running B<svnlog>.
-=item pipe from '%s' failed: %s
-(Fatal) Some program invoked by B<svnlog> to get some information (usually
-B<svnlook>) failed or died unexpectedly.  There may be other error messages
-before this one that explain what happened.  The exit status and any fatal
-signal received by the program are appended.
-=item invalid config syntax: %s
-(Warning) The given line in the configuration file was syntactically
-invalid.  See L<"CONFIG FILE"> for the correct syntax.
-=item no addresses specified
-(Fatal) There was no B<-a> or B<--address> command-line option and no
-B<address> parameter in a config file.  At least one recipient address must
-be specified for the Subversion commit notification.
-=item unable to get list of changed files from svnlook
-(Fatal) B<svnlog> was unable to understand any of the output of C<svnlook
-changed> and therefore was unable to tell what files were changed by this
-commit.  There may be other error messages before this one that explain what
-=item unrecognized config line: %s
-(Warning) The given configuration parameter isn't one of the ones that
-B<svnlog> knows about.
-=head1 FILES
-=over 4
-=item F</usr/sbin/sendmail>
-=item F</usr/lib/sendmail>
-The default paths to B<sendmail> if the B<--sendmail> option and I<sendmail>
-configuration parameter are not given.  B<svnlog> first tries the former and
-then the latter.
-=over 4
-=item PATH
-Used to find B<svnlook> (and B<diffstat> when the B<-s> option is in
-effect) if the B<--svnlook> and B<--diffstat> command-line options or
-configuration parameters are not given.
-=head1 CAVEATS
-B<svnlog> assumes that the full name in the local password file or
-equivalent is encoded in UTF-8.  If it appears to be valid UTF-8, it will
-be used as UTF-8, which may mangle the name if it were actually in a
-different encoding.  If it's not valid UTF-8, B<svnlog> will use the full
-name without modification in the mail message, which may result in a
-syntactically invalid mail message and unexpected results.
-=head1 BUGS
-B<svnlog>, when given the B<-l> option, can generate syntactically invalid
-e-mail messages.  The Subject header needs to be properly wrapped and some
-solution found to filenames longer than 998 characters (probably using RFC
-2047 encoding).
-No MIME type is declared in the mail message, which means that if your log
-messages (or file names or diffs) aren't US-ASCII, the results are unlikely
-to be what you want.  You can work around this, if all of your commit
-messages are in the same character set, with command-line options like:
-    --header="MIME-Version: 1.0"
-    --header="Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"
-but B<svnlog> should really be able to figure this out for itself and should
-do the right thing with log messages in multiple character sets.
-URLs for the diffs are not yet supported.  If you want this added, please
-e-mail me the details of how to construct an appropriate URL and I'll see
-what I can do.
-B<svnlog> always reads the entire diff into memory.  This may not be
-desirable on low-memory machines when processing huge changes such as
-merges.  The functions that need the diff output to gather information
-should be able to scan the diff a line at a time when needed.
-The diff size limit should be configurable, and what to include in the diff
-output should also be configurable.  B<> supports specifying
-whether one wants diffs for adds, deletes, and modifications separately.
-B<svnlog> runs the command-line B<svnlook> program and parses its output
-rather than using the Perl bindings.  It was easier, but the Perl bindings
-would be more efficient.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-debcommit(1), diffstat(1), svnlook(1).
-The Subversion manual at L<>.
-diffstat is at L<>.
-Current versions of this program are available from its web site at
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Russ Allbery <>.
-Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr.
-Based on cvslog, copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Board of
-Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University.
-This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.