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Split out cmake-doc package

Carl Smedstad requested to merge split-doc-package into main

Recently checked my system for large doc directories I'd prefer to not have installed and found cmake being one of the offenders, hence this MR:

$ du -hd2 /usr/share/doc/ | sort -h | tail -10
20M	/usr/share/doc/libwps/html
21M	/usr/share/doc/libetonyek
21M	/usr/share/doc/libetonyek/html
33M	/usr/share/doc/cmake
33M	/usr/share/doc/cmake/html
43M	/usr/share/doc/llvm
43M	/usr/share/doc/llvm/html
49M	/usr/share/doc/libstaroffice
49M	/usr/share/doc/libstaroffice/html
416M	/usr/share/doc/

Merge request reports
