From 6b317539cf8e5383cb4f9624cb2c163b49c2c821 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antonio Rojas <>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 00:06:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update to 24.02.0

 PKGBUILD | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 75 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 202ac5c..90f6a08 100644
@@ -3,46 +3,96 @@
 # Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <>
 pkgdesc='C++ IDE using KDE technologies'
-depends=(clang=$_clangver libksysguard kitemmodels5 knotifyconfig5 ktexteditor5 grantlee libkomparediff2 kcmutils5 threadweaver5)
-makedepends=(extra-cmake-modules kdoctools5 kdevelop-pg-qt llvm qt5-tools plasma-framework5 krunner5 okteta boost purpose5 subversion astyle)
-optdepends=('konsole: embedded terminal'
-            'git: Git support' 'subversion: SVN support'
-            'gdb: GNU debugger support' 'lldb-mi: LLDB debugger support'
-            'qt5-doc: Qt documentation integration'
+         gcc-libs
+         glibc
+         grantlee
+         karchive5
+         kbookmarks5
+         kcmutils5
+         kcodecs5
+         kcompletion5
+         kconfig5
+         kconfigwidgets5
+         kcoreaddons5
+         kcrash5
+         kdeclarative5
+         kguiaddons5
+         ki18n5
+         kiconthemes5
+         kio5
+         kitemmodels5
+         kitemviews5
+         kjobwidgets5
+         knewstuff5
+         knotifications5
+         knotifyconfig5
+         kparts5
+         kservice5
+         ktexteditor5
+         ktextwidgets5
+         kwidgetsaddons5
+         kwindowsystem5
+         kxmlgui5
+         libkomparediff2
+#        libksysguard
+         qt5-base
+         qt5-declarative
+         qt5-webengine
+         sh
+         sonnet5
+         syntax-highlighting5
+         threadweaver5)
+             boost
+             extra-cmake-modules
+             kdevelop-pg-qt
+             kdoctools5
+#            krunner5
+             llvm
+             okteta
+             plasma-framework5
+             purpose5
+             qt5-tools
+             subversion)
+optdepends=('apr: SVN support'
+            'apr-util: SVN support'
+            'astyle: astyle plugin'
+            'clazy: clazy analyzer plugin'
             'cmake: cmake integration'
+            'cppcheck: code analyzer'
+            'gdb: GNU debugger support'
+            'git: Git support'
+            'heaptrack: memory profiler'
             'kate: for additional plugins'
+            'kio5-extras: man pages plugin'
+            'konsolepart5: embedded terminal'
+            'lldb-mi: LLDB debugger support'
             'meson: meson integration'
-            'qt5-tools: qthelp plugin'
             'okteta: GNU debugger support'
             'plasma-framework5: for the plasma addons'
             'purpose5: patch review plugin'
-            'astyle: astyle plugin'
-            'cppcheck: code analyzer' 'heaptrack: memory profiler'
-            'clazy: clazy analyzer plugin'
-            'kio-extras: man pages plugin')
-conflicts=(kdevelop-qmljs kdevplatform)
-replaces=(kdevelop-qmljs kdevplatform kdevelop-clang-tidy)
-groups=(kde-applications kdevelop)
-            'SKIP'
-            '4059be8c0a8e08db3e7dafe5ab38839d510878d7e58a93fc0320cacc0fdf237a')
+            'python: debugger support'
+            'subversion: SVN support'
+            'qt5-doc: Qt documentation integration'
+            'qt5-tools: qthelp plugin'
+            'subversion: SVN support')
+        kdevelop)
+            'SKIP')
 validpgpkeys=(CA262C6C83DE4D2FB28A332A3A6A4DB839EAA6D7  # Albert Astals Cid <>
               F23275E4BF10AFC1DF6914A6DBD2CE893E2D1C87  # Christoph Feck <>
               D81C0CB38EB725EF6691C385BB463350D6EF31EF) # Heiko Becker <>
-prepare() {
-  patch -d $pkgname-$pkgver -p1 < 9e8b3a03.patch # Port LLDB support to Python 3
 build() {
   cmake -B build -S $pkgname-$pkgver \