FTBS cython errors
I wanted to rebuild python-pycapn in the context of https://archlinux.org/todo/capnproto-1011-rebuild/ but it generally fails to build right now:
Click to view buildlog
==> Starting build()...
* Getting build dependencies for wheel...
warning: capnp/includes/capnp_cpp.pxd:364:17: Rvalue-reference as function argument not supported
performance hint: capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:297:5: Exception check on 'make_reader_opts' will always require the GIL to be acquired. Declare the function as 'noexcept' if you control the definition and you're sure you don't want the function to raise exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef _init(self, capnp.DynamicEnum other, object parent):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
return self
cpdef _as_str(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1011:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
_write_packed_message_to_fd(file.fileno(), self._parent)
self._is_written = True
cpdef to_bytes(_DynamicStructBuilder self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1303:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef const char* ptr = <const char *>array.begin()
cdef bytes ret = ptr[:8*array.size()]
self._is_written = True
return ret
cpdef to_segments(_DynamicStructBuilder self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1320:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef _MessageBuilder builder = self._parent
segments = builder.get_segments_for_output()
return segments
cpdef _to_bytes_packed_helper(_DynamicStructBuilder self, word_count) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1334:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
array = helpers.messageToPackedBytes(deref(builder.thisptr), word_count)
cdef const char* ptr = <const char *>array.begin()
cdef bytes ret = ptr[:array.size()]
return ret
cpdef to_bytes_packed(_DynamicStructBuilder self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1341:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cpdef _get(self, field) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1611:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicObject.Reader other, object parent):
self.thisptr = other
self._parent = parent
return self
cpdef as_struct(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1681:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
s = schema
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.thisptr.getAs(s._thisptr()), self._parent)
cpdef as_interface(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1690:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
s = schema
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.thisptr.getAsCapability(s.thisptr), self._parent)
cpdef as_list(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1699:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
s = schema
return _DynamicListReader()._init(self.thisptr.getAsList(s.thisptr), self._parent)
cpdef as_text(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1708:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cpdef as_struct(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1724:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
s = schema
return _DynamicStructBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.getAs(s._thisptr()), self._parent)
cpdef as_interface(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1733:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
s = schema
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.thisptr.getAsCapability(s.thisptr), self._parent)
cpdef as_list(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1742:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
s = schema
return _DynamicListBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.initAsList(s.thisptr, size), self._parent)
cpdef as_text(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1768:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef capnp.AsyncIoContext * thisptr
def __init__(self):
cdef _init(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1781:9: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
self.thisptr = new capnp.AsyncIoContext(capnp.setupAsyncIo())
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr #TODO:MEMORY: fix problems with Promises still being around
cpdef _remove(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1787:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef _init(self, capnp.Timer * timer):
self.thisptr = timer
return self
cpdef after_delay(self, time) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1828:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cpdef wait(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1969:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
self.is_consumed = True
return ret
cpdef then(self, func, error_func=None) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:1981:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
ret = _Promise()._init(self.thisptr.attach(capnp.makePyRefCounter(<PyObject *>args)), self)
self.is_consumed = True
return ret
cpdef cancel(self, numParents=1) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2012:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cpdef wait(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2040:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
helpers.waitVoidPromise(self.thisptr, deref(self._event_loop.thisptr).waitScope)
self.is_consumed = True
cpdef then(self, func, error_func=None) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2049:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef _Promise new_promise = _Promise()._init(
helpers.then(deref(self.thisptr), <PyObject *>func, <PyObject *>error_func), self)
return _Promise()._init(new_promise.thisptr.attach(
capnp.makePyRefCounter(<PyObject *>func), capnp.makePyRefCounter(<PyObject *>error_func)), new_promise)
cpdef as_pypromise(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2070:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
ret = _VoidPromise()._init(self.thisptr.attach(capnp.makePyRefCounter(<PyObject *>args)), self)
self.is_consumed = True
return ret
cpdef cancel(self, numParents=1) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2086:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
return self
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cpdef _wait(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2114:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
ret = self._wait()
self.is_consumed = True
return ret
cpdef as_pypromise(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2146:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
if self.is_consumed:
raise KjException(
"Promise was already used in a consuming operation. You can no longer use this Promise object")
return _Promise()._init(helpers.convert_to_pypromise(deref(self.thisptr)), self)
cpdef then(self, func, error_func=None) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2152:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef _Promise new_promise = _Promise()._init(
helpers.then(deref(self.thisptr), <PyObject *>func, <PyObject *>error_func), self)
return _Promise()._init(new_promise.thisptr.attach(
capnp.makePyRefCounter(<PyObject *>func), capnp.makePyRefCounter(<PyObject *>error_func)), new_promise)
cpdef _get(self, field) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2174:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
return list(set(self.schema.fieldnames + tuple(dir(self.__class__))))
def to_dict(self, verbose=False, ordered=False):
return _to_dict(self, verbose, ordered)
cpdef cancel(self, numParents=1) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2205:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
# self.is_consumed = True
# return ret
cpdef join_promises(promises) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2224:6: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
if kwargs is not None:
for key, val in kwargs.items():
_setDynamicField(<DynamicStruct_Builder>deref(request), key, val, self)
cpdef _send_helper(self, name, word_count, args, kwargs) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2351:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
self._set_fields(request, name, args, kwargs)
return _RemotePromise()._init(request.send(), self)
cpdef _request_helper(self, name, firstSegmentWordSize, args, kwargs) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2360:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
raise AttributeError('Method named %s not found' % name)
return _partial(self._send, name)
except KjException as e:
raise e._to_python(), None, _sys.exc_info()[2]
cpdef upcast(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2389:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
s = schema
return _DynamicCapabilityClient()._init(self.thisptr.upcast(s.thisptr), self._parent)
cpdef cast_as(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2398:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef _init_pipe(self, _TwoWayPipe pipe, Side side, schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts):
self.thisptr = makeTwoPartyVatNetwork(deref(pipe._pipe.ends[0]), side, opts)
return self
cpdef on_disconnect(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2451:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
# Set TCP_NODELAY on socket to disable Nagle's algorithm. This is not
# neccessary, but it speeds things up.
sock.setsockopt(_socket.IPPROTO_TCP, _socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
return sock
cpdef bootstrap(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2545:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
return sock
cpdef bootstrap(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
return _CapabilityClient()._init(helpers.bootstrapHelper(deref(self.thisptr)), self)
cpdef on_disconnect(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2548:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
del self._task_set
cpdef on_disconnect(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2671:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
if self.port_promise is None:
raise KjException("You must pass a string as the socket parameter in __init__ to use this function")
cpdef bootstrap(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2694:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef TwoWayPipe _pipe
def __init__(self):
cpdef _init(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2717:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef _EventLoop _event_loop
def __init__(self, int fd):
cdef _init(self, int fd) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:2729:9: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
self.parent = parent
def __dealloc__(self):
cdef ArrayPtr[StringPtr] asArrayPtr(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:3438:9: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
self._all_imports = []
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.thisptr
cpdef _parse_disk_file(self, displayName, diskPath, imports) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:3457:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicStructBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.initRootDynamicStruct(s._thisptr()), self, True)
cpdef get_root(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:3625:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicStructBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.getRootDynamicStruct(s._thisptr()), self, True)
cpdef get_root_as_any(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:3650:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
:rtype: :class:`_DynamicObjectBuilder`
:return: An AnyPointer that you can set fields in
return _DynamicObjectBuilder()._init(self.thisptr.getRootAnyPointer(), self)
cpdef set_root(self, value) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:3660:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
return self.get_root(value.schema)
elif value_type is _DynamicStructReader:
return self.get_root(value.schema)
cpdef get_segments_for_output(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:3676:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
ptr = <const char *> segment.begin()
segment_bytes = ptr[:8*segment.size()]
return res
cpdef new_orphan(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:3688:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef schema_cpp.MessageReader * thisptr
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError("This is an abstract base class")
cpdef get_root(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:3746:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Error compiling Cython file:
s = schema.schema
s = schema
return _DynamicStructReader()._init(self.thisptr.getRootDynamicStruct(s._thisptr()), self)
cpdef get_root_as_any(self) except +reraise_kj_exception:
capnp/lib/capnp.pyx:3770:10: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
Compiling capnp/lib/capnp.pyx because it changed.
[1/1] Cythonizing capnp/lib/capnp.pyx
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_hooks/_in_process/_in_process.py", line 353, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_hooks/_in_process/_in_process.py", line 335, in main
json_out['return_val'] = hook(**hook_input['kwargs'])
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_hooks/_in_process/_in_process.py", line 118, in get_requires_for_build_wheel
return hook(config_settings)
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py", line 355, in get_requires_for_build_wheel
return self._get_build_requires(config_settings, requirements=['wheel'])
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py", line 325, in _get_build_requires
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py", line 507, in run_setup
super(_BuildMetaLegacyBackend, self).run_setup(setup_script=setup_script)
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py", line 341, in run_setup
exec(code, locals())
File "<string>", line 230, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/Cython/Build/Dependencies.py", line 1154, in cythonize
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/Cython/Build/Dependencies.py", line 1321, in cythonize_one
raise CompileError(None, pyx_file)
Cython.Compiler.Errors.CompileError: capnp/lib/capnp.pyx
ERROR Backend subprocess exited when trying to invoke get_requires_for_build_wheel
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/archbuild/extra-x86_64/chris-2/build
Additional info:
- package version(s): 1.3.0-3
- config and/or log files etc. see build log above
- link to upstream bug report, if any: Didnt find any, maybe this has to be raised upstream
Steps to reproduce:
$ pkgctl repo clone python-pycapnp
$ pkgctl build python-pycapnp
Edited by Christian Heusel