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Heterogeneous Interface for Portability (AMD runtime)
packages: hip-runtime-amd hip-runtime-nvidia
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Heterogeneous Interface for Portability (AMD runtime)
packages: hip-runtime-amd hip-runtime-nvidia
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Heterogeneous Interface for Portability ROCm
packages: hip-runtime-amd
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Heterogeneous Interface for Portability ROCm
packages: hip-runtime-amd
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Heterogeneous Interface for Portability ROCm
packages: hip-runtime-amd
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Heterogeneous Interface for Portability ROCm
packages: hip-runtime-amd
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ROCm BLAS marshalling library
packages: hipblas
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Header-only library on top of rocPRIM or CUB
packages: hipcub
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rocSOLVER marshalling library.
packages: hipsolver
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rocSPARSE marshalling library.
packages: hipsparse
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Radeon Open Compute Thunk Interface
packages: hsakmt-roct
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Cross-platform C++ framework
packages: juce juce-docs
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AMD's Machine Intelligence Library (HIP backend)
packages: miopen-hip
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