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  • Jelle van der Waa's avatar
    Introduce planet functionality in archweb · 17a12f07
    Jelle van der Waa authored and Jelle van der Waa's avatar Jelle van der Waa committed
    This change introduces a replacment for which uses
    a python 2 project to generate static html from multiple RSS feed
    sources. For archweb a set of 'static' feeds can be created in the
    django admin view for the Arch forums and other static feeds, archweb
    users can add their own blog rss feed in their profile which will create
    a Feed model.
    When running the update_planet command, all Feed models are iterated
    over and the rss feed is parsed. The latest FeedItem is queried matching
    the current Feed model and every newer entry in the RSS feed is added as
    new FeedItem. Since the body is also stored in the FeedItem there is a
    limit to the amount of FeedItems per Feed configured in of
    which the default is 25.
    When a user is marked as inactive his Feed model and items are
    removed automatically to avoid keeping stale data around.
    Closes: #261