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sodepends: fix listing binaries, check libdepends, libprovides

Merged Balló György requested to merge bgyorgy/namcap:fix-sodepends-list into master
1 unresolved thread
+ 21
@@ -35,13 +35,11 @@ from elftools.elf.dynamic import DynamicSection
libcache = {'i686': {}, 'x86-64': {}}
def scanlibs(fileobj, filename, custom_libs, sharedlibs):
def scanlibs(fileobj, filename, custom_libs, sharedlibs, libprovides):
Find shared libraries in a file-like binary object
If it depends on a library, store that library's path.
returns: a dictionary { library => set(ELF files using that library) }
If it depends on a library or provides one, store that library's path.
if not is_elf(fileobj):
@@ -52,6 +50,10 @@ def scanlibs(fileobj, filename, custom_libs, sharedlibs):
if not isinstance(section, DynamicSection):
for tag in section.iter_tags():
# DT_SONAME means it provides a library; ignore unversioned (mostly internal) libraries
if tag.entry.d_tag == 'DT_SONAME' and not tag.soname.endswith('.so'):
libname = tag.soname.rsplit('.so', 1)[0] + '.so'
# DT_NEEDED means shared library
if tag.entry.d_tag != 'DT_NEEDED':
@@ -132,6 +134,7 @@ class SharedLibsRule(TarballRule):
description = "Checks dependencies caused by linked shared libraries"
def analyze(self, pkginfo, tar):
liblist = defaultdict(set)
libprovides = defaultdict(set)
dependlist = {}
os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ class SharedLibsRule(TarballRule):
for n in pkg_so_files:
if any(n.startswith(rp) for rp in rpaths):
rpath_files[os.path.basename(n)] = n
scanlibs(f,, rpath_files, liblist)
scanlibs(f,, rpath_files, liblist, libprovides)
# Ldd all the files and find all the link and script dependencies
@@ -171,6 +174,19 @@ class SharedLibsRule(TarballRule):
self.infos.append(("link-level-dependence %s in %s", (pkg, str(files))))
# Check provided libraries
for i in libprovides:
if i in pkginfo["provides"]:
self.infos.append(("libprovides-satisfied %s %s", (i, str(list(libprovides[i])))))
self.warnings.append(("libprovides-unsatisfied %s %s", (i, str(list(libprovides[i])))))
for i in pkginfo["provides"]:
if i.endswith('.so') and i not in libprovides:
self.errors.append(("libprovides-missing %s", i))
self.infos.append(("libprovides-by-namcap-sight provides=(%s)", ' '.join(libprovides) ))
# Check for packages in testing
for i in dependlist.keys():
p = Namcap.package.load_testing_package(i)