OPTIONS=(!strip) is being ignored in makepkg >= 6.1.0-1
The current version of pacman seems to be ignoring the !strip option.
I work on an app called XIVLauncher. We supply an AUR repo to allow native install, and recently arch users have been reporting problems with broken installations. Looking in to this, I found that the primary binary, XIVLauncher.Core, was only 11 MB instead of 88 MB.
I was able to produce working binaries by downgrading pacman to 6.0.2-9; all 6.1.0 releases were broken in my testing. Furthermore, using 6.0.2-9, if I removed the !strip option from PKGBUILD, I got an identical 11 MB file (same sha512 hash), indicating that the file was getting stripped. XIVLauncher.Core is a self-contained dotnet application, and stripping it makes it fail.
One of our users took a deeper look at the issue, and found that setting OPTIONS=('!strip' '!debug') works around this issue for the moment.
Steps to reproduce:
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/xivlauncher.git
cd xivlauncher
Make sure OPTIONS=('!strip') in PKGBUILD, then:
makepkg -si
You should get the following error:
Failure processing application bundle; possible file corruption.
Arithmetic overflow while reading bundle.
A fatal error occured while processing application bundle
Check the filesize (it will be about 11 MB):
ls -lh /opt/XIVLauncher/XIVLauncher.Core
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11M Mar 17 08:11 /opt/XIVLauncher/XIVLauncher.Core
Change the OPTIONS line in PKGBUILD to OPTIONS=('!strip' '!debug'), and rebuild:
makepkg -sif
ls -lh /opt/XIVLauncher/XIVLauncher.Core
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 88M Mar 17 08:30 /opt/XIVLauncher/XIVLauncher.Core
This second binary launches successfully.