diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index ed6aa9275ed1c270b7a3ee2c3e5731ff896a0ae8..c6742942ba6a5c1218afd14e232af580af9daa76 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ check:
     - pacman --noconfirm -Syu --needed make shellcheck
-    - make lint
+    - make check
   stage: check
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 1d825970df75e23d2688f6defac15d01417686e0..c4ceb2f60187a96eb82edb54cd1bb4f2d739c2e4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,52 +1,33 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-INSTALL_FILES=$(wildcard archiso/initcpio/install/*)
-HOOKS_FILES=$(wildcard archiso/initcpio/hooks/*)
-SCRIPT_FILES=$(wildcard archiso/initcpio/script/*)
+PREFIX ?= /usr/local
 DOC_FILES=$(wildcard docs/*) $(wildcard *.rst)
+SCRIPT_FILES=$(wildcard archiso/*) $(wildcard scripts/*.sh) $(wildcard .gitlab/ci/*.sh) \
+             $(wildcard configs/*/profiledef.sh) $(wildcard configs/*/airootfs/usr/local/bin/*)
-check: lint
-	shellcheck -s bash archiso/mkarchiso \
-	                   $(wildcard scripts/*.sh) \
-	                   $(wildcard .gitlab/ci/*.sh) \
-	                   $(INSTALL_FILES) \
-	                   $(wildcard configs/*/build.sh) \
-	                   $(wildcard configs/*/profiledef.sh) \
-	                   configs/releng/airootfs/root/.automated_script.sh \
-	                   configs/releng/airootfs/usr/local/bin/choose-mirror \
-	                   configs/releng/airootfs/usr/local/bin/livecd-sound
-	shellcheck -s dash $(HOOKS_FILES) $(SCRIPT_FILES)
+check: shellcheck
-install: install-program install-examples install-doc
+	shellcheck -s bash $(SCRIPT_FILES)
-	install -vDm 755 archiso/mkarchiso -t "$(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/"
-	install -vDm 755 scripts/run_archiso.sh "$(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/run_archiso"
+install: install-scripts install-profiles install-doc
-	install -d $(SCRIPT_DIR) $(HOOKS_DIR) $(INSTALL_DIR)
-	install -m 755 -t $(SCRIPT_DIR) $(SCRIPT_FILES)
-	install -m 644 -t $(HOOKS_DIR) $(HOOKS_FILES)
-	install -m 644 -t $(INSTALL_DIR) $(INSTALL_FILES)
+	install -vDm 755 archiso/mkarchiso -t "$(BIN_DIR)/"
+	install -vDm 755 scripts/run_archiso.sh "$(BIN_DIR)/run_archiso"
-	install -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/archiso/
-	cp -a --no-preserve=ownership configs $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/archiso/
+	install -d -m 755 $(PROFILE_DIR)
+	cp -a --no-preserve=ownership configs $(PROFILE_DIR)/
 	install -vDm 644 $(DOC_FILES) -t $(DOC_DIR)
-.PHONY: check install install-program install-initcpio install-examples install-doc lint
+.PHONY: check install install-doc install-profiles install-scripts shellcheck
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 79f2846daab4f7d9e679f43e3abd64935d5bbfc3..bc6c69e72beeb5728b0a2a9f8de35777621da653 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -120,23 +120,18 @@ To install archiso system-wide use the included ``Makefile``:
    make install
-Optionally install archiso's mkinitcpio hooks:
-.. code:: sh
-   make install-initcpio
 Optional features
 The iso image contains a GRUB environment block holding the iso name and version. This allows to
 boot the iso image from GRUB with a version specific cow directory to mitigate overlay clashes.
 .. code:: sh
-     loopback loop archlinux.iso
-     load_env -f (loop)/arch/grubenv
-     linux (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz-linux ... \
-         cow_directory=${NAME}/${VERSION} ...
-     initrd (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/initramfs-linux-lts.img
+   loopback loop archlinux.iso
+   load_env -f (loop)/arch/grubenv
+   linux (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz-linux ... \
+       cow_directory=${NAME}/${VERSION} ...
+   initrd (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/initramfs-linux-lts.img
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso b/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso
deleted file mode 100644
index d897ae1300444af8b1dca9d43a09aff42713f0f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# args: source, newroot, mountpoint
-_mnt_dmsnapshot() {
-    local img="${1}"
-    local newroot="${2}"
-    local mnt="${3}"
-    local img_fullname="${img##*/}";
-    local img_name="${img_fullname%%.*}"
-    local dm_snap_name="${dm_snap_prefix}_${img_name}"
-    local ro_dev ro_dev_size rw_dev
-    ro_dev="$(losetup --find --show --read-only -- "${img}")"
-    echo "${ro_dev}" >> /run/archiso/used_block_devices
-    ro_dev_size="$(blockdev --getsz "${ro_dev}")"
-    if [ "${cow_persistent}" = "P" ]; then
-        if [ -f "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow" ]; then
-            msg ":: Found '/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow', using as persistent."
-        else
-            msg ":: Creating '/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow' as persistent."
-            truncate -s "${cow_spacesize}" "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow"
-        fi
-    else
-        if [ -f "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow" ]; then
-            msg ":: Found '/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow' but non-persistent requested, removing."
-            rm -f "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow"
-        fi
-        msg ":: Creating '/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow' as non-persistent."
-        truncate -s "${cow_spacesize}" "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow"
-    fi
-    rw_dev="$(losetup --find --show "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow")"
-    echo "${rw_dev}" >> /run/archiso/used_block_devices
-    dmsetup create "${dm_snap_name}" --table \
-        "0 ${ro_dev_size} snapshot ${ro_dev} ${rw_dev} ${cow_persistent} ${cow_chunksize}"
-    if [ "${cow_persistent}" != "P" ]; then
-        rm -f "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/${img_name}.cow"
-    fi
-    _mnt_dev "/dev/mapper/${dm_snap_name}" "${newroot}${mnt}" "-w" "defaults"
-    readlink -f "/dev/mapper/${dm_snap_name}" >> /run/archiso/used_block_devices
-# args: source, newroot, mountpoint
-_mnt_overlayfs() {
-    local src="${1}"
-    local newroot="${2}"
-    local mnt="${3}"
-    mkdir -p "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/upperdir" "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/workdir"
-    mount -t overlay -o \
-    "lowerdir=${src},upperdir=/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/upperdir,workdir=/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}/workdir" \
-    airootfs "${newroot}${mnt}"
-# args: /path/to/image_file, mountpoint
-_mnt_sfs() {
-    local img="${1}"
-    local mnt="${2}"
-    local img_fullname="${img##*/}"
-    local sfs_dev
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ "${copytoram}" = "y" ]; then
-        msg -n ":: Copying squashfs image to RAM..."
-        # in case we have pv use it to display copy progress feedback otherwise
-        # fallback to using plain cp
-        if command -v pv > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-            echo ""
-            (pv "${img}" > "/run/archiso/copytoram/${img_fullname}")
-            local rc=$?
-        else
-            (cp -- "${img}" "/run/archiso/copytoram/${img_fullname}")
-            local rc=$?
-        fi
-        if [ $rc != 0 ]; then
-            echo "ERROR: while copy '${img}' to '/run/archiso/copytoram/${img_fullname}'"
-            launch_interactive_shell
-        fi
-        img="/run/archiso/copytoram/${img_fullname}"
-        msg "done."
-    fi
-    sfs_dev="$(losetup --find --show --read-only -- "${img}")"
-    echo "${sfs_dev}" >> /run/archiso/used_block_devices
-    _mnt_dev "${sfs_dev}" "${mnt}" "-r" "defaults"
-# args: /path/to/image_file, mountpoint
-_mnt_erofs() {
-    local img="${1}"
-    local mnt="${2}"
-    local img_fullname="${img##*/}"
-    local erofs_dev
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ "${copytoram}" = "y" ]; then
-        msg -n ":: Copying EROFS image to RAM..."
-        if ! cp -- "${img}" "/run/archiso/copytoram/${img_fullname}" ; then
-            echo "ERROR: while copy '${img}' to '/run/archiso/copytoram/${img_fullname}'"
-            launch_interactive_shell
-        fi
-        img="/run/archiso/copytoram/${img_fullname}"
-        msg "done."
-    fi
-    erofs_dev="$(losetup --find --show --read-only -- "${img}")"
-    echo "${erofs_dev}" >> /run/archiso/used_block_devices
-    _mnt_dev "${erofs_dev}" "${mnt}" "-r" "defaults" "erofs"
-# args: device, mountpoint, flags, opts
-_mnt_dev() {
-    local dev="${1}"
-    local mnt="${2}"
-    local flg="${3}"
-    local opts="${4}"
-    local fstype="${5:-auto}"
-    mkdir -p "${mnt}"
-    msg ":: Mounting '${dev}' to '${mnt}'"
-    while ! poll_device "${dev}" 30; do
-        echo "ERROR: '${dev}' device did not show up after 30 seconds..."
-        echo "   Falling back to interactive prompt"
-        echo "   You can try to fix the problem manually, log out when you are finished"
-        launch_interactive_shell
-    done
-    if mount -t "${fstype}" -o "${opts}" "${flg}" "${dev}" "${mnt}"; then
-        msg ":: Device '${dev}' mounted successfully."
-    else
-        echo "ERROR; Failed to mount '${dev}'"
-        echo "   Falling back to interactive prompt"
-        echo "   You can try to fix the problem manually, log out when you are finished"
-        launch_interactive_shell
-    fi
-_verify_checksum() {
-    local _status
-    cd "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${arch}" || exit 1
-    sha512sum -c airootfs.sha512 > /tmp/checksum.log 2>&1
-    _status=$?
-    cd -- "${OLDPWD}" || exit 1
-    return "${_status}"
-_verify_signature() {
-    local _status
-    local sigfile="${1}"
-    cd "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${arch}" || exit 1
-    gpg --homedir /gpg --status-fd 1 --verify "${sigfile}" 2>/dev/null | grep -qE '^\[GNUPG:\] GOODSIG'
-    _status=$?
-    cd -- "${OLDPWD}" || exit 1
-    return ${_status}
-run_hook() {
-    [ -z "${arch}" ] && arch="$(uname -m)"
-    [ -z "${copytoram_size}" ] && copytoram_size="75%"
-    [ -z "${archisobasedir}" ] && archisobasedir="arch"
-    [ -z "${dm_snap_prefix}" ] && dm_snap_prefix="arch"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    [ -z "${archisodevice}" ] && archisodevice="/dev/disk/by-label/${archisolabel}"
-    [ -z "${cow_spacesize}" ] && cow_spacesize="256M"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ -n "${cow_label}" ]; then
-        cow_device="/dev/disk/by-label/${cow_label}"
-        [ -z "${cow_persistent}" ] && cow_persistent="P"
-    elif [ -n "${cow_device}" ]; then
-        [ -z "${cow_persistent}" ] && cow_persistent="P"
-    else
-        cow_persistent="N"
-    fi
-    [ -z "${cow_flags}" ] && cow_flags="defaults"
-    [ -z "${cow_directory}" ] && cow_directory="persistent_${archisolabel}/${arch}"
-    [ -z "${cow_chunksize}" ] && cow_chunksize="8"
-    # set mount handler for archiso
-    export mount_handler="archiso_mount_handler"
-# This function is called normally from init script, but it can be called
-# as chain from other mount handlers.
-# args: /path/to/newroot
-archiso_mount_handler() {
-    local newroot="${1}"
-    local sigfile
-    if ! mountpoint -q "/run/archiso/bootmnt"; then
-        _mnt_dev "${archisodevice}" "/run/archiso/bootmnt" "-r" "defaults"
-        if [ "${copytoram}" != "y" ]; then
-            readlink -f "${archisodevice}" >> /run/archiso/used_block_devices
-        fi
-    fi
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ "${checksum}" = "y" ]; then
-        if [ -f "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.sha512" ]; then
-            msg -n ":: Self-test requested, please wait..."
-            if _verify_checksum; then
-                msg "done. Checksum is OK, continue booting."
-            else
-                echo "ERROR: one or more files are corrupted"
-                echo "see /tmp/checksum.log for details"
-                launch_interactive_shell
-            fi
-        else
-            echo "ERROR: checksum=y option specified but ${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.sha512 not found"
-            launch_interactive_shell
-        fi
-    fi
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ "${verify}" = "y" ]; then
-        if [ -f "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.sfs.sig" ]; then
-            sigfile="airootfs.sfs.sig"
-        elif [ -f "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.erofs.sig" ]; then
-            sigfile="airootfs.erofs.sig"
-        fi
-        if [ -n "${sigfile}" ]; then
-            msg -n ":: Signature verification requested, please wait..."
-            if _verify_signature "${sigfile}"; then
-                msg "done. Signature is OK, continue booting."
-            else
-                echo "ERROR: one or more files are corrupted"
-                launch_interactive_shell
-            fi
-        else
-            echo "ERROR: verify=y option specified but GPG signature not found in ${archisobasedir}/${arch}/"
-            launch_interactive_shell
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [ "${copytoram}" = "y" ]; then
-        msg ":: Mounting /run/archiso/copytoram (tmpfs) filesystem, size=${copytoram_size}"
-        mkdir -p /run/archiso/copytoram
-        mount -t tmpfs -o "size=${copytoram_size}",mode=0755 copytoram /run/archiso/copytoram
-    fi
-    if [ -n "${cow_device}" ]; then
-        _mnt_dev "${cow_device}" "/run/archiso/cowspace" "-r" "${cow_flags}"
-        readlink -f "${cow_device}" >> /run/archiso/used_block_devices
-        mount -o remount,rw "/run/archiso/cowspace"
-    else
-        msg ":: Mounting /run/archiso/cowspace (tmpfs) filesystem, size=${cow_spacesize}..."
-        mkdir -p /run/archiso/cowspace
-        mount -t tmpfs -o "size=${cow_spacesize}",mode=0755 cowspace /run/archiso/cowspace
-    fi
-    mkdir -p "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}"
-    chmod 0700 "/run/archiso/cowspace/${cow_directory}"
-    if [ -f "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.sfs" ]; then
-        _mnt_sfs "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.sfs" "/run/archiso/airootfs"
-    elif [ -f "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.erofs" ]; then
-        _mnt_erofs "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.erofs" "/run/archiso/airootfs"
-    fi
-    if [ -f "/run/archiso/airootfs/airootfs.img" ]; then
-        _mnt_dmsnapshot "/run/archiso/airootfs/airootfs.img" "${newroot}" "/"
-    else
-        _mnt_overlayfs "/run/archiso/airootfs" "${newroot}" "/"
-    fi
-    if [ "${copytoram}" = "y" ]; then
-        umount -d /run/archiso/bootmnt
-        rmdir /run/archiso/bootmnt
-    fi
-# vim: set ft=sh:
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_loop_mnt b/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_loop_mnt
deleted file mode 100644
index 41899e46b01d8bea87b6413c9d084e18145542d7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_loop_mnt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-run_hook () {
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    [ -n "${img_label}" ] && img_dev="/dev/disk/by-label/${img_label}"
-    [ -z "${img_flags}" ] && img_flags="defaults"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ -n "${img_dev}" ] && [ -n "${img_loop}" ]; then
-        export mount_handler="archiso_loop_mount_handler"
-    fi
-archiso_loop_mount_handler () {
-    newroot="${1}"
-    local _dev_loop
-    msg ":: Setup a loop device from ${img_loop} located at device ${img_dev}"
-    _mnt_dev "${img_dev}" "/run/archiso/img_dev" "-r" "${img_flags}"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ "${copytoram}" != "y" ]; then
-        readlink -f "${img_dev}" >> /run/archiso/used_block_devices
-    fi
-    if _dev_loop=$(losetup --find --show --read-only "/run/archiso/img_dev/${img_loop}"); then
-        export archisodevice="${_dev_loop}"
-    else
-        echo "ERROR: Setting loopback device for file '/run/archiso/img_dev/${img_loop}'"
-        launch_interactive_shell
-    fi
-    archiso_mount_handler "${newroot}"
-    if [ "${copytoram}" = "y" ]; then
-        losetup -d "${_dev_loop}" 2>/dev/null
-        umount /run/archiso/img_dev
-    fi
-# vim: set ft=sh:
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_common b/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_common
deleted file mode 100644
index 00507cb25f6ac691ab8777542c415223899058e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_common
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-run_hook () {
-    # Do *not* declare 'bootif_dev' local! We need it in run_latehook().
-    local i net_mac bootif_mac
-    # These variables will be parsed from /tmp/net-*.conf generated by ipconfig
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2034
-    if [ -n "${ip}" ]; then
-        if [ -n "${BOOTIF}" ]; then
-            bootif_mac="${BOOTIF#01-}"
-            # shellcheck disable=SC2169,SC3060
-            # ash supports bash-like string replacment
-            bootif_mac="${bootif_mac//-/:}"
-            for i in /sys/class/net/*/address; do
-                read -r net_mac < "${i}"
-                if [ "${bootif_mac}" = "${net_mac}" ]; then
-                    bootif_dev=${i#/sys/class/net/}
-                    bootif_dev=${bootif_dev%/address}
-                    break
-                fi
-            done
-            if [ "${ip}" = "dhcp" ]; then
-                ip=":::::${bootif_dev}:dhcp"
-            else
-                ip="${ip}::${bootif_dev}"
-            fi
-        fi
-        # setup network and save some values
-        if ! ipconfig -t 20 "ip=${ip}"; then
-            echo "ERROR; Failed to configure network"
-            echo "   Falling back to interactive prompt"
-            echo "   You can try to fix the problem manually, log out when you are finished"
-            launch_interactive_shell
-        fi
-        # shellcheck disable=SC1090
-        # ipconfig generates these files
-        . /tmp/net-*.conf
-        export pxeserver="${ROOTSERVER}"
-        # setup DNS resolver
-        if [ "${IPV4DNS0}" != "" ]; then
-            echo "# added by archiso_pxe_common hook" > /etc/resolv.conf
-            echo "nameserver ${IPV4DNS0}" >> /etc/resolv.conf
-        fi
-        if [ "${IPV4DNS1}" != "" ]; then
-            echo "nameserver ${IPV4DNS1}" >> /etc/resolv.conf
-        fi
-        if [ -n "${DNSDOMAIN}" ]; then
-            echo "search ${DNSDOMAIN}" >> /etc/resolv.conf
-            echo "domain ${DNSDOMAIN}" >> /etc/resolv.conf
-        fi
-    fi
-run_latehook () {
-    if [ -n "${ip}" ]; then
-        [ -z "${copy_resolvconf}" ] && copy_resolvconf="y"
-        # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-        # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-        if [ "${copytoram}" = "y" ]; then
-            for curif in /sys/class/net/*; do
-                netdev=${curif#/sys/class/net/}
-                ip addr flush dev "${netdev}"
-                ip link set "${netdev}" down
-            done
-        elif [ "${copy_resolvconf}" != "n" ] && [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ]; then
-            rm -f /new_root/etc/resolv.conf
-            cp /etc/resolv.conf /new_root/etc/resolv.conf
-        fi
-    fi
-# vim: set ft=sh:
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_http b/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_http
deleted file mode 100644
index 43b8b4b8719f030a99cda370f42b941a43f22cd7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_http
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-run_hook() {
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ -n "${ip}" ] && [ -n "${archiso_http_srv}" ]; then
-        # booting with http is always copy-to-ram, so set here to make sure
-        # addresses are flushed and interface is set down
-        export copytoram="y"
-        archiso_http_srv=$(eval echo "${archiso_http_srv}")
-        [ -z "${archiso_http_spc}" ] && archiso_http_spc="75%"
-        export mount_handler="archiso_pxe_http_mount_handler"
-    fi
-# Fetch a file with CURL
-# $1 URL
-# $2 Destination directory inside httpspace/${archisobasedir}
-_curl_get() {
-    local _url="${1}"
-    local _dst="${2}"
-    msg ":: Downloading '${_url}'"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if ! curl -L -f -o "/run/archiso/httpspace/${archisobasedir}${_dst}/${_url##*/}" --create-dirs "${_url}"; then
-        echo "ERROR: Downloading '${_url}'"
-        echo "   Falling back to interactive prompt"
-        echo "   You can try to fix the problem manually, log out when you are finished"
-        launch_interactive_shell
-    fi
-archiso_pxe_http_mount_handler () {
-    newroot="${1}"
-    local img_type="sfs"
-    msg ":: Mounting /run/archiso/httpspace (tmpfs) filesystem, size='${archiso_http_spc}'"
-    mkdir -p "/run/archiso/httpspace"
-    mount -t tmpfs -o size="${archiso_http_spc}",mode=0755 httpspace "/run/archiso/httpspace"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if ! curl -L -f -o /dev/null -s -r 0-0 "${archiso_http_srv}${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.sfs"; then
-        if curl -L -f -o /dev/null -s -r 0-0 "${archiso_http_srv}${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.erofs"; then
-            img_type="erofs"
-        fi
-    fi
-    _curl_get "${archiso_http_srv}${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.${img_type}" "/${arch}"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ "${checksum}" = "y" ]; then
-        _curl_get "${archiso_http_srv}${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.sha512" "/${arch}"
-    fi
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ "${verify}" = "y" ]; then
-        _curl_get "${archiso_http_srv}${archisobasedir}/${arch}/airootfs.${img_type}.sig" "/${arch}"
-    fi
-    mkdir -p "/run/archiso/bootmnt"
-    mount -o bind /run/archiso/httpspace /run/archiso/bootmnt
-    archiso_mount_handler "${newroot}"
-# vim: set ft=sh:
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_nbd b/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_nbd
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ac44e71f210e2cf7a3a6bc4007f124d0adf4bc9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_nbd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-run_earlyhook() {
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ -n "${ip}" ] && [ -n "${archiso_nbd_srv}" ]; then
-        # Module autoloading like with loop devices does not work, doing manually...
-        modprobe nbd 2> /dev/null
-    fi
-run_hook() {
-    if [ -n "${ip}" ] && [ -n "${archiso_nbd_srv}" ]; then
-        archiso_nbd_srv=$(eval echo "${archiso_nbd_srv}")
-        [ -z "${archiso_nbd_name}" ] && archiso_nbd_name="archiso"
-        export mount_handler="archiso_pxe_nbd_mount_handler"
-    fi
-archiso_pxe_nbd_mount_handler () {
-    newroot="${1}"
-    msg ":: Waiting for boot device..."
-    while ! poll_device /dev/nbd0 30; do
-        echo "ERROR: boot device didn't show up after 30 seconds..."
-        echo "   Falling back to interactive prompt"
-        echo "   You can try to fix the problem manually, log out when you are finished"
-        launch_interactive_shell
-    done
-    msg ":: Setup NBD from ${archiso_nbd_srv} at /dev/nbd0"
-    if [ "${copytoram}" != "n" ]; then
-        nbd-client "${archiso_nbd_srv}" -N "${archiso_nbd_name}" /dev/nbd0
-        copytoram="y"
-    else
-        nbd-client "${archiso_nbd_srv}" -N "${archiso_nbd_name}" -systemd-mark -persist /dev/nbd0
-    fi
-    export archisodevice=/dev/nbd0
-    archiso_mount_handler "${newroot}"
-    if [ "${copytoram}" = "y" ]; then
-        msg ":: Disconnect NBD from ${archiso_nbd_srv} at /dev/nbd0"
-        nbd-client -d /dev/nbd0
-    fi
-# vim: set ft=sh:
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_nfs b/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_nfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d3964b0e35b86ce6d0b955afaacd3a248e669b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_pxe_nfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-run_hook() {
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ -n "${ip}" ] && [ -n "${archiso_nfs_srv}" ]; then
-        archiso_nfs_srv=$(eval echo "${archiso_nfs_srv}")
-        export mount_handler="archiso_nfs_mount_handler"
-    fi
-archiso_nfs_mount_handler() {
-    local mount_status
-    newroot="${1}"
-    mkdir -p "/run/archiso/bootmnt"
-    msg ":: Mounting '${archiso_nfs_srv}'"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    # defined via initcpio's parse_cmdline()
-    if [ -n "${archiso_nfs_opt}" ]; then
-        nfsmount -o "${archiso_nfs_opt}" "${archiso_nfs_srv}" "/run/archiso/bootmnt"
-        mount_status=$?
-    else
-        nfsmount "${archiso_nfs_srv}" "/run/archiso/bootmnt"
-        mount_status=$?
-    fi
-    if [ $mount_status -gt 0 ]; then
-        echo "ERROR: Mounting '${archiso_nfs_srv}'"
-        echo "   Falling back to interactive prompt"
-        echo "   You can try to fix the problem manually, log out when you are finished"
-        launch_interactive_shell
-    fi
-    if [ "${copytoram}" != "n" ]; then
-        copytoram="y"
-    fi
-    archiso_mount_handler "${newroot}"
-# vim: set ft=sh:
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_shutdown b/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_shutdown
deleted file mode 100644
index ebb6b11053e56cd7487e8a1ffee8a5074137f00e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/hooks/archiso_shutdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-run_cleanuphook() {
-    rm -rf /usr/lib/modules
-    cp -ax / /run/initramfs
-# vim: set ft=sh:
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso b/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso
deleted file mode 100644
index c64e10e286c881339773fb8e138583f08de42f86..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-build() {
-    add_module "cdrom"
-    add_module "loop"
-    add_module "dm-snapshot"
-    add_module "overlay"
-    add_runscript
-    add_binary /usr/lib/udev/cdrom_id
-    add_binary blockdev
-    add_binary dmsetup
-    add_binary losetup
-    add_binary mountpoint
-    add_binary truncate
-    add_binary gpg
-    add_binary grep
-    if command -v pv > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      add_binary pv
-    else
-      warning 'pv not found; falling back to cp for copy to RAM'
-    fi
-    add_file /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-cdrom_id.rules
-    add_file /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/10-dm.rules
-    add_file /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/95-dm-notify.rules
-    add_file /usr/lib/initcpio/udev/11-dm-initramfs.rules /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/11-dm-initramfs.rules
-    if [[ $ARCHISO_GNUPG_FD ]]; then
-        mkdir -m 0700 -- "$BUILDROOT/gpg"
-        gpg --homedir "$BUILDROOT/gpg" --import <& "$ARCHISO_GNUPG_FD"
-    fi
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_kms b/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_kms
deleted file mode 100644
index 81291279e3e36b7719d4488a7ebcdce02b558656..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_kms
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-build() {
-    add_module "amdgpu"
-    add_module "radeon"
-    add_module "nouveau"
-    add_module "i915"
-    add_module "mgag200"
-    add_module "via-agp"
-    add_module "sis-agp"
-    add_module "intel-agp"
-    if [[ $(uname -m) == i686 ]]; then
-        add_module "amd64-agp"
-        add_module "ati-agp"
-        add_module "sworks-agp"
-        add_module "ali-agp"
-        add_module "amd-k7-agp"
-        add_module "nvidia-agp"
-        add_module "efficeon-agp"
-    fi
-help() {
-    cat << HELPEOF
-Adds all common KMS drivers to the initramfs image.
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_loop_mnt b/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_loop_mnt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f2c529949ad53fcca2b73d9587d4141376ad2c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_loop_mnt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-build() {
-    add_runscript
-help() {
-  This hook loads the necessary modules for boot via loop device.
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_common b/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_common
deleted file mode 100644
index 458fa699edc17d5cd6d868bc1ae7beaf3833607b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_common
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-build() {
-    add_checked_modules -f "(irda|phy|wimax|wireless|ppp_|plip|pppoe)" "/drivers/net/"
-    add_runscript
-    add_binary /usr/lib/initcpio/ipconfig /bin/ipconfig
-    # Add hosts support files+dns
-    add_symlink /usr/lib/libnss_files.so.2 "$(readlink /usr/lib/libnss_files.so.2)"
-    add_binary "$(readlink -f /usr/lib/libnss_files.so.2)"
-    add_symlink /usr/lib/libnss_dns.so.2 "$(readlink /usr/lib/libnss_dns.so.2)"
-    add_binary "$(readlink -f /usr/lib/libnss_dns.so.2)"
-    add_dir /etc
-    echo "hosts: files dns" > "$BUILDROOT/etc/nsswitch.conf"
-help() {
-  This hook loads the necessary modules for boot via PXE.
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_http b/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_http
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e80852a01e69d48475abcecd8353fc8e0d89306..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_http
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-build() {
-    add_runscript
-    add_binary curl
-    add_file "$(readlink -f /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt)" /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
-help() {
-  This hook loads the necessary modules for boot via PXE and HTTP.
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_nbd b/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_nbd
deleted file mode 100644
index b4fb3b6059f945c08d2c5aa9efe4399e2789af34..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_nbd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-build() {
-    add_module "nbd"
-    add_runscript
-    add_binary nbd-client
-help() {
-  This hook loads the necessary modules for boot via PXE and NBD.
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_nfs b/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_nfs
deleted file mode 100644
index efd609de34df549fe7cf5c0523f922c25c7afce1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_pxe_nfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-build() {
-    add_module "nfs"
-    add_runscript
-    add_binary /usr/lib/initcpio/nfsmount /bin/nfsmount
-help() {
-    cat <<HELPEOF
-  This hook loads the necessary modules for boot via PXE and NFS.
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_shutdown b/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_shutdown
deleted file mode 100644
index b2c6bd47c3d1f19aaad941b9d3b951a088b249b4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/install/archiso_shutdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-build() {
-    add_binary cp
-    add_runscript
-    add_file /usr/lib/initcpio/archiso_shutdown /shutdown
-help() {
-    cat <<HELPEOF
-This hook will create a shutdown initramfs in /run/initramfs
-that we can pivot to on shutdown in order to unmount / and
-and other mount points, dm-snapshot and loopback devices.
-Mostly useful for persistent dm-snapshot.
diff --git a/archiso/initcpio/script/archiso_shutdown b/archiso/initcpio/script/archiso_shutdown
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a8a798e8d7adb9931b99a4d2a443c38760b556..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/archiso/initcpio/script/archiso_shutdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# /oldroot depends on things inside /oldroot/run/archiso...
-mkdir /oldrun
-mount -n --move /oldroot/run /oldrun
-# Unmount all mounts now.
-umount "$(mount | awk '$3 ~/^\/oldroot/ {print $3}' | sort -r)"
-# Remove all dm-snapshot devices.
-dmsetup remove_all
-# Remove all loopback devices.
-for _lup in $(grep ^/dev/loop /oldrun/archiso/used_block_devices | tac); do
-    if ! losetup -d -- "${_lup}" 2> /dev/null; then
-        umount -d -- "${_lup}"
-    fi
-# Unmount the space used to store *.cow.
-umount /oldrun/archiso/cowspace
-# Unmount boot device if needed (no copytoram=y used)
-if [ ! -d /oldrun/archiso/copytoram ]; then
-    if [ -d /oldrun/archiso/img_dev ]; then
-        umount /oldrun/archiso/img_dev
-    else
-        umount /oldrun/archiso/bootmnt
-    fi
-# reboot / poweroff / halt, depending on the argument passed by init
-# if something invalid is passed, we halt
-case "$1" in
-  reboot|poweroff|halt) "$1" -f ;;
-  *) halt -f;;
-# vim: set ft=sh:
diff --git a/docs/README.altbootmethods b/docs/README.altbootmethods
deleted file mode 100644
index 544e49b79279f8d393819df6ebc5c46a02352a91..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/README.altbootmethods
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-* Alternative boot methods (configs/releng)
-  * ISO in loopback mode
-  * ISO in memdisk mode
-  * Network booting (PXE) [first stage]
-    * DHCP + TFTP
-    * DHCP + HTTP
-    * HTTP/NFS/NBD [second stage]
-*** Alternative boot methods (configs/releng)
-ISO images names consist of: archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-x86_64.iso
-    <YYYY> Year
-    <MM> Month
-    <DD> Day
-** ISO in loopback mode.
-Note: Described method is for using with GRUB2.
-      GRUB2 is installed on target media and archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-x86_64.iso
-      is at path <TARGET-PATH> on disk <D> and partition <P>,
-      where filesystem is labeled as <TARGET-FS-LABEL>.
-menuentry "Arch Linux (x86_64)" {
-    set isofile="/<TARGET-PATH>/archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-x86_64.iso"
-    loopback loop (hd<D>,<P>)$isofile
-    linux (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz img_label=<TARGET-FS-LABEL> img_loop=$isofile
-    initrd (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/archiso.img
-** ISO in memdisk mode.
-Note: Described method is for using with SYSLINUX. Anyway MEMDISK from SYSLINUX can work
-      with other bootloaders.
-      SYSLINUX is installed on target media and archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-x86_64.iso
-      is at path <TARGET-PATH>.
-LABEL arch_x64
-   LINUX memdisk
-   INITRD /<TARGET-PATH>/archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-x86_64.iso
-   APPEND iso
-** Network booting (PXE).
-All ISOs are ready to act as PXE server, some manual steps are needed
-to setup the desired PXE boot mode.
-Alternatively it is possible to use an existing PXE server following the same logic.
-Note: Setup network first, adjust IP adresses, and respect all slashes "/".
-First stage is for loading kernel and initramfs via PXE, two methods described here:
-Note: All NIC firmwares should support this.
-# dnsmasq --port=0 \
-          --enable-tftp \
-          --tftp-root=/run/archiso/bootmnt \
-          --dhcp-range=,,86400 \
-          --dhcp-boot=/arch/boot/syslinux/lpxelinux.0 \
-          --dhcp-option-force=209,boot/syslinux/archiso.cfg \
-          --dhcp-option-force=210,/arch/
-Note: Not all NIC firmware supports HTTP and DNS (if domain name is used).
-      At least this works with iPXE and gPXE.
-# dnsmasq --port=0 \
-          --dhcp-range=,,86400 \
-          --dhcp-boot= \
-          --dhcp-option-force=209,boot/syslinux/archiso.cfg \
-          --dhcp-option-force=210,
-Once the kernel is started from PXE, SquashFS files and other misc files
-inside "arch" directory must be loaded (second stage). One of the following
-methods can be used to serve the rest of live-medium.
-# darkhttpd /run/archiso/bootmnt
-* NFS
-# echo "/run/archiso/bootmnt 192.168.0.*(ro,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports
-# systemctl start nfs-server.service
-* NBD
-Note: Adjust ARCH_201703 as needed.
-# cat << EOF > /tmp/nbd-server.conf
-    readonly = true
-    exportname = /dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201703
-# nbd-server -C /tmp/nbd-server.conf
diff --git a/docs/README.bootparams b/docs/README.bootparams
deleted file mode 100644
index 60d9ccb36b483cbf2815cb3ede1efdcd5185bfef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/README.bootparams
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-* Boot parameters (initramfs stage)
-  * hooks/archiso
-  * hooks/archiso_pxe_common
-  * hooks/archiso_pxe_nbd
-  * hooks/archiso_pxe_http
-  * hooks/archiso_pxe_nfs
-  * hooks/archiso_loop_mnt
-* Boot parameters (configs/releng)
-  * scripts/choose-mirror
-*** Boot parameters (initramfs stage)
-** hooks/archiso
-* archisolabel=     Set the filesystem label where archiso files reside.
-                    Default: (unset)
-* archisodevice=    Set the device node where archiso medium is located.
-                    Default: "/dev/disk/by-label/${archisolabel}"
-* archisobasedir=   Set the base directory where all files reside.
-                    Default: "arch"
-* copytoram=        If set to "y" or just "copytoram" without arguments,
-                    all SquashFS are copied to "RAM". If you add the package
-                    "pv" to the packages.x86_64 it is used to display the copy
-                    progress.
-                    Default: (unset)
-* checksum=         If set to "y" or just "checksum" without arguments,
-                    performs a self-test of all files inside ${install_dir},
-                    and continue booting if ok.
-                    Default: (unset)
-* cow_label=        Set the filesystem label where COW file (for dm-snapshot)
-                    or upperdir/workdir files (for overlayfs) must be stored.
-                    Default: (unset)
-* cow_device=       Like cow_label= but using device node.
-                    Default: (unset) or "/dev/disk/by-label/${cow_label}"
-* cow_flags=        Set extra mount options, e.g. for btrfs subvolumes.
-                    Default: defaults
-* cow_directory=    Set a directory inside ${cow_device}.
-                    Default: "/persistent_${archisolabel}/${arch}"
-* cow_persistent=   Set if snapshot is persistent "P" or non-persistent "N".
-                    Only used for dm-snapshot mode, ignored for overlayfs.
-                    Default: "N" (if no ${cow_device} is used) otherwise "P".
-* cow_spacesize=    Set the size for COW space (tmpfs). Valid for both
-                    dm-snapshot and overlayfs mode.
-                    The argument is an integer and optional unit.
-                    Units are M,G (powers of 1024).
-                    Default: "256M"
-* cow_chunksize=    Set chunksize used for dm-snapshot. This is number
-                    of 512 byte blocks to write at once.
-                    Default: "8"
-* copytoram_size=   Set the size of tmpfs. This space is used for
-                    airootfs.sfs image if copytoram=y.
-                    Size is in bytes (suffix with "k", "m" and "g") or
-                    in percentage of available RAM.
-                    Default: "75%"
-* dm_snap_prefix=   Set a prefix for dm-snapshot node names.
-                    Only used for dm-snapshot mode, ignored for overlayfs.
-                    Default: "arch"
-* arch=             Force an architecture type (i686 | x86_64).
-                    Do not set it for normal operations.
-                    Default: (architecture of running kernel)
-** hooks/archiso_pxe_common
-* ip=               This parameter is setup automatically by PXELINUX
-                    when option "SYSAPPEND" is set to 1 or 2 in config.
-                    ip=<client-ip>:<boot-server-ip>:<gw-ip>:<netmask>
-                    Default: (set via PXE server)
-* BOOTIF=           This parameter is setup automatically by PXELINUX
-                    when option "SYSAPPEND" is set to 2 or 3 in config.
-                    BOOTIF=<hardware-address-of-boot-interface>
-                    Default: (set via PXELINUX)
-* copy_resolvconf=  Copy /etc/resolv.conf from initramfs to live-enviroment.
-                    Set to "n" to skip them.
-                    Default: "y"
-** hooks/archiso_pxe_nbd
-* archiso_nbd_name= Set NBD export name used by the server.
-                    Default: archiso
-* archiso_nbd_srv=  Set an IP address where NBD reside.
-                    If ${pxeserver} is used, PXE IP will be used.
-                    Default: (unset)
-** hooks/archiso_pxe_http
-* archiso_http_srv= Set an HTTP URL (must end with /) where ${archisobasedir}
-                    is found with all *.sfs files.
-                    In the IP/domain part if ${pxeserver} is used, use PXE IP.
-                    Default: (unset)
-* archiso_http_spc= Set the size of tmpfs where *.sfs files are downloaded.
-                    Default: "75%"
-** hooks/archiso_pxe_nfs
-* archiso_nfs_srv=  Set the NFS-IP:/path of the server
-                    In the IP part if ${pxeserver} is used, PXE IP will be used.
-                    Default: (unset)
-* archiso_nfs_opt=  Set NFS mount options separated by comma.
-                    Default: (unset, see below)
-                    These are the implicit options:
-                      port            = as given by server portmap daemon
-                      rsize           = 1024
-                      wsize           = 1024
-                      timeo           = 7
-                      retrans         = 3
-                      acregmin        = 3
-                      acregmax        = 60
-                      acdirmin        = 30
-                      acdirmax        = 60
-                      flags           = hard, nointr, noposix, cto, ac
-** hooks/archiso_loop_mnt
-* img_label=        Set the filesystem label where archiso-image.iso.
-                    Default: (unset)
-* img_dev=          Device where archiso-image.iso reside.
-                    Default: (unset) or "/dev/disk/by-label/${img_label}"
-* img_flags=        Set extra mount options, e.g. for btrfs subvolumes.
-                    Default: defaults
-* img_loop=         Full path where archiso-image.iso is located on ${img_dev}
-                    Default: (unset)
-*** Boot parameters (configs/releng)
-** scripts/choose-mirror
-* mirror=           Takes a mirror URL and creates a new mirrorlist.
-                    When setting mirror=auto, the mirror is taken from
-                    archiso_http_srv= in order to keep using the mirror
-                    selected in the netboot menu.
-                    Default: (unset)
-* script=           Takes a local file path or a URL to a script file which is
-                    executed from a temporary location after boot. If the
-                    parameter points at a remote file (supported protocols are
-                    http, https and ftp), it will be downloaded before execution.
-                    Default: (unset)