pacstrap -P (copy pacman.conf) broken
The fix for archlinux/packaging/packages/arch-install-scripts#3 (closed) with commit a60ad803 appears to have broken pacstrap -P
option. The tmp pacman.conf
used for pacstrap is created with $(mktemp -t pacman.conf.XXXX) and has perm 600. Then pacstrap -P
copies this file to the target where, along with the undesired edits, it is unreadable for non-root users.
$ mkdir root; sudo pacstrap -c -P root base
$ ls -l root/etc/pacman.conf
-rw------- 1 root root 3049 Sep 17 11:41 root/etc/pacman.conf
$ grep User root/etc/pacman.conf
grep: root/etc/pacman.conf: Permission denied
$ sudo grep User root/etc/pacman.conf
#DownloadUser = alpm
Simple fix to not update the -pacman_config