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Read openmetrics of different types

David Runge requested to merge issues/11 into master

arch_release_promotion/ Add Metric, SizeMetric, AmountMetric and |VersionMetric| models, that track metrics with size, amount or version (respectively). Change the Release model to use amount_metrics, size_metrics and version_metrics attributes instead of info.

arch_release_promotion/ Change the ReleaseConfig model to track version_metrics, size_metrics and amount_metrics instead of info_metrics.

arch_release_promotion/ Change read_metrics_file() to return a tuple of AmountMetric, SizeMetric and VersionMetric lists and read the provided file only if it exists.

arch_release_promotion/ Change main() to correctly initialize instances of Release with the different types of metrics.

tests/*: Change the tests to match the changes in signature and attributes.

Fixes #11 (closed)

Merge request reports