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  • strit/archlinux-keyring
  • hashworks/archlinux-keyring
  • mh4ckt3mh4ckt1c4s/archlinux-keyring
  • ptr1337/archlinux-keyring
  • anonfunc/archlinux-keyring
  • bertptrs/archlinux-keyring
  • ainola/archlinux-keyring
  • carsme/archlinux-keyring
  • kgizdov/arch-linux-keyring
  • foutrelis/archlinux-keyring
  • polyzen/archlinux-keyring
  • lahwaacz/archlinux-keyring
  • tcanabrava/archlinux-keyring
  • tpkessler/archlinux-keyring
  • muflone/archlinux-keyring
  • serebit/archlinux-keyring
  • idevolder/archlinux-keyring
  • heftig/archlinux-keyring
  • daurnimator/archlinux-keyring
  • alerque/archlinux-keyring
  • wiktor/archlinux-keyring
  • torxed/archlinux-keyring
  • gromit/archlinux-keyring
  • ram-z/archlinux-keyring
  • antiz/archlinux-keyring
  • bgyorgy/archlinux-keyring
  • jleclanche/archlinux-keyring
  • jelle/archlinux-keyring
  • rgacogne/archlinux-keyring
  • ar84eg321/archlinux-keyring
  • foxboron/archlinux-keyring
  • archlinux/archlinux-keyring
32 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (685)
with 286 additions and 23387 deletions
......@@ -3,6 +3,14 @@ root = true
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
insert_final_newline = true
update-keys export-ignore
.gitattributes export-ignore
.gitignore export-ignore
master-keyids export-ignore
packager-keyids export-ignore
master export-ignore
packager export-ignore
.editorconfig export-ignore
master-revoked-keyids export-ignore
master-revoked export-ignore
packager-revoked-keyids export-ignore
packager-revoked export-ignore
......@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ image: archlinux:latest
- test
- wkd
stage: test
needs: []
- pacman-key --init
- pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm make flake8 mypy python-black python-isort
- make lint
......@@ -23,9 +25,14 @@ test:
stage: test
needs: []
- pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm make python sequoia-sq python-coverage python-pytest python-tomli
- pacman-key --init
- pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm make python sequoia-sq python-coverage python-pytest python-tomli wkd-exporter
- make test
- make wkd
- make wkd
- make wkd_inspect
- make wkd_inspect
- keyringctl
......@@ -33,41 +40,59 @@ test:
- tests/*
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- Makefile
coverage: '/TOTAL.*\s([.\d]+)%/'
when: always
coverage_format: cobertura
path: build/coverage.xml
junit: build/junit-report.xml
cobertura: build/coverage.xml
stage: test
needs: []
- pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm make python sequoia-sq
- pacman-key --init
- pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm make pkgconf python sequoia-sq systemd
- ./keyringctl import --main master master-revoked
- ./keyringctl import packager packager-revoked
- make
- make install PREFIX=/usr
- pacman-key --init
- pacman-key --populate archlinux
- pacman-key --updatedb
- pacman -Syu
stage: test
needs: []
- pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm make python sequoia-sq
- pacman-key --init
- pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm make python sequoia-sq git
- ./keyringctl import --main master master-revoked
- ./keyringctl import packager packager-revoked
- ./keyringctl check
- ./keyringctl ci
- keyring
- keyring/**/*
- keyringctl
- libkeyringctl/*
- tests/*
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- Makefile
stage: wkd
needs: []
- secure
- pacman-key --init
- pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm make python sequoia-sq wkd-exporter
- make wkd
- make wkd
- make wkd_inspect
- make wkd_inspect
- cp -r build/wkd/ public
- public
- if: $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "archlinux/archlinux-keyring" && $CI_COMMIT_TAG
* @archlinux/teams/main-key-holders
set -eo pipefail
if [[ -z "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA}" ]]; then
exit 1
GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir archlinux-keyring-XXXXXXXXX)"
for NEW_KEY in $(git diff --color=never "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA}" -- master-keyids packager-keyids | grep -oP '^\+(\K[A-Z0-9]{40})'); do
echo "Receive gpg key ${NEW_KEY} ..."
gpg --recv "${NEW_KEY}"
echo "Export gpg key ${NEW_KEY} ..."
gpg --export "${NEW_KEY}" > "${GNUPGHOME}/${NEW_KEY}"
echo "Lint gpg key ${NEW_KEY} via hokey..."
hokey lint < "${GNUPGHOME}/${NEW_KEY}"
echo "Lint gpg key ${NEW_KEY} via sq-keyring-linter..."
sq-keyring-linter "${GNUPGHOME}/${NEW_KEY}"
for REMOVED_KEY in $(git diff --color=never "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA}" -- packager-keyids | grep -oP '^\-(\K[A-Z0-9]{40})'); do
echo "Check if removed packager key ${REMOVED_KEY} is added to revoked keys..."
git diff --color=never "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA}" -- packager-revoked-keyids | grep -E "^\+${REMOVED_KEY}\s"
echo "Receive gpg key ${REMOVED_KEY} ..."
gpg --recv "${REMOVED_KEY}"
echo "Check if key ${SHORT_KEYID} is still used by a package..."
if pacman -Sii | grep -m1 "${SHORT_KEYID}"; then
exit 1
This template is used when a new main PGP public key needs to be added to the
distribution's keyring.
This template is used when a new main PGP public key needs to be added to the distribution's keyring.
It is used by users with a valid packager key.
NOTE: All comment sections with a MODIFY note need to be edited.
All checkboxes in the "Checks" section labeled as "Owner of new key" need to be checked by the owner of the new key.
/assign @allan @anthraxx @bluewind @dvzrv @pierre
/assign @archlinux/teams/main-key-holders
/label ~"new main key"
/title New main key of <!-- MODIFY: Add new main key holder's username -->
Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the
issue and assign relevant users.
<!-- Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the issue and assign relevant users. -->
# Add a new main key
## Details
- Username: <!-- MODIFY: Add the @-prefixed username -->
- PGP key ID: <!-- MODIFY: Add the "long format" key ID of the new PGP public key here -->
- PGP key ID: <!-- MODIFY: Add the output of `gpg --keyid-format long --list-key <MY UID> | sed -n '2p' | tr -d ' '` here -->
- Revocation Certificate Holder: <!-- MODIFY: Add the @-prefixed username of the revocation certificate holder -->
NOTE: Attach the above information as a clearsigned document to this ticket
using a valid packager key of the user.
MODIFY: Attach the above information of the details section as a clearsigned document (see to this ticket using a valid packager key of the user:
* Select the above text, copy/paste it into a file (e.g. `details.txt`).
* Make sure to sign with the root certificate of the packager key (not any of the subkeys!): `gpg --armor --default-key <fingerprint_of_root>! --clearsign details.txt`
* Upload `details.txt` as attachment to this ticket.
## Checks
### New key owner
- [ ] The [workflow for adding a new main
has been followed
- [ ] The key pair has been validated according to the [best
- [ ] The data in the [Details](#details) section is attached to this issue as
a clearsigned document
- [ ] The revocation certificate has been sent in an encrypted message to the
revocation certificate holder
- [ ] The public key has been uploaded to the SKS infrastructure
**NOTE**: The below check boxes **must be** checked before the accompanying merge request to add the new main key can be merged.
### Keyring maintainer
### Owner of new key
- [ ] The key pair has been validated according to the [best
- [ ] The data in the [Details](#details) section is correct and signed with a
valid and trusted packager key, which is part of `pacman-key`
- [ ] The [workflow for adding a new main key] has been followed
- [ ] The key pair has been validated according to the [best practices]
- [ ] The data in the [Details] section is attached to this issue as a clearsigned document
- [ ] The revocation certificate has been sent in an encrypted message to the revocation certificate holder
- [ ] The public key has been uploaded to the `` and `` keyservers, and the `` UID has been verified on the `` keyserver.
Optionally the key can also be uploaded to the `` keyserver, but this is no longer mandatory as it's frequently flaky.
- [ ] A merge request to add the new public key has been created
### Revocation Certificate Holder
- [ ] The revocation certificate has been [verified
as working](
and confirmed in a comment to this issue
- [ ] The revocation certificate has been backed up in a dedicated encrypted backup storage
- [ ] The revocation certificate has been [verified as working] and confirmed in a comment to this issue
- [ ] The revocation certificate has been backed up on a dedicated encrypted backup storage medium
### Main key holders
- [ ] The data in the [Details](#details) section is correct and signed with a valid and trusted packager key, which is already part of `archlinux-keyring`
[workflow for adding a new main key]:
[best practices]:
[Details]: #details
[verified as working]:
This template is used when a new packager PGP public key needs to be added to
the distribution's keyring.
It is either used by the sponsor of a new packager or by an existing packager
when adding a new key for themself.
This template is used when a new packager PGP public key needs to be added to the distribution's keyring.
It is either used by the sponsor of a new packager or by an existing packager when adding a new key for themself.
NOTE: All comment sections with a MODIFY note need to be edited.
All checkboxes in the "Checks" section labeled as "Owner of new key" need to be checked by the owner of the new key or by a sponsor of a new packager.
/assign @allan @anthraxx @bluewind @dvzrv @pierre
/assign @archlinux/teams/main-key-holders
/label ~"new packager key"
/title New packager key of <!-- MODIFY: Add new packager key holder's username -->
Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the
issue and assign relevant users.
<!-- Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the issue and assign relevant users. -->
# Add a new packager key
## Details
- Username: <!-- MODIFY: Add the @-prefixed username -->
- PGP key ID: <!-- MODIFY: Add the "long format" key ID of the new PGP public key here -->
- PGP key ID: <!-- MODIFY: Add the output of `gpg --keyid-format long --list-key <MY UID> | sed -n '2p' | tr -d ' '` here -->
- Sponsors: <!-- MODIFY: Add the @-prefixed usernames of the sponsors -->
- Application: <!-- MODIFY: Add link to application, if this is the key of a new packager, else remove -->
- Results: <!-- MODIFY: Add link to results of application, if this is the key of a new packager, else remove -->
- Previous Key: <!-- MODIFY: Add the output of `gpg --keyid-format long --list-key <MY PREVIOUS ID> | sed -n '2p' | tr -d ' '` here if another packager key exists already, else remove -->
NOTE: Attach the above information as a clearsigned document to this ticket.
MODIFY: Attach the above information of the details section as a clearsigned document (see to this ticket.
If a previous (valid and trusted) packager key of the user exists, it needs to be used for clearsigning the document.
If the key of a new packager is added, one of their sponsors needs to clearsign the details section.
If this is the key of a new packager, one of their sponsors needs to do the
If this is a new key of an already existing packager, the packager themself
needs to do the signature.
* Select the above text, copy/paste it into a file (e.g. `details.txt`).
* Make sure to sign with the root certificate of the packager key (not any of the subkeys!): `gpg --armor --default-key <fingerprint_of_root>! --clearsign details.txt`
* Upload `details.txt` as attachment to this ticket.
## Checks
### New key owner
### Owner of new key
- [ ] The [workflow for adding a new packager
has been followed
- [ ] The key pair contains one user ID with a valid `<username>` email address
used for signing
- [ ] The key pair has been validated according to the [best
- [ ] The data in the [Details](#details) section is attached to this issue as
a clearsigned document
- [ ] The public key has been uploaded to the SKS infrastructure
- [ ] The [workflow for adding a new packager key] has been followed
- [ ] The key pair contains one user ID with a valid `<username>` email address used for signing
- [ ] The key pair has been validated according to the [best practices]
- [ ] The data in the [Details] section is attached to this issue as a clearsigned document
- [ ] The public key has been uploaded to the `` and `` keyservers, and the `` UID has been verified on the `` keyserver.
Optionally the key can also be uploaded to the `` keyserver, but this is no longer mandatory as it's frequently flaky.
- [ ] A merge request to add the new public key has been created
### Main key holders
- [ ] The public key has been validated according to the [best
- [ ] The public key has been signed by all main key holders
- [ ] @allan
- [ ] @anthraxx
- [ ] @bluewind
- [ ] @artafinde
- [ ] @demize
- [ ] @dvzrv
- [ ] @pierre
### Keyring maintainer
### Developers of the archlinux-keyring project
- [ ] The data in the [Details] section is correct and signed with a valid and trusted packager key, which is already part of `archlinux-keyring`
- [ ] The public key contains one user ID with a valid
`<username>` email address used for signing
- [ ] The public key has been validated according to the [best
- [ ] The data in the [Details](#details) section is correct and signed with a
valid and trusted packager key, which is part of `pacman-key`
[workflow for adding a new main key]:
[best practices]:
[Details]: #details
[verified as working]:
This template is used when an existing main PGP public key needs to be removed
from the distribution's keyring.
It is used by users with a valid main key.
This template is used when an existing main PGP public key needs to be removed from the distribution's keyring.
It is used by users with a valid main key or the holder of the revocation certificate of the main key that is about to be removed.
NOTE: All comment sections with a MODIFY note need to be edited.
All checkboxes in the "Check" section labeled as "Main key holders" need to be checked for the accompanying merge request to be merged.
/assign @allan @anthraxx @bluewind @dvzrv @pierre
/assign @archlinux/teams/main-key-holders
/label ~"remove main key"
/title Remove main key of <!-- MODIFY: Add main key holder's username -->
Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the
issue and assign relevant users.
<!-- Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the issue and assign relevant users. -->
# Remove a main key
## Details
- Username: <!-- MODIFY: Add the @-prefixed username -->
- PGP key ID: <!-- MODIFY: Add the "long format" key ID of the PGP public key here -->
- PGP key ID: <!-- MODIFY: Add the output of `gpg --keyid-format long --list-key <MAIN KEY UID> | sed -n '2p' | tr -d ' '` here -->
- Resignation: <!-- MODIFY: Link to resignation of key holder -->
## Checks
### Main key holders
- [ ] There are more than or equal to three valid main keys remaining after
removal of this key.
- [ ] All packagers have at least three valid main key signatures for their
packager key after removal of this key.
### Keyring maintainer
- [ ] There are more than or equal to four valid main keys remaining after removal of this key.
- [ ] All packagers have at least three valid main key signatures for their packager key after removal of this key.
- [ ] A merge request to [remove the main public key] has been created
- [ ] The key has been revoked by either the revocation certificate holder or
the main key holder.
[remove the main public key]:
This template is used when an existing packager PGP public key needs to be
removed from the distribution's keyring.
This template is used when an existing packager PGP public key needs to be removed from the distribution's keyring.
It is used by users with a valid main key or a valid packager key.
NOTE: All comment sections with a MODIFY note need to be edited.
/assign @allan @anthraxx @bluewind @dvzrv @pierre
/assign @archlinux/teams/main-key-holders
/label ~"remove packager key"
/title Remove packager key of <!-- MODIFY: Add packager key holder's username -->
Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the
issue and assign relevant users.
<!-- Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the issue and assign relevant users. -->
# Remove a packager key
## Details
- Username: <!-- MODIFY: Add the @-prefixed username -->
- PGP key ID: <!-- MODIFY: Add the "long format" key ID of the PGP public key here -->
- PGP key ID: <!-- MODIFY: Add the output of `gpg --keyid-format long --list-key <PACKAGER KEY UID> | sed -n '2p' | tr -d ' '` here -->
- Resignation: <!-- MODIFY: Link to resignation of key holder -->
## Checks
- [ ] There are no packages left in any of the official repositories, that are
signed by the key, that is about to be removed.
**NOTE**: The below check box **must be** checked before the main key holders can start to revoke the key.
- [ ] There are [no packages left in any of the official repositories], that are signed by the key or any of its subkeys, which is about to be removed.
### Main key holders
- [ ] All main key holders have revoked their signature for the key and
published the result on the SKS infrastructure
- [ ] @allan
- [ ] @anthraxx
- [ ] @bluewind
- [ ] @dvzrv
- [ ] @pierre
All main key holders should revoke their signature(s) for the given key in a merge request to this repository using `keyringctl`.
- [ ] @anthraxx
- [ ] @artafinde
- [ ] @demize
- [ ] @dvzrv
[no packages left in any of the official repositories]:
This template is used when a new main PGP public key needs to be added to the
distribution's keyring.
It is used by users with a valid packager key after all steps in an
accompanying issue (opened with the template "New Main Key") have been
This template is used when a new main PGP public key needs to be added to the distribution's keyring.
It is used by users with a valid packager key after all steps in an accompanying issue (opened with the template "New Main Key") have been fulfilled.
/assign_reviewer @allan @anthraxx @bluewind @dvzrv @pierre
/label ~"new main key"
/title Add main key of <!-- MODIFY: Add the main key holder's username -->
Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the
issue and assign relevant users.
<!-- Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the issue and assign relevant users. -->
# Add a new main key
......@@ -30,5 +25,6 @@ Closes <!-- MODIFY: Add #-prefixed issue number, that will be closed by merging
### Main key holders
- [ ] The public key has been validated according to the [best
- [ ] The public key has been validated according to the [best practices]
[best practices](
This template is used when a new packager PGP public key needs to be added to
the distribution's keyring.
It is either used by the sponsor of a new packager or by an existing packager
when adding a new key for themself after all steps in an accompanying issue
(opened with the template "New Packager Key") have been fulfilled..
This template is used when a new packager PGP public key needs to be added to the distribution's keyring.
It is either used by the sponsor of a new packager or by an existing packager when adding a new key for themself after all steps in an accompanying issue (opened with the template "New Packager Key") have been fulfilled.
/assign_reviewer @allan @anthraxx @bluewind @dvzrv @pierre
/label ~"new packager key"
/title Add packager key of <!-- MODIFY: Add the packager key holder's username -->
Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the
issue and assign relevant users.
<!-- Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the issue and assign relevant users. -->
# Add a new packager key
......@@ -28,5 +23,6 @@ Related issue: <!-- MODIFY: Add #-prefixed issue number -->
### Main key holders
- [ ] The public key has been validated according to the [best
- [ ] The public key has been validated according to the [best practices]
[best practices]:
This template is used when an existing main PGP public key needs to be removed
from the distribution's keyring.
It is used by users with a valid main key after all steps in an accompanying
issue (opened with the template "Remove Main Key") have been fulfilled.
This template is used when an existing main PGP public key needs to be removed from the distribution's keyring.
It is used by users with a valid main key after all steps in an accompanying issue (opened with the template "Remove Main Key") have been fulfilled.
/assign_reviewer @allan @anthraxx @bluewind @dvzrv @pierre
/label ~"remove main key"
/title Remove main key of <!-- MODIFY: Add the main key holder's username -->
Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the
issue and assign relevant users.
<!-- Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the issue and assign relevant users. -->
# Remove a main key
......@@ -25,7 +19,5 @@ Related issue: <!-- MODIFY: Add #-prefixed issue number -->
### Keyring maintainer
- [ ] There are more than or equal to three valid main keys remaining after
removal of this key.
- [ ] All packagers have at least three valid main key signatures for their
packager key after removal of this key.
- [ ] There are more than or equal to three valid main keys remaining after removal of this key.
- [ ] All packagers have at least three valid main key signatures for their packager key after removal of this key.
This template is used when an existing packager PGP public key needs to be
removed from the distribution's keyring.
It is used by users with a valid main key or a valid packager key after all
steps in an accompanying issue (opened with the template "Remove Packager Key")
have been fulfilled.
This template is used when an existing packager PGP public key needs to be removed from the distribution's keyring.
It is used by users with a valid main key or a valid packager key after all steps in an accompanying issue (opened with the template "Remove Packager Key") have been fulfilled.
/assign_reviewer @allan @anthraxx @bluewind @dvzrv @pierre
/label ~"remove packager key"
/title Remove packager key of <!-- MODIFY: Add the packager's username -->
Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the
issue and assign relevant users as reviewers.
<!-- Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the issue and assign relevant users as reviewers. -->
# Remove a packager key
......@@ -26,5 +21,4 @@ Related issue: <!-- MODIFY: Add #-prefixed issue number -->
### Keyring maintainer
- [ ] There are no packages left in any of the official repositories, that are
signed by the key which is about to be removed.
- [ ] There are no packages left in any of the official repositories, that are signed by the key which is about to be removed.
......@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ mailing list]( and in
[#archlinux-projects](ircs:// on [Libera
All past and present authors of archlinux-keyring are listed in
## Requirements
The following additional packages need to be installed to be able to lint
......@@ -61,3 +58,9 @@ To run keyring integrity and consistency checks
make check
## Web Key Directory
Only tagged releases are built and exposed via WKD. This helps to ensure, that
inconsistent state of the keyring is not exposed to the enduser, which may make
use of it instantaneously.
SHELL = /bin/bash
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
KEYRING_FILES=$(wildcard build/*.gpg) $(wildcard build/*-revoked) $(wildcard build/*-trusted)
BUILD_DIR ?= build
KEYRING_TARGET_DIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/pacman/keyrings/
SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_UNIT_DIR ?= $(shell pkgconf --variable systemd_system_unit_dir systemd)
WKD_BUILD_DIR ?= $(BUILD_DIR)/wkd/.well-known/
SOURCES := $(shell find keyring) $(shell find libkeyringctl -name '*.py' -or -type d) keyringctl
all: build
......@@ -26,14 +41,46 @@ test:
build: $(SOURCES)
./keyringctl -v build
wkd: build
wkd-exporter --append --domain $(WKD_FQDN) $(WKD_BUILD_DIR) < $(BUILD_DIR)/$(KEYRING_FILE)
wkd_inspect: wkd
for file in $(WKD_BUILD_DIR)/openpgpkey/$(WKD_FQDN)/hu/*; do sq inspect --certifications $$file; done
wkd_sync_service: wkd_sync/$(WKD_SYNC_SERVICE_IN)
rm -rf build
release: clean build
$(if $(RELEASE),,$(error RELEASE was not specified!))
@glab auth status -h
@git tag -s $(RELEASE) -m "release version $(RELEASE)"
@git push origin refs/tags/$(RELEASE)
@mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT)-$(RELEASE)/
@tar cvfz $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT)-$(RELEASE).tar.gz -C $(BUILD_DIR)/ $(PROJECT)-$(RELEASE)/
@gpg -o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT)-$(RELEASE).tar.gz.sig --default-key "$(shell git config --local --get user.signingkey)" -s $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROJECT)-$(RELEASE).tar.gz
# NOTE: we specify GITLAB_HOST, because otherwise glab YOLO uses whatever is specified by the `host` key in its config and silently breaks all links... glab release create $(RELEASE) ./build/$(PROJECT)-$(RELEASE).tar.gz* --name=$(RELEASE) --notes="release version $(RELEASE)"
install: build
install -vDm 755 $(KEYRING_FILES) -t $(KEYRING_TARGET_DIR)
install: build wkd_sync_service
install -vDm 755 wkd_sync/$(WKD_SYNC_SCRIPT) -t $(DESTDIR)$(SCRIPT_TARGET_DIR)
install -vDm 644 wkd_sync/$(WKD_SYNC_TIMER) -t $(DESTDIR)$(SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_UNIT_DIR)
install -vdm 755 $(DESTDIR)$(SYSTEMD_TIMER_DIR)
rm -f $(KEYRING_TARGET_DIR)/archlinux{.gpg,-trusted,-revoked}
rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(KEYRING_TARGET_DIR)
rmdir -pv --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)$(KEYRING_TARGET_DIR)
rmdir -pv --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)$(SCRIPT_TARGET_DIR)
rmdir -pv --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)$(SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_UNIT_DIR)
rmdir -pv --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)$(SYSTEMD_TIMER_DIR)
.PHONY: all lint fmt check test clean install uninstall
.PHONY: all build lint fmt check test clean install release uninstall wkd wkd_inspect
......@@ -15,16 +15,20 @@ The following packages need to be installed to be able to create a PGP keyring
from the provided data structure and to install it:
* make
* findutils
* pkgconf
* systemd
* python
* sequoia-sq
* sequoia-sq >= 0.31.0
* hopenpgp-tools (verify)
* sq-keyring-linter (verify)
* git (ci)
## Usage
......@@ -118,17 +122,39 @@ how to provide fixes or improvements for the code base.
[Releases of
are created by its current maintainer [Christian
Hesse]( Tags are signed using the PGP key
with the ID `02FD1C7A934E614545849F19A6234074498E9CEE`.
are exclusively created by [keyring maintainers](
The tags are signed with one of the following legitimate keys:
Christian Hesse <>
02FD 1C7A 934E 6145 4584 9F19 A623 4074 498E 9CEE
David Runge <>
991F 6E3F 0765 CF62 9588 8586 139B 09DA 5BF0 D338
Johannes Löthberg <>
5134 EF9E AF65 F95B 6BB1 608E 50FB 9B27 3A9D 0BB5
Leonidas Spyropoulos <>
B4B7 5962 5D46 3343 0B74 8770 59E4 3E10 6B24 7368
Levente Polyak <>
E240 B57E 2C46 30BA 768E 2F26 FC1B 547C 8D81 72C8
Morten Linderud <>
C100 3466 7663 4E80 C940 FB9E 9C02 FF41 9FEC BE16
To verify a tag, first import the relevant PGP key:
To verify a tag, first import the relevant PGP keys:
gpg --auto-key-locate wkd --search-keys
gpg --auto-key-locate wkd --search-keys <email-from-above>
Afterwards a tag can be verified from a clone of this repository:
Afterwards a tag can be verified from a clone of this repository. Please note
that one **must** check the used key of the signature against the legitimate
keys listed above:
git verify-tag <tag>
This diff is collapsed.