New key for @tensor5
Add a new packager key
- Username: @tensor5
- PGP key ID: A667E8A1B61D07A50FC430DF69DF1F2EB44B05BE
New key owner
- The workflow for adding a new packager key has been followed
The key pair contains one user ID with a valid
email address used for signing - The key pair has been validated according to the best practices
- The data in the Details section is attached to this issue as a clearsigned document
- The public key has been uploaded to the SKS infrastructure
Main key holders
- The public key has been validated according to the best practices
- The public key has been signed by all main key holders
Keyring maintainer
The public key contains one user ID with a valid
email address used for signing - The public key has been validated according to the best practices
The data in the Details section is correct and signed with a
valid and trusted packager key, which is part of