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Commit ca5e7b2d authored by Jakub Klinkovský's avatar Jakub Klinkovský
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Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'

Refactor the anchorencode function

Closes #31

See merge request !29
parents 80520cdb 2e325ac6
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1 merge request!29Refactor the anchorencode function
import re
import unicodedata
__all__ = ["normalize_html_entities", "anchorencode"]
__all__ = ["normalize_html_entities", "safe_escape_attribute", "anchorencode_id", "anchorencode_href"]
def normalize_html_entities(s):
def repl(match):
......@@ -11,6 +11,18 @@ def normalize_html_entities(s):
return chr(int(
return re.sub(r"&#(x?)([0-9a-fA-F]+);", repl, s)
# escape sensitive characters when formatting an element attribute
def safe_escape_attribute(attribute):
escape_map = {
"<" : "&lt;",
">" : "&gt;",
"\"" : "&quot;",
"'" : "&apos;",
"&" : "&amp;",
return "".join(escape_map.get(c, c) for c in attribute)
# function copied from wiki-scripts:
def _anchor_preprocess(str_):
......@@ -32,37 +44,45 @@ def _anchor_preprocess(str_):
str_ = str_.lstrip(":")
return str_
# function copied from wiki-scripts (and the "legacy" format was removed):
# adapted from `anchorencode` in wiki-scripts (the "legacy" format was removed):
def anchorencode(str_):
def anchorencode_id(str_):
Function corresponding to the ``{{anchorencode:}}`` `magic word`_.
Note that the algorithm corresponds to the ``"html5"`` MediaWiki mode,
see `$wgFragmentMode`_.
:param str_: the string to be encoded
.. _`magic word`:
.. _`$wgFragmentMode`:$wgFragmentMode
anchorencode_id avoids percent-encoding to keep the id readable
str_ = _anchor_preprocess(str_)
special_map = {" ": "_"}
escape_char = "."
# HTML5 specification says ids must not contain spaces
str_ = re.sub("[ \t\n\r\f\v]", "_", str_)
return str_
# adapted from `anchorencode` in wiki-scripts (the "legacy" format was removed):
def anchorencode_href(str_, *, input_is_already_id=False):
anchorencode_href does some percent-encoding on top of anchorencode_id to
increase compatibility (The id can be linked with "#id" as well as with
"#percent-encoded-id", since the browser does the percent-encoding in the
former case. But if we used percent-encoded ids in the first place, only
the links with percent-encoded fragments would work.)
if input_is_already_id is False:
str_ = anchorencode_id(str_)
# encode "%" from percent-encoded octets
str_ = re.sub(r"%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})", r"%25\g<1>", str_)
# encode sensitive characters - the output of this function should be usable
# in various markup languages (MediaWiki, FluxBB, etc.)
encode_chars = "[]|"
escape_char = "%"
charset = "utf-8"
errors = "strict"
# below is the code from the encode function, but without the encode_chars
# and skip_chars parameters, and adjusted for unicode categories
output = ""
for char in str_:
# encode only characters from the Separator and Other categories
# encode characters from encode_chars and the Separator and Other categories
if unicodedata.category(char)[0] in {"Z", "C"}:
if special_map is not None and char in special_map:
output += special_map[char]
for byte in bytes(char, charset, errors):
output += "{}{:02X}".format(escape_char, byte)
if char in encode_chars or unicodedata.category(char)[0] in {"Z", "C"}:
for byte in bytes(char, charset, errors):
output += "{}{:02X}".format(escape_char, byte)
output += char
return output
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import textwrap
from django.urls import reverse
from .django import reverse_man_url
from .encodings import normalize_html_entities, anchorencode
from .encodings import normalize_html_entities, safe_escape_attribute, anchorencode_id, anchorencode_href
__all__ = ["mandoc_convert", "postprocess", "extract_headings", "extract_description"]
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def _replace_section_heading_ids(html):
# section ID getter capable of handling duplicate titles
ids = set()
def get_id(title):
base_id = anchorencode(title)
base_id = anchorencode_id(title)
id = base_id
j = 2
while id in ids:
......@@ -64,8 +64,9 @@ def _replace_section_heading_ids(html):
heading_attributes ="heading_attributes")
heading_attributes = " ".join(a for a in heading_attributes.split() if not a.startswith("id="))
title ="title").replace("\n", " ")
id = get_id(title)
return f"<{heading_tag} {heading_attributes} id='{id}'><a class='permalink' href='#{id}'>{title}</a></{heading_tag}>"
id = safe_escape_attribute(get_id(title))
href = anchorencode_href(id, input_is_already_id=True)
return f"<{heading_tag} {heading_attributes} id='{id}'><a class='permalink' href='#{href}'>{title}</a></{heading_tag}>"
pattern = re.compile(r"\<(?P<heading_tag>h[1-6])(?P<heading_attributes>[^\>]*)\>[^\<\>]*"
r"\<a class=(\"|\')permalink(\"|\')[^\>]*\>"
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