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fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies

renovate requested to merge renovate/all-minor-patch into master

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
Hypercorn ^0.14.3 -> ^0.15.0 age adoption passing confidence
Markdown (changelog) 3.4.4 -> 3.5.1 age adoption passing confidence
SQLAlchemy (changelog) 1.4.49 -> 1.4.50 age adoption passing confidence
Werkzeug (changelog) 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1 age adoption passing confidence
alembic (source, changelog) 1.12.0 -> 1.12.1 age adoption passing confidence
bleach 6.0.0 -> 6.1.0 age adoption passing confidence
email-validator ^2.0.0.post2 -> ^2.0.0-post.0 age adoption passing confidence
fakeredis 2.19.0 -> 2.20.0 age adoption passing confidence
filelock 3.12.4 -> 3.13.1 age adoption passing confidence
httpx (changelog) ^0.24.0 -> ^0.25.0 age adoption passing confidence
orjson (changelog) 3.9.7 -> 3.9.10 age adoption passing confidence
protobuf 4.24.4 -> 4.25.1 age adoption passing confidence
pygit2 (changelog) 1.13.1 -> 1.13.3 age adoption passing confidence
pytest (source, changelog) 7.4.2 -> 7.4.3 age adoption passing confidence
pytest-xdist (changelog) 3.3.1 -> 3.5.0 age adoption passing confidence
tomlkit 0.12.1 -> 0.12.3 age adoption passing confidence
uvicorn (changelog) ^0.23.0 -> ^0.24.0 age adoption passing confidence
watchfiles (source, changelog) ^0.19.0 -> ^0.21.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

pgjones/hypercorn (Hypercorn)


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  • Improve the NoAppError to help diagnose why the app has not been found.
  • Log cancelled requests as well as successful to aid diagnositics of failures.
  • Use more modern asyncio apis. This will hopefully fix reported memory leak issues.
  • Bugfix only load the application in the main process if the reloader is being used.
  • Bugfix Autoreload error because reausing old sockets.
  • Bugfix scope client usage for sock binding.
  • Bugfix disable multiprocessing if number of workers is 0 to support systems that don't support multiprocessing.
Python-Markdown/markdown (Markdown)


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  • Fix a performance problem with HTML extraction where large HTML input could trigger quadratic line counting behavior (#​1392).
  • Improve and expand type annotations in the code base (#​1394).


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mozilla/bleach (bleach)


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Backwards incompatible changes

  • Dropped support for Python 3.7. (#​709)

Security fixes


Bug fixes

  • Add support for Python 3.12. (#​710)
  • Fix linkify with arrays in querystring (#​436)
  • Handle more cases with < followed by character data (#​705)
  • Fix entities inside a tags in linkification (#​704)
  • Update cap for tinycss2 to <1.3 (#​702)
  • Updated Sphinx requirement
  • Add dependabot for github actions and update github actions
JoshData/python-email-validator (email-validator)


This is a major update to the library, but since email address specs haven't changed there should be no significant changes to which email addresses are considered valid or invalid with default options. There are new options for accepting unusual email addresses that were previously always rejected, some changes to how DNS errors are handled, many changes in error message text, and major internal improvements including the addition of type annotations. Python 3.7+ is now required. Details follow:

  • Python 2.x and 3.x versions through 3.6, and dnspython 1.x, are no longer supported. Python 3.7+ with dnspython 2.x are now required.
  • The dnspython package is no longer required if DNS checks are not used, although it will install automatically.
  • NoNameservers and NXDOMAIN DNS errors are now handled differently: NoNameservers no longer fails validation, and NXDOMAIN now skips checking for an A/AAAA fallback and goes straight to failing validation.
  • Some syntax error messages have changed because they are now checked explicitly rather than as a part of other checks.
  • The quoted-string local part syntax (e.g. multiple @​-signs, spaces, etc. if surrounded by quotes) and domain-literal addresses (e.g. @​[192.XXX...] or @​[IPv6:...]) are now parsed but not considered valid by default. Better error messages are now given for these addresses since it can be confusing for a technically valid address to be rejected, and new allow_quoted_local and allow_domain_literal options are added to allow these addresses if you really need them.
  • Some other error messages have changed to not repeat the email address in the error message.
  • The email field on the returned ValidatedEmail object has been renamed to normalized to be clearer about its importance, but access via .email is also still supported.
  • Some mailbox names like postmaster are now normalized to lowercase per RFC 2142.
  • The library has been reorganized internally into smaller modules.
  • The tests have been reorganized and expanded. Deliverability tests now mostly use captured DNS responses so they can be run off-line.
  • The main tool now reads options to validate_email from environment variables.
  • Type annotations have been added to the exported methods and the ValidatedEmail class and some internal methods.
  • The old dict-like pattern for the return value of validate_email is deprecated.

Versions 2.0.0.post1 and 2.0.0.post2 corrected some packaging issues. 2.0.0.post2 also added a check for an invalid combination of arguments.

cunla/fakeredis-py (fakeredis)

v2.20.0: 🌈

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🚀 Features

  • Implement BITFIELD (#​247)


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!


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tox-dev/py-filelock (filelock)


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encode/httpx (httpx)


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  • Add missing type hints to few __init__() methods. (#​2938)


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  • Add support for Python 3.12. (#​2854)
  • Add support for httpcore 1.0 (#​2885)
  • Raise ValueError on Response.encoding being set after Response.text has been accessed. (#​2852)


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  • Drop support for Python 3.7. (#​2813)
  • Support HTTPS proxies. (#​2845)
  • Change the type of Extensions from Mapping[Str, Any] to MutableMapping[Str, Any]. (#​2803)
  • Add socket_options argument to httpx.HTTPTransport and httpx.AsyncHTTPTransport classes. (#​2716)
  • The Response.raise_for_status() method now returns the response instance. For example: data = httpx.get('...').raise_for_status().json(). (#​2776)
  • Return 500 error response instead of exceptions when raise_app_exceptions=False is set on ASGITransport. (#​2669)
  • Ensure all WSGITransport environs have a SERVER_MROTOCOL. (#​2708)
  • Always encode forward slashes as %2F in query parameters (#​2723)
  • Use Mozilla documentation instead of for HTTP error reference (#​2768)
ijl/orjson (orjson)


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  • Fix debug assert failure on 3.12 --profile=dev build.


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  • orjson module metadata explicitly marks subinterpreters as not supported.


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  • Improve performance.
  • Drop support for Python 3.7.
libgit2/pygit2 (pygit2)


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  • New API for filters in Python #&#8203;1237 <>_ #&#8203;1244 <>_

  • Shallow repositories: New depth optional argument for clone_repository(...) and Remote.fetch(...) #&#8203;1245 <>_ #&#8203;1246 <>_

  • New submodule init(...), update(...) and reload(...) functions #&#8203;1248 <>_

  • Release GIL in Walker.__next__ #&#8203;1249 <>_

  • Type hints for submodule functions in Repository #&#8203;1247 <>_


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  • Support Python 3.12

  • Documentation updates #&#8203;1242 <>_

pytest-dev/pytest (pytest)

v7.4.3: pytest 7.4.3 (2023-10-24)

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Bug Fixes

  • #​10447: Markers are now considered in the reverse mro order to ensure base class markers are considered first -- this resolves a regression.

  • #​11239: Fixed := in asserts impacting unrelated test cases.

  • #​11439: Handled an edge case where :data:sys.stderr might already be closed when :ref:faulthandler is tearing down.

pytest-dev/pytest-xdist (pytest-xdist)


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  • #&#8203;632 <>_: --dist=loadscope now sorts scopes by number of tests to assign largest scopes early -- in many cases this should improve overall test session running time, as there is less chance of a large scope being left to be processed near the end of the session, leaving other workers idle.


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  • #&#8203;963 <>_: Wait for workers to finish reporting when test run stops early.

    This makes sure that the results of in-progress tests are displayed. Previously these reports were being discarded, losing information about the test run.

  • #&#8203;965 <>_: Added support for Python 3.12.

sdispater/tomlkit (tomlkit)


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  • Improve the performance when parsing a table with nested dotted keys. (#​193)
  • Keep the newlines when replacing a table. (#​323)


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  • Fixed a bug that overwriting a sub table with a plain value raises an error. (#​313)
  • Correct the return type of integer division. (#​312)
encode/uvicorn (uvicorn)


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  • Revert mkdocs-material from 9.1.21 to 9.2.6 (#​2148) 05/11/23
samuelcolvin/watchfiles (watchfiles)

v0.21.0: 2023-10-13

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What's Changed

New Contributors

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v0.20.0: 2023-08-24

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What's Changed

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Edited by renovate

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