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chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies

renovate requested to merge renovate/all-minor-patch into master

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
coverage 7.4.4 -> 7.5.0 age adoption passing confidence
fakeredis 2.21.3 -> 2.22.0 age adoption passing confidence
filelock 3.13.3 -> 3.14.0 age adoption passing confidence
itsdangerous (changelog) 2.1.2 -> 2.2.0 age adoption passing confidence
orjson (changelog) 3.10.0 -> 3.10.1 age adoption passing confidence
pytest (changelog) 8.1.1 -> 8.2.0 age adoption passing confidence
pytest-xdist (changelog) 3.5.0 -> 3.6.1 age adoption passing confidence
redis (changelog) 5.0.3 -> 5.0.4 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

nedbat/coveragepy (coverage)


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  • Added initial support for function and class reporting in the HTML report. There are now three index pages which link to each other: files, functions, and classes. Other reports don't yet have this information, but it will be added in the future where it makes sense. Feedback gladly accepted! Finishes issue 780_.

  • Other HTML report improvements:

    • There is now a "hide covered" checkbox to filter out 100% files, finishing issue 1384_.

    • The index page is always sorted by one of its columns, with clearer indications of the sorting.

    • The "previous file" shortcut key didn't work on the index page, but now it does, fixing issue 1765_.

  • The debug output showing which configuration files were tried now shows absolute paths to help diagnose problems where settings aren't taking effect, and is renamed from "attempted_config_files" to the more logical "config_files_attempted."

  • Python 3.13.0a6 is supported.

.. _issue 780: .. _issue 1384: .. _issue 1765:

.. _changes_7-4-4:

cunla/fakeredis-py (fakeredis)

v2.22.0: 🌈

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🚀 Features
  • Support for setting LUA version from environment variable FAKEREDIS_LUA_VERSION #​287
  • Support for loading LUA binary modules in fakeredis #​304
🐛 Bug Fixes
  • Fix the type hint for the version parameter in the async client #​302
  • Using LUA 5.1 like real redis #​287
  • fix: FakeRedisMixin.from_url() return type is really Self. @​ben-xo #​305


Full Changelog:

tox-dev/py-filelock (filelock)


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What's Changed

New Contributors

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What's Changed

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pallets/itsdangerous (itsdangerous)


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Released 2024-04-16

  • Drop support for Python 3.7. 🇵🇷372
  • Use modern packaging metadata with pyproject.toml instead of setup.cfg. 🇵🇷326
  • Use flit_core instead of setuptools as build backend.
  • Deprecate the __version__ attribute. Use feature detection, or importlib.metadata.version("itsdangerous"), instead. :issue:371
  • Serializer and the return type of dumps is generic for type checking. By default it is Serializer[str] and dumps returns a str. If a different serializer argument is given, it will try to infer the return type of its dumps method. :issue:347
  • The default hashlib.sha1 may not be available in FIPS builds. Don't access it at import time so the developer has time to change the default. :issue:375
ijl/orjson (orjson)


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  • Serializing numpy.ndarray with non-native endianness raises orjson.JSONEncodeError.
  • Improve performance of serializing.
pytest-dev/pytest (pytest)


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pytest 8.2.0 (2024-04-27)


  • #​12069: A deprecation warning is now raised when implementations of one of the following hooks request a deprecated py.path.local parameter instead of the pathlib.Path parameter which replaced it:

    • pytest_ignore_collect{.interpreted-text role="hook"} - the path parameter - use collection_path instead.
    • pytest_collect_file{.interpreted-text role="hook"} - the path parameter - use file_path instead.
    • pytest_pycollect_makemodule{.interpreted-text role="hook"} - the path parameter - use module_path instead.
    • pytest_report_header{.interpreted-text role="hook"} - the startdir parameter - use start_path instead.
    • pytest_report_collectionfinish{.interpreted-text role="hook"} - the startdir parameter - use start_path instead.

    The replacement parameters are available since pytest 7.0.0. The old parameters will be removed in pytest 9.0.0.

    See legacy-path-hooks-deprecated{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for more details.


  • #​11871: Added support for reading command line arguments from a file using the prefix character @, like e.g.: pytest @​tests.txt. The file must have one argument per line.

    See Read arguments from file <args-from-file>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for details.


  • #​11523: pytest.importorskip{.interpreted-text role="func"} will now issue a warning if the module could be found, but raised ImportError{.interpreted-text role="class"} instead of ModuleNotFoundError{.interpreted-text role="class"}.

    The warning can be suppressed by passing exc_type=ImportError to pytest.importorskip{.interpreted-text role="func"}.

    See import-or-skip-import-error{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for details.

  • #​11728: For unittest-based tests, exceptions during class cleanup (as raised by functions registered with TestCase.addClassCleanup <unittest.TestCase.addClassCleanup>{.interpreted-text role="meth"}) are now reported instead of silently failing.

  • #​11777: Text is no longer truncated in the short test summary info section when -vv is given.

  • #​12112: Improved namespace packages detection when consider_namespace_packages{.interpreted-text role="confval"} is enabled, covering more situations (like editable installs).

  • #​9502: Added PYTEST_VERSION{.interpreted-text role="envvar"} environment variable which is defined at the start of the pytest session and undefined afterwards. It contains the value of pytest.__version__, and among other things can be used to easily check if code is running from within a pytest run.

Bug Fixes

  • #​12065: Fixed a regression in pytest 8.0.0 where test classes containing setup_method and tests using @staticmethod or @classmethod would crash with AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setup_method'.

    Now the request.instance <pytest.FixtureRequest.instance>{.interpreted-text role="attr"} attribute of tests using @staticmethod and @classmethod is no longer None, but a fresh instance of the class, like in non-static methods. Previously it was None, and all fixtures of such tests would share a single self.

  • #​12135: Fixed issue where fixtures adding their finalizer multiple times to fixtures they request would cause unreliable and non-intuitive teardown ordering in some instances.

  • #​12194: Fixed a bug with --importmode=importlib and --doctest-modules where child modules did not appear as attributes in parent modules.

  • #​1489: Fixed some instances where teardown of higher-scoped fixtures was not happening in the reverse order they were initialized in.

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #​12069: pluggy>=1.5.0 is now required.
  • #​12167: cache <cache>{.interpreted-text role="ref"}: create supporting files (CACHEDIR.TAG, .gitignore, etc.) in a temporary directory to provide atomic semantics.


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pytest 8.1.2 (2024-04-26)

Bug Fixes

  • #​12114: Fixed error in pytest.approx{.interpreted-text role="func"} when used with [numpy]{.title-ref} arrays and comparing with other types.
pytest-dev/pytest-xdist (pytest-xdist)


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Bug Fixes

  • #&#8203;1071 <>_: Add backward compatibility for deadlock issue with the execnet new main_thread_only "execmodel" triggered when pytest-cov accesses rinfo.


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This release was YANKED due to a regression fixed in 3.6.1.


  • #&#8203;1027 <>_:pytest-xdist workers now always execute the tests in the main thread. Previously some tests might end up executing in a separate thread other than main in the workers, due to some internal execnet`` details. This can cause problems specially with async frameworks where the event loop is running in the ``main`` thread (for example #​620 #​620`__).

Bug Fixes

  • #&#8203;1024 <>_: Added proper handling of shouldstop (such as set by --max-fail) and shouldfail conditions in workers. Previously, a worker might have continued executing further tests before the controller could terminate the session.

  • #&#8203;1028 <>_: Fixed compatibility issue between looponfail and editable installs.

  • #&#8203;620 <>_: Use the new main_thread_only execnet "execmodel" so that code which expects to only run in the main thread will now work as expected.

  • #&#8203;937 <>_: Fixed a bug where plugin would raise an incompatibility error with --pdb despite using -n0.


  • #&#8203;1053 <>_: Dropped support for Python 3.7.

  • #&#8203;1057 <>_: pytest>=7.0.0 is now required.

    execnet>=2.1.0 is now required.

Trivial Changes

  • #&#8203;1020 <>_: pytest-xdist's file is removed.

    If you relied on this file, e.g. to install pytest using install, please see Why you shouldn't invoke directly <>_ for alternatives.

  • #&#8203;1057 <>_: The internals of pytest-xdist are now fully typed. The typing is not exposed yet.

  • #&#8203;996 <>_: Adjusted license file format and content to ensure security scanners will identity the license.

redis/redis-py (redis)

v5.0.4: 5.0.4

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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Make it possible to customize SSL ciphers (#​3212)


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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by renovate

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