allow_list_posts: false
bounce_info_stale_after: 60d
default_member_action: reject
default_nonmember_action: reject
description: This mailing list is for official announcements for the Arch Linux distribution.
display_name: Arch-announce
moderator_password: "{{ vault_archweb_mailman_password }}"
allow_list_posts: false
- ^.+@(.+\.)?archlinux\.org
archive_policy: never
default_member_action: reject
default_nonmember_action: reject
description: Arch Linux packaging commits
display_name: Arch-commits
info: This list contains all commits to the package repositories, including diffs for newest changes.
max_message_size: 200
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
description: Development Discussion for Arch Linux
display_name: Arch-dev
info: This list is for development discussion about Arch Linux. This list is closed to the general public and only used by internal Arch Linux developers.
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate
display_name: Arch-devops
description: Arch Linux Infrastructure development discussion
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
description: List for internal discussion of the devops team
display_name: Arch-devops-private
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate
default_member_action: hold
description: Public mailing list for Arch Linux development
display_name: Arch-dev-public
description: Arch Linux Events
display_name: Arch-events
description: General Discussion about Arch Linux
display_name: Arch-general
info: "This mailing list hosts general discusson about the Arch Linux distribution. Questions, problems, and new development ideas can be posted here.\n\nYou must be subscribed to the list in order to post to it."
description: List for mirror admins to send announcements (like downtime notifications) to our users
display_name: Arch-mirrors-announce
info: "This list is intended for admins of Arch Linux mirrors that want to notify our users about downtime of their mirror.\r\n\r\nThis list also accepts mails from non-subscribers."
description: Arch Linux Mirroring Discussion and Announcements
display_name: Arch-mirrors
info: This list is intended for admins of Arch Linux mirrors. Discussion and announcements regarding mirroring will use this list.
description: Arch Linux Multilib (32bit libs on 64bit OSes)
display_name: Arch-multilib
description: Discussion regarding the porting of Arch Linux to non-x86_64 architectures
display_name: Arch-ports
info: This list is primarily used to talk about porting Arch Linux to non-x86_64 platforms, such as PPC, ARM, i586, i686, etc.
description: Discussion about real-time multimedia, including (semi-)pro audio and video
display_name: Arch-proaudio
description: Arch Linux projects development discussion
display_name: Arch-projects
info: "Announcements, development discussion, patches and pull requests for the Arch Linux projects:<ul><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">archweb</a> (patches preferably on Github as pull requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">arch-release-promotion</a> (patches only on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">dbscripts</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">devtools</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">mkinitcpio</a> (patches preferably on Github as pull requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">namcap</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">netctl</a> (patches preferably on the mailing list)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">pyalpm</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">repod</a> (patches only on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">shim-signed</a> (contributions preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li></ul>\r\nPlease begin the email subject with the name of a project in square brackets (e.g. <code>[devtools]</code>). If no project matches, use <code>[projects]</code>.\r\n\r\nNote: No user discussion!"
description: Arch Linux Release Engineering
display_name: Arch-releng
description: Announcements about security issues in Arch Linux and its packages
display_name: Arch-security
info: Discussion about announcements should happen on arch-general.
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
description: Trusted Users Discussion for Arch Linux
display_name: Arch-tu
info: This list is for trusted users discussion about Arch Linux. This list is closed to the general public and only used by internal Arch Linux trusted users.
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
default_nonmember_action: defer
display_name: Arch-wiki-admins
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate
description: Mailing list for the Arch Women project
display_name: Arch-women
info: "<a href=\"\">Arch Women</a> is an all inclusive organization of Arch Linux enthusiasts with a focus on helping more women become involved in the Arch Linux community and FOSS.\r\n\r\nMailing list graciously hosted by the Arch Linux™ project."
description: Arch User Repository (AUR) Development
display_name: Aur-dev
info: This list is intended for discussion of AUR and community based code and development.
description: Discussion about the Arch User Repository (AUR)
display_name: Aur-general
info: This list is for Trusted Users, Arch Linux developers, and the general public to discuss issues surrounding the Trusted User structure and the Arch User Repository (AUR).
description: Public mailing list for AUR package deletion/merge/orphan requests
display_name: Aur-requests
description: Discussion list for pacman-contrib development
display_name: Pacman-contrib
info: This list is used by pacman-contrib developers to coordinate, share patches, etc.
description: Discussion list for pacman development
display_name: Pacman-dev
info: This list is used by pacman developers and contributors to coordinate, fix problems, share patches, etc.
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
description: Internal list that includes all Arch Linux staff members (devs, TUs, support staff)
display_name: Staff
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate