Jelle van der Waa authored
Setup Kape servers as archive mirrors (asia,europe,america), Gitlab runner and Rebuilderd worker. All machines except runner1 are EFI machines with grub setup and a EFI parition which is not supported by our ansible install role and is manually rolled out.
Jelle van der Waa authoredSetup Kape servers as archive mirrors (asia,europe,america), Gitlab runner and Rebuilderd worker. All machines except runner1 are EFI machines with grub setup and a EFI parition which is not supported by our ansible install role and is manually rolled out.
We host a Rebuilderd instance on reproducible.archlinux.org which rebuilds Arch packages from repositories defined in rebuilderd-sync.conf
. Workers automatically connect to the configured rebuilderd instance and query it for work and publish results to the rebuilderd instance.
Results are shown on our website which is a rebuilderd-website instance.
Setting up rebuilderd-workers requires adding the new machine under rebuilderd_workers
in hosts
and adding rebuilderd_workers
with a list of rebuilderd-worker names for example too it's host_vars:
- repro11
- repro12
Then run the rebuilderd-workers playbook.
The rebuilderd workers and queue are monitored by Prometheus.
Common commands
Checking rebuilderd-workers status on reproducible.archlinux.org:
rebuildctl status
Checking rebuilderd queue length:
rebuildctl queue ls