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  • pita strudl's avatar
    dbscripts: Ensure atomicity of lastsync file · 87260844
    pita strudl authored and pita strudl's avatar pita strudl committed
    We try to ensure an atomic operation of the lastsync file. This requires creating a tmp file which needs to be ignored.
    This should take care of having empty lastsync files being served.
    Possible cause is that the IO is stuck thus taking several seconds to write the lastsync timestamp.
    This causes mirrors to download the empty file which causes checks to fail.
    dbscripts: Ensure atomicity of lastsync file
    pita strudl authored and pita strudl's avatar pita strudl committed
    We try to ensure an atomic operation of the lastsync file. This requires creating a tmp file which needs to be ignored.
    This should take care of having empty lastsync files being served.
    Possible cause is that the IO is stuck thus taking several seconds to write the lastsync timestamp.
    This causes mirrors to download the empty file which causes checks to fail.
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