- Apr 20, 2022
Evangelos Foutras authored
Also alphabetically sort the servers in this group.
- Apr 13, 2022
Kristian Klausen authored
We had a GeoIP mirror in the past based on nginx and its GeoIP module, but it didn't perform very well, due to the high latency (asking a central server for the package and then redirected to the closest mirror). One of the reasons for offering this service, is so we can relieve mirror.pkgbuild.com which is burning a ton of traffic (50TB/month), likely due to it being the default mirror in our Docker image. Another reason is so we can offer a link to our arch-boxes images in libosinfo (used by gnome-boxes, virt-install and virt-manager), with good enough performance for most users. This time we take a different approach and use a DNS based solution, which means the latency penalty is only paid once (the first DNS request). The downside is that the mirrors must have a valid certificate for the same domain name, which makes using third-party mirrors a challenge. So for now, we are just using the sponsored mirorrs controlled by the DevOps team. Fix #101
- Apr 11, 2022
Kristian Klausen authored
With the PHP->Python port done[1][2], there isn't much need for aur-dev anynmore. Most things can also be tested locally and aur-dev haven't got any love since the port (ex: allowing the aurweb maintainers to deploy without asking DevOps). [1] https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2022-February/036786.html [2] !525
- Mar 11, 2022
Evangelos Foutras authored
Indirect way to get "configure_network: true".
- Feb 26, 2022
Evangelos Foutras authored
These are managed services and Ansible doesn't run on them. It got boring writing 'all,!rsync_net,!hetzner_storageboxes' in playbooks and ad-hoc commands, so remove these borg hosts from our inventory.
- Feb 09, 2022
Kevin Morris <kevr@0cost.org>
- Feb 04, 2022
Kristian Klausen authored
- Jan 30, 2022
Kristian Klausen authored
Fixes: d88c0b95 ("Initialize gluebuddy host")
Kristian Klausen authored
Fixes: d88c0b95 ("Initialize gluebuddy host")
- Jan 21, 2022
Jelle van der Waa authored
- Jan 04, 2022
Jelle van der Waa authored
Collects the smart data using smartctl and outputs them in the textcollector dir. This expects smartd to be configured to regularly self tests on a regular interval to detect if a disk is broken.
- Dec 04, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
We sadly run all that stuff in docker now.
- Nov 06, 2021
Evangelos Foutras authored
New username; separate and longer account manager + storage passwords. Also, have to use --remote-path=borg1 when interacting with rsync.net.
- Jul 06, 2021
Kristian Klausen authored
This is meant as a internal authenticated and encrypted network which we can use for internal services, we don't want to expose to the internet or when encryption is desired but not easily implementable.
Kristian Klausen authored
This is initial to be used for communicating between {lists,mailman3}.archlinux.org as mailman{2,3} can't run on the same server.
- Jul 04, 2021
- Jun 30, 2021
Kristian Klausen authored
Fix #356
Kristian Klausen authored
nginx, certbot, postfix and mailman are still missing and the DNS is still pointing to luna.
- Jun 26, 2021
Evangelos Foutras authored
- May 13, 2021
Kristian Klausen <kristian@klausen.dk>
- Mar 24, 2021
Jakub Klinkovský authored
I think this is all that is missing to actually start monitoring man.archlinux.org.
- Feb 01, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
This adds a collaborative markdown editor as newly offered service which is available via login for all Arch Linux Staff with an option to allow anonymous edits by users (not default). Users are managed via keycloak and require the Staff role to be allowed in, non staff keycloak users currently will receive an internal server error due to an upstream issue.
- Jan 31, 2021
- Jan 26, 2021
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
Jelle van der Waa authored
Closes: #231
- Jan 11, 2021
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
- Jan 10, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
- Jan 03, 2021
Jelle van der Waa authored
- Dec 29, 2020
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
Remove apollo from hosts.
- Dec 26, 2020
Frederik Schwan authored
- Dec 25, 2020
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
Added security.archlinux.org to the relevant groups on hosts and created a host_vars so we can run the all-hosts-basic.
Frederik Schwan authored
- Dec 24, 2020
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
Added patchwork to the relevant groups on hosts and created a new host_vars file for it.
- Dec 21, 2020
Giancarlo Razzolini authored
Added the wiki.archlinux.org machine to the hosts file as part of the respective groups.
- Dec 12, 2020
- Dec 07, 2020
Jelle van der Waa authored
Setup Kape servers as archive mirrors (asia,europe,america), Gitlab runner and Rebuilderd worker. All machines except runner1 are EFI machines with grub setup and a EFI parition which is not supported by our ansible install role and is manually rolled out.
- Dec 03, 2020
The repro3.pkgbuild.com machine was a packet.net box with an Ubuntu installation. Now converted to an Arch Linux installation managed by ansible with a new rebuilderd_worker role.
- Nov 21, 2020
Jelle van der Waa authored
Orion has been replaced by gemini and for mail by mail.archlinux.org
- Nov 02, 2020
Sven-Hendrik Haase authored
As it turns out, secure-runner2 isn't fast enough to serve as CI/CD and if we keep rescaling it to be large enough, it'll be more expensive than secure-runner1 which is a lot faster. So, it'd be most useful to just get rid of this VPS.