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  • antiz/infrastructure
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  • lambdaclan/infrastructure
  • ffy00/infrastructure
  • freswa/infrastructure
  • archlinux/infrastructure
44 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (18)
with 114 additions and 60 deletions
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ image: "archlinux:latest"
- pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm ansible-lint ansible
- pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm ansible-lint ansible python-jmespath
# Fix weird ansible bug:
# This probably happens due to gitlab-runner mounting the git repo into the container
......@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Type=oneshot
ReadWritePaths=/srv/ftp/lastupdate /srv/ftp/images
......@@ -2,46 +2,72 @@
set -o nounset -o errexit -o pipefail
readonly PROJECT_ID="archlinux%2Farch-boxes"
readonly JOB_NAME="build:secure"
readonly ARCH_BOXES_PATH="/srv/ftp/images"
readonly LASTUPDATE_PATH="/srv/ftp/lastupdate"
readonly MAX_RELEASES="6" # 3 months
RELEASES="$(curl --silent --show-error --fail "${PROJECT_ID}/releases")"
LATEST_RELEASE_TAG="$(jq -r .[0].tag_name <<< "${RELEASES}")"
PACKAGES="$(curl --silent --show-error --fail "${PROJECT_ID}/packages?per_page=1&sort=desc")"
LATEST_VERSION="$(jq -r .[0].version <<< "${PACKAGES}")"
if [[ -d ${ARCH_BOXES_PATH}/${LATEST_RELEASE_TAG} ]]; then
if [[ -d ${ARCH_BOXES_PATH}/${LATEST_VERSION} ]]; then
echo "Nothing to do"
echo "Adding release: ${LATEST_RELEASE_TAG}"
# The files aren't uploaded atomic, so avoid missing files by requiring every package to be at least 5 minutes old.
if (( $(date -d "-5 min" +%s) < $(date -d "$(jq -r .[0].created_at <<< "${PACKAGES}")" +%s) )); then
echo "Skipping release: ${LATEST_VERSION}, too new"
echo "Adding release: ${LATEST_VERSION}"
PACKAGE_ID="$(jq -r .[0].id <<< "${PACKAGES}")"
PACKAGE_NAME="$(jq -r .[0].name <<< "${PACKAGES}")"
PACKAGE_FILES="$(curl --silent --show-error --fail "${PROJECT_ID}/packages/${PACKAGE_ID}/package_files")"
readonly TMPDIR="$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir="/var/tmp")"
trap "rm -rf \"${TMPDIR}\"" EXIT
cd "${TMPDIR}"
readonly HTTP_CODE="$(curl --silent --show-error --fail --output "" --write-out "%{http_code}" "${PROJECT_ID}/jobs/artifacts/${LATEST_RELEASE_TAG}/download?job=${JOB_NAME}")"
# The releases are released/tagged and then built, so the artifacts aren't necessarily ready (yet).
if (( HTTP_CODE == 404 )); then
echo "Skipping release: ${LATEST_RELEASE_TAG}, artifacts not ready (404)"
while IFS= read -r FILE; do
FILE_CREATED_AT="$(jq -r .created_at <<< "${FILE}")"
FILE_NAME="$(jq -r .file_name <<< "${FILE}")"
FILE_SHA256="$(jq -r .file_sha256 <<< "${FILE}")"
# People should download the vagrant images from Vagrant Cloud
rm output/*.box{,.*}
mv output/* "${LATEST_RELEASE_TAG}"
# People should download the vagrant images from Vagrant Cloud
if [[ $FILE_NAME =~ .*\.box(|\..*)$ ]]; then
for FILE in "${LATEST_RELEASE_TAG}"/*; do
if [[ $FILE == *${LATEST_RELEASE_TAG:1}* ]]; then
curl --silent --show-error --fail --output "${LATEST_VERSION}/${FILE_NAME}" "${PROJECT_ID}/packages/generic/${PACKAGE_NAME}/${LATEST_VERSION}/${FILE_NAME}"
sha256sum --quiet -c <<< "${FILE_SHA256} ${LATEST_VERSION}/${FILE_NAME}"
touch --no-create --date="@$(date -d "${FILE_CREATED_AT}" +%s)" "${LATEST_VERSION}/${FILE_NAME}"
done < <(jq -c .[] <<< "${PACKAGE_FILES}")
for FILE in "${LATEST_VERSION}"/*; do
if [[ $FILE == *${LATEST_VERSION:1}* ]]; then
if [[ $FILE =~ .*\.SHA256$ ]]; then
sed "s/-${LATEST_VERSION:1}//" "${FILE}" > "${DEST}"
touch --no-create --reference="${FILE}" "${DEST}"
# Don't create a symlink for the .SHA256.sig file, as we break the signature by fixing the checksum file.
elif [[ $FILE =~ .*\.SHA256.sig$ ]]; then
ln -s "${SYMLINK}" "${DEST}"
touch --no-create --reference="${FILE}" --no-dereference "${DEST}"
ln -nsf "${LATEST_RELEASE_TAG}" "${ARCH_BOXES_PATH}/latest"
ln -nsf "${LATEST_VERSION}" "${ARCH_BOXES_PATH}/latest"
echo "Removing old releases"
comm --output-delimiter="" -3 <({ ls | grep -v latest | sort -r | head -n "${MAX_RELEASES}"; echo latest; } | sort) <(ls | sort) | tr -d '\0' | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm -rvf
date +%s > "${LASTUPDATE_PATH}"
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
with_dict: "{{ arch_users }}"
- name: Create Arch Linux-specific users
name: "{{ item.key }}"
group: users
groups: "{{ item.value.groups | join(',') }}"
......@@ -20,28 +20,28 @@
- name: Set archweb groups
user: name=archweb groups=uwsgi
when: archweb_site|bool
when: archweb_site | bool
- name: Create ssl cert
name: certificate
domains: "{{ [archweb_domain] + archweb_alternate_domains }}"
when: archweb_site|bool and maintenance is not defined
when: archweb_site | bool and maintenance is not defined
- name: Set up nginx
template: src=nginx.d.conf.j2 dest="{{ archweb_nginx_conf }}" owner=root group=root mode=644
notify: Reload nginx
when: archweb_site|bool and maintenance is not defined
when: archweb_site | bool and maintenance is not defined
tags: ['nginx']
- name: Make nginx log dir
file: path=/var/log/nginx/{{ archweb_domain }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0755
when: archweb_site|bool
when: archweb_site | bool
- name: Make rsync iso dir
file: path={{ archweb_rsync_iso_dir }} state=directory owner=archweb group=archweb mode=0755
when: archweb_site|bool
when: archweb_site | bool
- name: Clone archweb repo
git: >
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
- name: Create media dir
file: state=directory owner=archweb group=archweb mode=0755 path="{{ archweb_dir }}/media"
when: archweb_site|bool
when: archweb_site | bool
- name: Fix home permissions
file: state=directory owner=archweb group=archweb mode=0755 path="{{ archweb_dir }}"
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
template: src="archweb-memcached.service.j2" dest="/etc/systemd/system/archweb-memcached.service" owner=root group=root mode=0644
- Daemon reload
when: archweb_site|bool
when: archweb_site | bool
- name: Install archweb rsync iso service and timer
template: src="{{ item }}.j2" dest="/etc/systemd/system/{{ item }}" owner=root group=root mode=0644
......@@ -220,11 +220,11 @@
- archweb-rsync_iso.timer
- Daemon reload
when: archweb_site|bool
when: archweb_site | bool
- name: Deploy archweb
template: src=archweb.ini.j2 dest=/etc/uwsgi/vassals/archweb.ini owner=archweb group=http mode=0640
when: archweb_site|bool
when: archweb_site | bool
- name: Deploy new release
file: path=/etc/uwsgi/vassals/archweb.ini state=touch owner=archweb group=http mode=0640
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
- archweb-memcached.service
- archweb-rsync_iso.timer
when: archweb_site|bool
when: archweb_site | bool
- name: Start and enable archweb reporead service
service: name="archweb-reporead.service" enabled=yes state=started
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
- name: Create retro dir
file: state=directory owner=archweb group=archweb mode=0755 path="{{ archweb_retro_dir }}"
when: archweb_site|bool
when: archweb_site | bool
- name: Clone archweb-retro repo
......@@ -297,4 +297,4 @@
version: "{{ archweb_retro_commit_hash }}"
become: true
become_user: archweb
when: archweb_site|bool
when: archweb_site | bool
description: archwiki role
standalone: false
- role: nginx
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ RuntimeDirectory={{ aurweb_prom_dir }}
Environment=PROMETHEUS_MULTIPROC_DIR=/run/{{ aurweb_prom_dir }}
User={{ aurweb_user }}
WorkingDirectory={{ aurweb_dir }}
ExecStart=/usr/bin/poetry run gunicorn \
--log-config {{ aurweb_dir }}/logging.conf \
--bind {{ aurweb_asgi_bind }} \
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
pacman: name=borg state=present
- name: Create borg user
name: borg
home: "{{ backup_dir }}"
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
- nginx
- name: Create Arch Linux-specific users
name: "{{ item.key }}"
group: users
groups: "{{ item.value.groups | join(',') }}"
description: geo_dns role
standalone: false
- role: geoipupdate
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ arch-chroot mnt pacman-key --populate
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
printf 'Server =$repo/os/$arch' > mnt/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
arch-chroot mnt systemctl disable reflector-init
arch-chroot mnt systemctl disable reflector-init systemd-time-wait-sync
arch-chroot mnt pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed archlinux-keyring
arch-chroot mnt pacman -Syu --noconfirm --needed git git-lfs gitlab-runner
sed -E 's/^#(IgnorePkg *=)/\1 linux/' -i mnt/etc/pacman.conf
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
register: tempfile
- name: Fill tempfile
copy: content="{{ lookup('template', 'authorized_keys.j2') }}" dest="{{ tempfile.path }}" mode=preserve
template: src=authorized_keys.j2 dest={{ tempfile.path }} mode=preserve
no_log: true
- name: Upload authorized_keys for Arch DevOps
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
- name: Update list of sub-accounts
subaccounts: "{{ subaccounts + [item.json.subaccount | combine({'comment':item.invocation.module_args.body.comment})] }}"
subaccounts: "{{ subaccounts + [item.json.subaccount | combine({'comment': item.invocation.module_args.body.comment})] }}"
loop: "{{ new_subaccounts_raw.results }}"
label: "{{ item.invocation.module_args.body.comment }}"
- name: Fill tempfile
copy: content="{{ lookup('template', 'authorized_keys_client.j2') }}" dest="{{ tempfile.path }}" mode=preserve
template: src=authorized_keys_client.j2 dest={{ tempfile.path }} mode=preserve
no_log: true
- name: Upload authorized_keys file to {{ backup_dir }}/{{ item.item }}
......@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
- name: Partition and format the disks (btrfs RAID)
command: mkfs.btrfs -f -L root -d {{ raid_level | default('raid1') }} -m {{ raid_level | default('raid1') }} -O no-holes {{ system_disks | map('regex_replace', '^(.*)$', '\g<1>p2' if 'nvme' in system_disks[0] else '\g<1>2') | join(' ') }}
when: filesystem == "btrfs" and system_disks|length >= 2
when: filesystem == "btrfs" and system_disks | length >= 2
- name: Partition and format the disks (btrfs single)
command: mkfs.btrfs -f -L root -d single -m single -O no-holes {{ system_disks[0] }}{{ 'p2' if 'nvme' in system_disks[0] else '2' }}
when: filesystem == "btrfs" and system_disks|length == 1
when: filesystem == "btrfs" and system_disks | length == 1
- name: Mount the filesystem (btrfs)
mount: src="{{ system_disks[0] }}{{ 'p2' if 'nvme' in system_disks[0] else '2' }}" path=/mnt state=mounted fstype=btrfs opts="compress-force=zstd,space_cache=v2"
......@@ -45,11 +45,17 @@ lists:
description: General Discussion about Arch Linux
display_name: Arch-general
info: "This mailing list hosts general discusson about the Arch Linux distribution. Questions, problems, and new development ideas can be posted here.\n\nYou must be subscribed to the list in order to post to it."
info: |
This mailing list hosts general discusson about the Arch Linux distribution. Questions, problems, and new development ideas can be posted here.
You must be subscribed to the list in order to post to it.
description: List for mirror admins to send announcements (like downtime notifications) to our users
display_name: Arch-mirrors-announce
info: "This list is intended for admins of Arch Linux mirrors that want to notify our users about downtime of their mirror.\r\n\r\nThis list also accepts mails from non-subscribers."
info: |
This list is intended for admins of Arch Linux mirrors that want to notify our users about downtime of their mirror.
This list also accepts mails from non-subscribers.
description: Arch Linux Mirroring Discussion and Announcements
display_name: Arch-mirrors
......@@ -67,7 +73,12 @@ lists:
description: Arch Linux projects development discussion
display_name: Arch-projects
info: "Announcements, development discussion, patches and pull requests for the Arch Linux projects:<ul><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">archweb</a> (patches preferably on Github as pull requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">arch-release-promotion</a> (patches only on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">dbscripts</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">devtools</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">mkinitcpio</a> (patches preferably on Github as pull requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">namcap</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">netctl</a> (patches preferably on the mailing list)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">pyalpm</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">repod</a> (patches only on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">shim-signed</a> (contributions preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li></ul>\r\nPlease begin the email subject with the name of a project in square brackets (e.g. <code>[devtools]</code>). If no project matches, use <code>[projects]</code>.\r\n\r\nNote: No user discussion!"
info: |
Announcements, development discussion, patches and pull requests for the Arch Linux projects:<ul><li><a target="blank" href="">archweb</a> (patches preferably on Github as pull requests)</li><li><a target="blank" href="">arch-release-promotion</a> (patches only on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target="blank" href="">dbscripts</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target="blank" href="">devtools</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target="blank" href="">mkinitcpio</a> (patches preferably on Github as pull requests)</li><li><a target="blank" href="">namcap</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target="blank" href="">netctl</a> (patches preferably on the mailing list)</li><li><a target="blank" href="">pyalpm</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target="blank" href="">repod</a> (patches only on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target="blank" href="">shim-signed</a> (contributions preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li></ul>
Please begin the email subject with the name of a project in square brackets (e.g. <code>[devtools]</code>). If no project matches, use <code>[projects]</code>.
Note: No user discussion!
description: Arch Linux Release Engineering
display_name: Arch-releng
......@@ -85,12 +96,16 @@ lists:
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
default_nonmember_action: defer
display_name: Arch-wiki-admins
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate
description: Mailing list for the Arch Women project
display_name: Arch-women
info: "<a href=\"\">Arch Women</a> is an all inclusive organization of Arch Linux enthusiasts with a focus on helping more women become involved in the Arch Linux community and FOSS.\r\n\r\nMailing list graciously hosted by the Arch Linux™ project."
info: |
<a href="">Arch Women</a> is an all inclusive organization of Arch Linux enthusiasts with a focus on helping more women become involved in the Arch Linux community and FOSS.
Mailing list graciously hosted by the Arch Linux™ project.
description: Arch User Repository (AUR) Development
display_name: Aur-dev
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
- mailman3-notify.timer
- uwsgi@mailman\x2dweb.service
- name: update list configurations
- name: Update list configurations
url: http://localhost:8001/3.1/lists/{{ item }}
user: "{{ vault_mailman_admin_user }}"
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- name: Create the service http root dir
file: path={{ maintenance_http_dir }}/{{ service_domain }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0755
when: maintenance is defined and maintenance|bool
when: maintenance is defined and maintenance | bool
- name: Set up nginx maintenance mode
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
group: root
mode: 0644
notify: Reload nginx
when: service_nginx_template is not defined and maintenance is defined and maintenance|bool
when: service_nginx_template is not defined and maintenance is defined and maintenance | bool
- name: Set up custom nginx maintenance mode
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
group: root
mode: 0644
notify: Reload nginx
when: service_nginx_template is defined and maintenance is defined and maintenance|bool
when: service_nginx_template is defined and maintenance is defined and maintenance | bool
- name: Create the 503 html file
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
when: maintenance is defined and maintenance|bool
when: maintenance is defined and maintenance | bool
- name: Force reload nginx
meta: flush_handlers
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
- Restart synapse
- name: Install signing key
- name: Install signing key # noqa template-instead-of-copy
content: '{{ vault_matrix_secrets.signing_key }}'
dest: /etc/synapse/{{ matrix_server_name }}.signing.key
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
group: synapse
mode: 0640
- name: Install ircpass key
- name: Install ircpass key # noqa template-instead-of-copy
content: '{{ vault_matrix_secrets.ircpass_key }}'
dest: /etc/synapse/{{ matrix_server_name }}.ircpass.key
......@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
copy: src=dns.conf dest={{ chroot_path }}/etc/systemd/network/ owner=root group=root mode=0644
- Restart networkd
when: static_dns|default(true)
when: not dhcp|default(false)
when: static_dns | default(true)
when: not dhcp | default(false)
- name: Configure network (dhcp)
......@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
copy: src=dns.conf dest={{ chroot_path }}/etc/systemd/network/ owner=root group=root mode=0644
- Restart networkd
when: static_dns|default(false)
when: dhcp|default(false)
when: static_dns | default(false)
when: dhcp | default(false)
- name: Create symlink to resolv.conf
file: src=/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf dest={{ chroot_path }}/etc/resolv.conf state=link force=yes follow=no owner=root group=root
description: postfix_null role
standalone: false
- role: postfwd