Get secure GitLab runner
We want to eventually be able to make secure deployments via GitLab CI. In order to do that, we'll need a secure GitLab CI runner in our control. The idea is this:
Have and be insecure runners. That is they run any and all code from outside contributors. They are therefore inherently unsafe even despite running in Docker. What if someone found a redpill exploit? Also, is hosted by PIA and is hosted by and we consider both to be outside of our direct control.
The need for a therefore arises. We want a bare-metal box for this as we want the possibility to build KVM images for instance which need direct hardware support.
- Order need medium-sized box from Hetzner.
- Put Arch on it.
- Put GitLab runner on it.
- Add this runner to our GitLab.
- DO NOT configure the runner to be a publicly available runner. Instead, tag it with "secure" and only allow it to be run on certain hand-picked branches and projects. The DevOps team is responsible for handpicking these trusted projects.