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#!/bin/bashset-o nounset -o errexit -o pipefail# Copy the table content on https://archlinux.org/devel/clock/ to usersfor user in$(cut-f2users);do if id="$(curl --silent--fail--show-error--header"PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${TOKEN}""https://gitlab.archlinux.org/api/v4/users?username=${user}" | jq -er .[0].id)";then if curl --silent--fail--show-error--header"PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${TOKEN}""https://gitlab.archlinux.org/api/v4/groups/archlinux/members?user_ids=${id}" | jq -e'length == 0'>/dev/null;thenecho"$user is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group" curl --silent--fail--show-error--request POST --header"PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN"--data"user_id=${id}&access_level=20""https://gitlab.archlinux.org/api/v4/groups/archlinux/members"echofi fidone
anatolik is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group{...}bgyorgy is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group{...}muflone is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group{...}Lahwaacz is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group{...}jlichtblau is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group{...}kgizdov is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group{...}kpcyrd is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group{...}grawity is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group{...}morganamilo is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group{...}rgacogne is not a member of the Arch Linux GitLab group{...}