Onboard Alexander Epaneshnikov (alex19ep) as trusted user
Onboarding an Arch Linux team member
- Team member username: @alex19ep (SSO account alex19EP exists already due to affiliation with archiso)
- Application: https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2021-July/036409.html
- Voting result: https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2021-August/036510.html
SSH public key:
ssh-rsa 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 cardno:9 236 381
- Full Name: removed
- Personal e-mail address: removed
- PGP key ID used with personal e-mail address: 6C7F7F22E0152A6FD5728592DAD6F3056C897266
- Communication e-mail address: arch
All roles checklist
The mailing list password can be found in misc/additional-credentials.vault.
Add new user email as per
(84733740) - Create a new user in archweb: https://www.archlinux.org/devel/newuser/ This is also linked in the django admin backend at the top
- Subscribe communication e-mail address to internal staff mailing list.
Give the user access to
on Libera Chat. - Give the user a link to our staff services page.
- Replace the Team member username with the @-prefixed username on Gitlab.
- Remove personal information (such as Full Name and Personal e-mail address, as well as the clearsigned representation of this data), remove the description history and make the issue non-confidential.
Packager onboarding checklist
- Create issue in archlinux-keyring (choose "New Packager Key" template) (archlinux-keyring#116)
TU onboarding checklist
Add entry in
(84733740) -
Add SSH pubkey to
. -
ansible-playbook -t archusers playbooks/*.yml
. -
Assign the user to the
Trusted Users
groups on Keycloak. -
Assign the user to the
Trusted Users
group on archlinux.org. - Subscribe communication e-mail address to internal arch-tu mailing list.
- Allow sending from communication e-mail address on arch-dev-public (subscribe and/or find address and remove moderation).