Onboarding support staff: kevr
Onboarding an Arch Linux team member
- Team member username: @kevr
- Application: N/A
- Voting result: N/A
SSH public key:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBEURnkiY6JoLyqDE8Li1XuAW+LHmkmLDMW/GL5wY7k4/A+Ta7bjA3MOKrF9j4EuUTvCuNXULxvpfSqheTFWZc+g= kevr@volcano
- Full Name: Kevin Morris
- Personal e-mail address: <redacted>
PGP key ID used with personal e-mail address
- Communication e-mail address: arch
All roles checklist
The mailing list password can be found in misc/additional-credentials.vault
Add new user email as per
. - Create a new user in archweb. Select the appropriate group membership and allowed repos (if applicable).
- Subscribe communication e-mail address to internal staff mailing list.
Give the user access to
on Libera Chat. - Give the user a link to our staff services page.
- Replace the Team member username with the @-prefixed username on Gitlab.
- Remove personal information (such as Full Name and Personal e-mail address, as well as the clearsigned representation of this data), remove the description history and make the issue non-confidential.
- Request staff cloak on Libera Chat (Group contacts)
- Go to Arch Linux group -> Enter Admin mode -> go to members -> add username as "minimal access"
- Go to Arch Staff group -> Enter Admin mode -> go to members -> add username as "reporter"