Create a certificate authority cert and key for netboot (and other releng artifact) signing
To solve FS#80243 "[ipxe] embed another developer's certificate in ipxe-arch.*", it would be best to use certificates signed by a custom certificate authority.
This is a request to create and maintain a certificate authority key and certificate.
In the future the CA could sign a cert that the CI of archlinux/releng> would use to sign releng artifacts.
Using as the base, the CA key and cert can be created with something like this:
ca_dir="$(realpath -- ./ca)"
ca_subj='/C=DE/ST=Berlin/L=Berlin/O=Arch Linux/OU=Release Engineering/ Linux Release Engineering Certificate Authority'
mkdir -p "${ca_dir}/"{private,newcerts,crl}
cp -- /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf "${ca_dir}/"
touch "${ca_dir}/index.txt"
echo "1000" >"${ca_dir}/serial"
sed -i "s#/etc/ssl#${ca_dir}#g" "${ca_conf}"
openssl req \
-newkey rsa:4096 \
-sha256 \
-nodes \
-x509 \
-new \
-sha256 \
-keyout "${ca_key}" \
-config "${ca_conf}" \
-subj "${ca_subj}" \
-days 2 \
-out "${ca_cert}"