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roles/postgres: make the script more robust

Jakub Klinkovský requested to merge lahwaacz/infrastructure:upgrade_pg into master

Another thing that should probably be improved is the point at which the postgresql and postgresql-libs packages are upgraded. Currently that has to be done before running the script, but then postgresql.service may fail any time (but it probably won't cause database corruption).

This could be improved by adding the packages to IgnorePkg and upgrading them from the script along with postgresql-old-upgrade, which is after postgresql.service has been stopped. The condition at the start would have to be changed, since pacman -Q would give the old version. I'm using TO_VERSION=$(expac -S "%v" postgresql) in a personal script (which is based on yours), but expac is probably not installed on Arch servers at the moment. The subcommand should also skip the potential version from [testing], since that won't be installed due to [testing] Usage=Search Sync in pacman.conf.

CC @grazzolini

Edited by Jakub Klinkovský

Merge request reports
