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syncrepo tweaks now that rsync has fixed the stale .~tmp~ issue

Merged Evangelos Foutras requested to merge syncrepo-updates into master
  1. Jul 29, 2021
    • Evangelos Foutras's avatar
      syncarchive: Tweak rsync options and drop temp dir · 49ba41bf
      Evangelos Foutras authored
      This reflects the recent changes made to syncrepo.
    • Evangelos Foutras's avatar
      syncrepo: Drop --temp-dir option as unneeded · 4fe427a2
      Evangelos Foutras authored
      Using a temporary directory outside of /srv/ftp was meant to protect
      against incomplete files from being synced by downstream mirrors. It
      does not achieve this to much effect though; each file gets uploaded
      to the temporary directory but then immediately moved under a .~tmp~
      directory at its target location (.~tmp~ because of --delay-updates,
      otherwise the file would be renamed to its final path).
      The `--delay-updates` option by itself sufficiently protects against
      temp files being transferred to downstream mirrors; when used by the
      receiver, it automatically adds an exclude rule for ~.tmp~, behaving
      exactly like we want it to. As such, the `--temp-dir` option doesn't
      provide any further benefit and can be removed.
  2. Jul 28, 2021