Cleanup tools
All threads resolved!
All threads resolved!
Fix #392 (closed)
Merge request reports
Removed all the deleted packages (expect
:: removing psmisc breaks dependency 'psmisc' required by base
) from build and gemini:[root@gemini ~]# pacman -Qe | wc 98 196 1733 [root@gemini ~]# pacman -Rsn lsof nethogs iftop mtr sshfs dfc tree dstat dmidecode net-tools ncdu nmap sysstat iptraf-ng screen tcpdump glances cloud-utils colordiff multitail httpie the_silver_searcher ripgrep ipcalc calc wget neovim python-pynvim parallel socat pv ccze rxvt-unicode-terminfo setconf bat hexyl stow fzf fasd ranger vifm perl-term-readkey [root@gemini ~]# pacman -Qe | wc 57 114 1076 [root@build ~]# pacman -Qe | wc 107 214 1804 [root@build ~]# pacman -Rsn lsof nethogs iftop mtr sshfs dfc tree dstat dmidecode net-tools ncdu nmap sysstat iptraf-ng screen tcpdump glances cloud-utils colordiff multitail httpie the_silver_searcher ripgrep ipcalc calc wget neovim python-pynvim parallel socat pv ccze rxvt-unicode-terminfo setconf bat hexyl stow fzf fasd ranger vifm perl-term-readkey [root@build ~]# pacman -Qe | wc 66 132 1147
- Resolved by Kristian Klausen
- Resolved by Kristian Klausen
- Resolved by Kristian Klausen
From IRC:
@alerque complains about neovim, bat, and ripgrep
- Resolved by Evangelos Foutras
added 49 commits
9e9d1121...19afd18b - 48 commits from branch
- cab4739e - Cleanup tools
9e9d1121...19afd18b - 48 commits from branch
The old tools has been removed on all the servers with (~95 packages on most servers):
$ ansible '!borg_hosts,!,!' -f15 -a "pacman -Rsn --noconfirm zsh colordiff multitail httpie the_silver_searcher ripgrep ipcalc calc wget neovim python-pynvim parallel socat pv ccze rxvt-unicode-terminfo p7zip unzip setconf zsh fish bat hexyl stow fzf fasd ranger vifm perl-term-readkey lsof nethogs iftop mtr sshfs dfc tree dstat dmidecode net-tools ncdu nmap sysstat iptraf-ng screen tcpdump glances cloud-utils git bash-completion" $ ansible '!borg_hosts,!,!' -f15 -a 'pacman -Rsn --noconfirm $(comm -12 <(echo "zsh colordiff multitail httpie the_silver_searcher ripgrep ipcalc calc wget neovim python-pynvim parallel socat pv ccze rxvt-unicode-terminfo p7zip unzip setconf zsh fish bat hexyl stow fzf fasd ranger vifm perl-term-readkey lsof nethogs iftop mtr sshfs dfc tree dstat dmidecode net-tools ncdu nmap sysstat iptraf-ng screen tcpdump glances cloud-utils git bash-completion" | tr " " "\n" | sort) <(pacman -Qq | sort))'
Edited by Kristian Klausenadded 6 commits
9f40f05d...ec1f08cd - 5 commits from branch
- d97835a5 - Cleanup tools
9f40f05d...ec1f08cd - 5 commits from branch
added 2 commits
added 2 commits
mentioned in commit 520f2b65
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