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mailman3: IaC list configurations

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allow_list_posts: false
bounce_info_stale_after: 60d
default_member_action: reject
default_nonmember_action: reject
description: This mailing list is for official announcements for the Arch Linux distribution.
display_name: Arch-announce
moderator_password: "{{ vault_archweb_mailman_password }}"
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
description: Development Discussion for Arch Linux
display_name: Arch-dev
info: This list is for development discussion about Arch Linux. This list is closed to the general public and only used by internal Arch Linux developers.
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate
display_name: Arch-devops
description: Arch Linux Infrastructure development discussion
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
description: List for internal discussion of the devops team
display_name: Arch-devops-private
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate
default_member_action: hold
description: Public mailing list for Arch Linux development
display_name: Arch-dev-public
description: Arch Linux Events
display_name: Arch-events
description: List for mirror admins to send announcements (like downtime notifications) to our users
display_name: Arch-mirrors-announce
info: "This list is intended for admins of Arch Linux mirrors that want to notify our users about downtime of their mirror.\r\n\r\nThis list also accepts mails from non-subscribers."
description: Arch Linux Mirroring Discussion and Announcements
display_name: Arch-mirrors
info: This list is intended for admins of Arch Linux mirrors. Discussion and announcements regarding mirroring will use this list.
description: Arch Linux Multilib (32bit libs on 64bit OSes)
display_name: Arch-multilib
description: Discussion regarding the porting of Arch Linux to non-x86_64 architectures
display_name: Arch-ports
info: This list is primarily used to talk about porting Arch Linux to non-x86_64 platforms, such as PPC, ARM, i586, i686, etc.
description: Discussion about real-time multimedia, including (semi-)pro audio and video
display_name: Arch-proaudio
description: Arch Linux projects development discussion
display_name: Arch-projects
info: "Announcements, development discussion, patches and pull requests for the Arch Linux projects:<ul><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">archweb</a> (patches preferably on Github as pull requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">arch-release-promotion</a> (patches only on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">dbscripts</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">devtools</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">mkinitcpio</a> (patches preferably on Github as pull requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">namcap</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">netctl</a> (patches preferably on the mailing list)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">pyalpm</a> (patches preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">repod</a> (patches only on GitLab as merge requests)</li><li><a target=\"blank\" href=\"\">shim-signed</a> (contributions preferably on GitLab as merge requests)</li></ul>\r\nPlease begin the email subject with the name of a project in square brackets (e.g. <code>[devtools]</code>). If no project matches, use <code>[projects]</code>.\r\n\r\nNote: No user discussion!"
description: Arch Linux Release Engineering
display_name: Arch-releng
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
description: Trusted Users Discussion for Arch Linux
display_name: Arch-tu
info: This list is for trusted users discussion about Arch Linux. This list is closed to the general public and only used by internal Arch Linux trusted users.
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
display_name: Arch-wiki-admins
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate
description: Mailing list for the Arch Women project
display_name: Arch-women
info: "<a href=\"\">Arch Women</a> is an all inclusive organization of Arch Linux enthusiasts with a focus on helping more women become involved in the Arch Linux community and FOSS.\r\n\r\nMailing list graciously hosted by the Arch Linux™ project."
advertised: false
archive_policy: private
description: Internal list that includes all Arch Linux staff members (devs, TUs, support staff)
display_name: Staff
subscription_policy: confirm_then_moderate