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kernel: further default sysctl hardening

Levente Polyak requested to merge feature/kernel-sysctl-hardening into master
  • unprivileged bpf: we do not need this on our infra, we can assume bpf() calls will happen with CAP_SYS_ADMIN if required.

  • unprivileged userns: we do not need this on our infra for none of our services or similar. Reduce attack surface by a huge margin including most recent CVE-2020-14386.

  • kptr restrict: we already check for CAP_SYSLOG and real ids but we really do not require any specific kernel pointers to be logged. Settings this to 2 instead to blank out all kernel pointers to protect against info leak.

  • kexec: disable kexec as we do never want to kexec our running servers into something else. Settings this sysctl disables kexec even if its compiled into the kernel.

  • bpf jit harden: harden BPF JIT compiler to mitigate JIT spraying for the sacrifices off a bit performance for all users including privileged.

Merge request reports