Mirroring of Arch Linux Archive {#mirroring_of_arch_linux_archive}
- Archive not mirrored atm
- runner2.archlinux.org becomes ger.mirror.pkgbuild.com
- use all PIA boxes as public mirrors for Archive AND repos
- svenstaro
Gitlab PoC {#gitlab_poc}
State {#state_1}
- Gitlab is running
Actionable {#actionable_1}
- Need to re-package keyclock for better security
Who {#who_1}
- anthraxx
Planet migration {#planet_migration}
State {#state_2}
Planet is Python 2 which will become EOL
Actionable {#actionable_2}
- Make planet.archlinux.org part of archweb
Who {#who_2}
- jelle
Mailman 3 {#mailman_3}
State {#state_3}
- Ask fedora regarding their mailman migration
- Blocker https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/issues/343
Actionable {#actionable_3}
- Create a package and test migration
Who {#who_3}
- Jerome
Lack of overview of services/hosts {#lack_of_overview_of_serviceshosts}
State {#state_4}
- Unclear where what runs
Actionable {#actionable_4}
- Deferred
Forum migration {#forum_migration}
State {#state_5}
- It was decided to migrate it to a VPS
Actionable {#actionable_5}
- Migrate the forum to a VPS
Who {#who_4}
- jelle
- fukawi2
Soyuz retirement {#soyuz_retirement}
State {#state_6}
- We are going to point internal mirroring to repos.archlinux.org
- Create new server and migrate content for public_html.
Actionable {#actionable_6}
- We are going to point internal mirroring to repos.archlinux.org
- Create new server and migrate content for public_html.
Who {#who_5}
- jelle
- svenstaro
Getting a storage box instead of vostok {#getting_a_storage_box_instead_of_vostok}
State {#state_7}
- Move to storage box for backups (create a kanban ticket and figure out automation). We currently pay 30 euros
Actionable {#actionable_7}
Who {#who_6}
Backup the archive {#backup_the_archive}
State {#state_8}
- Requires a larger backup server (currently 1.2TB free on vostok)
Actionable {#actionable_8}
Who {#who_7}
Offsite backups {#offsite_backups}
State {#state_9}
- Decide if borg will handle it or we are doubling the backup with
another tool. Settle on external service:
- borgbase
- glacier
- online.net cold storage
- dedicated server