libzlibstatic.a included in package causes build failures for CMake and possibly other tools
The file list of the assimp package includes /usr/lib/libzlibstatic.a, which seems to be a static build of zlib.
In my case, this caused issues building unrelated code with CMake, because CMake's find_package found this library before the official /usr/lib/libz.a. To make it worse, apparently assimp's included zlib library is missing important symbols like "inflate".
A similar bug was raised for the assimp package for FreeBSD: In their case, the same issue caused a build failure when building Rust. They ended up removing the file from the assimp package.
To me it seems like the same should happen here. I don't see why a dynamic library package should include a static build of another library in it, unless there is some use for it that I don't know about.
In any case, thanks for maintaining this package!
Additional info:
- package version(s): 5.3.1-1 (and probably a lot of earlier ones)
- config and/or log files: n/a
- link to upstream bug report, if any: not that I know of