feat: bump package to version 0.32.3
About this PR
This PR upgrades the package to version 0.32.3. Changes were made to the build step in order to accomodate for the refactoring of the make-cmake-meson trio made in version 0.31.0, it reads:
Breaking changes
- Some makefile stuff has been changed/removed, see the notes for packagers.
Notes for packagers
- notably, make config, make pluginenv and make fixwlr have been nuked.
- almost the entire makefile pipeline has been moved into CMake itself.
- Building is done via make all (or make release, make debug)
- Installing is done via sudo make install. Please note this will not compile Hyprland at all, and only install built files.
As the release note implies, the make rule fixwlr
has been removed. The patching of wlroots is now a step in Hyprland's build system directly and was introduced in hyprwm/Hyprland#3564. More specifically, the CMakeLists.txt has seen the following additions:
PREFIX ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/subprojects/wlroots
SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/subprojects/wlroots
PATCH_COMMAND sed -E -i -e "s/(soversion = 12)([^032]|$$)/soversion = 12032/g" meson.build
CONFIGURE_COMMAND meson setup build --buildtype=${BUILDTYPE_LOWER} -Dwerror=false -Dexamples=false -Drenderers=gles2 $<IF:$<BOOL:${WITH_ASAN}>,-Db_sanitize=address,-Db_sanitize=none> && meson setup build --buildtype=${BUILDTYPE_LOWER} -Dwerror=false -Dexamples=false -Drenderers=gles2 $<IF:$<BOOL:${WITH_ASAN}>,-Db_sanitize=address,-Db_sanitize=none> --reconfigure
BUILD_COMMAND ninja -C build
BUILD_BYPRODUCTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/subprojects/wlroots/build/libwlroots.so.12032
INSTALL_COMMAND echo "wlroots: install not needed"
The same PR also included hyprctl
in CMakeLists.txt:
# hyprctl
As for udis86
and protocols
, they've been part of CMakeLists.txt since hyprwm/Hyprland#1590 (Feb 27) and hyprwm/Hyprland#2087 (Apr 26), respectively, so I've taken liberty of removing the explicit building of these projects.