Fix data directory
This warrants a version bump and a post-install script because it is in all likelihood a user-facing configuration change.
Fixes #13 (closed) "Default Backgrounds Not Appearing"
Merge request reports
added priority3-normal statusunconfirmed labels
assigned to @lfleischer and @alerque
- hyprland.install 0 → 100644
1 post_upgrade() { 2 if [ "$(vercmp $1 0.42.0-2)" -ge "0" -a "$(vercmp $2 0.42.0-1)" -le 0 ]; then 3 cat <<EOF 4 ==> In 0.42.0, Hyprland's default data directory changed from /usr/share/hyprland to /usr/share/hpyr. Thanks for the contribution! Oops, I missed this before submitting !4 (merged). There's some stuff in here that seems unnecessary and overly complicated. I like my version better
but will close if the PM's prefer this one.I might be missing something.. but I don't really see the need for a post-install script. It's just a straight out packaging issue that needs fixing (IMHO).
I had put files into /usr/share/hyprland before it was changed (and had scripts that referenced that directory), so I figured it wouldn't be unreasonable to warn people in case they had done the same.
The patches for the CMakeLists are irrelevant now, since it's been a month and three releases since I opened this MR.
As for using CMake, that seems to be the suggested way to install by upstream. Make is just provided to not break existing scripts.
Edited by James Larrowe