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Fixed Web Client Not Available Error

Gaspar requested to merge garobcsi/jellyfin-server:main into main

The current package is broken at the moment: I tried to re install it and runnig it on the vm (fresh install) but i got the same error:

[robi@robi-virtualbox ~]$ jellyfin 
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Jellyfin version: 10.9.3
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /home/robi/.local/share/jellyfin/log]"]
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/jellyfin.dll"]
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Operating system: EndeavourOS
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Architecture: X64
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: 64-Bit Process: True
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: User Interactive: True
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Processor count: 6
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Program data path: /home/robi/.local/share/jellyfin
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Log directory path: /home/robi/.local/share/jellyfin/log
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Config directory path: /home/robi/.config/jellyfin
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Cache path: /home/robi/.cache/jellyfin
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Web resources path: /usr/lib/jellyfin/jellyfin-web
[19:47:50] [INF] [6] Main: Application directory: /usr/lib/jellyfin/
[19:47:50] [ERR] [6] Main: The server is expected to host the web client, but the provided content directory is either invalid or empty: /usr/lib/jellyfin/jellyfin-web. If you do not want to host the web client with the server, you may set the '--nowebclient' command line flag, or set'hostwebclient=false' in your config settings

Basicly it cannot load the web client and it dosent find it.

But if i add jellyfin-web as a dependency and make a symlink to it, it fixes the problem.

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