krita 5.2.3-1 seg faults when trying to paste a pic that was copied from another Krita tab
krita 5.2.3-1 seg faults without additional information each time I try to copy and paste a pic from one Krita tab to another. The seg fault happens a little bit delayed shortly after pushing Ctrl+V or using the paste option of the menu. The last time I used Krita for exactly the same work but without this issue was 2024-05-12, so that time I used 5.2.2-9. IOW between 2024-05-12 and 2024-07-21 something changed. FWIW just rebuilding 5.2.3-1 as 5.2.3-1.1 without any other changes didn't solve the issue.
Regards, Ralf
Edited by Ralf Mardorf