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Verified Commit 980795fe authored by Antonio Rojas's avatar Antonio Rojas
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upgpkg: 6.1.90-1: Plasma 6.2 beta

parent d7c5fc5d
No related branches found
Tags 6.1.90-1
No related merge requests found
pkgbase = libkscreen
pkgdesc = KDE screen management software
pkgver = 6.1.5
pkgver = 6.1.90
pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = x86_64
......@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ pkgbase = libkscreen
depends = qt6-base
depends = qt6-wayland
depends = wayland
source =
source =
source =
source =
validpgpkeys = E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D
validpgpkeys = 0AAC775BB6437A8D9AF7A3ACFE0784117FBCE11D
validpgpkeys = D07BD8662C56CB291B316EB2F5675605C74E02CF
validpgpkeys = 1FA881591C26B276D7A5518EEAAF29B42A678C20
sha256sums = 58f523a9dfe07a5cb9758d60f6a7f1c9f40120289f835515a4e2d8d6d6da4c65
sha256sums = c4b5edb7d7dc29a2f49db25a5010005f00163a81aa1adffb0feb03d75b48b86e
sha256sums = SKIP
pkgname = libkscreen
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