Add dependency to `gcr`
I'd like to suggest a new dependency to gcr
because I had some difficulties in making nm communicate with my secret service.
I had errors such as
NetworkManager: <error> vpn-connection: Failed to request VPN secrets #3: No agents were available for this request
NetworkManager: <warn> vpn: secrets: failed to request VPN secrets #3: User canceled the secrets request.
I have keepassxc configured to serve as secret service provider. It wasn't being used by nm before I installed gcr.
I found out because at some point I restarted the applet with nohup nm-applet
and found nm-openconnect-auth-dialog: error while loading shared libraries:
in nohup.out, which led me to gcr.
(also reported here )
I'm not really sure if network-manager-applet is the most correct place for this. If you think it's not, please feel free to reject this MR