Fails to start with Qt 6.8
protonmail-bridge fails to start with Qt 6.8
Graphical error shown:
Error trace:
Failed to initialize sentry
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.228] bridge-gui starting
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.228] Using Qt 6.8.0
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.233] lock file created /home/antiz/.cache/protonmail/bridge-v3/bridge-v3-gui.lock
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.233] bridge-gui executable: protonmail-bridge
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.233] Command-line invocation: <none>
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.233] New Sentry reporter - id: ck7EK24d+dnJLWJIq/C7q4Xx9j8/xT1shTZB9Olrl48=.
DEBU[Oct 15 10:45:44.235] Bridge executable path: /usr/lib/protonmail/bridge/bridge
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.235] Launching bridge process with command "/usr/lib/protonmail/bridge/bridge" --grpc --parent-pid 49846 --launcher protonmail-bridge --session-id 20241015_104544228
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.235] Retrieving gRPC service configuration from '/home/antiz/.config/protonmail/bridge-v3/grpcServerConfig.json'
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.548] Connecting to gRPC service
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.550] Connection to gRPC server at unix:///tmp/bridge2534. attempt #1
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.552] Successfully connected to gRPC server.
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.552] Client config file was saved to '/home/antiz/.config/protonmail/bridge-v3/grpcClientConfig_0.json'
DEBU[Oct 15 10:45:44.552] checkTokens()
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.553] gRPC token was validated
INFO[Oct 15 10:45:44.553] Connected to backend via gRPC service.
DEBU[Oct 15 10:45:44.553] version()
DEBU[Oct 15 10:45:44.553] EventStreamReader started
DEBU[Oct 15 10:45:44.553] goos()
DEBU[Oct 15 10:45:44.553] logsPath()
DEBU[Oct 15 10:45:44.553] licensePath()
DEBU[Oct 15 10:45:44.554] mailServerSettings()
DEBU[Oct 15 10:45:44.554] getUserList()
ERRO[Oct 15 10:45:44.576] qrc:/qml/Bridge.qml:43 Type Notifications unavailable
qrc:/qml/Notifications/Notifications.qml:419 Type MainWindow unavailable
qrc:/qml/MainWindow.qml:174 Type SetupWizard unavailable
qrc:/qml/SetupWizard/SetupWizard.qml:242 Type Login unavailable
qrc:/qml/SetupWizard/Login.qml:206 ColorImage is not a type pkg=frontend/bridge-gui
reportID: 00000000000000000000000000000000 Captured exception :Could not load QML component
qrc:/qml/Bridge.qml:43 Type Notifications unavailable
qrc:/qml/Notifications/Notifications.qml:419 Type MainWindow unavailable
qrc:/qml/MainWindow.qml:174 Type SetupWizard unavailable
qrc:/qml/SetupWizard/SetupWizard.qml:242 Type Login unavailable
qrc:/qml/SetupWizard/Login.qml:206 ColorImage is not a type
Additional info:
- package version(s): protonmail-bridge 3.14.0-5
- config and/or log files: N/A
- link to upstream bug report, if any:
Steps to reproduce:
- Run
- See above error