upgpkg: 0.108.0-1
Deselect only those tests that are failing.
mentioned in commit python-anyio@abc55dca
FWIW, some tests fail as python-starlette is too new. All tests pass if I build this package with https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/p/python-starlette/python-starlette-0.31.1-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
Yes, I'm aware, but upstream keeps locking to usually quite old versions of starlette (which is why we remove the version limitation). It's extremely tedious to wait for upstream compatibility and checking it manually, which is why I'd rather disable some tutorial tests than using the exact same version upstream expects.
It's extremely tedious to wait for upstream compatibility and checking it manually
I see. I had a similar issue, so I created a script https://gitlab.com/yan12125/aur/-/blob/ca0d8c54a085f9ecb788d1d9a9bd6e6328e3e5db/scripts/check-packages.py#L126, which might ve useful for you. Basically it runs
to find out package versions that satisfy upstream version constraints.