python-proton-vpn-network-manager now depends on python-jinja
This commit introduced the dependency, i.e. python-jinja
is needed since v0.12.6.
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This commit introduced the dependency, i.e. python-jinja
is needed since v0.12.6.
added priority3-normal severity4-low statusunconfirmed labels
assigned to @freswa, @toolybird, and @gromit
added scopeenhancement statusconfirmed labels and removed statusunconfirmed label
assigned to @ptr1337 and unassigned @freswa, @toolybird, and @gromit
$ namcap /var/cache/pacman/pkg/python-proton-vpn-network-manager-0.12.12-1-any.pkg.tar.zst | grep jinja
python-proton-vpn-network-manager W: Dependency python-jinja detected and implicitly satisfied (python modules ['jinja2.Environment', 'jinja2.BaseLoader'] needed in files ['usr/lib/python3.13/site-packages/proton/vpn/backend/linux/networkmanager/protocol/openvpn/'])
@ptr1337, thanks for fixing it. But please remember to add a keyword in the commit message body that auto-closes the GitLab issue. Thanks.
Fixed with 9ba85403.
added resolutioncompleted label