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Draft: Use PEP 517 workflow, Use SPDX license, Depend on python-sqlalchemy

loqs requested to merge (removed):update into main

diff from 7.1.9 until sqlalchemy 1.4 was allowed b789e0445009dffcb846d6fceb030d406810cef1...v7.1.9 appears to show only one sqlalchemy related change 00f47d833c10801f128270a11515bbd7f01d2572. Looking at the sqlalchemy migration notes for 1.4 migration_14.html#the-url-object-is-now-immutable without that change URL is passed seven named arguments which although generating a deprecation warning is still supported in 1.4

$ python -c "from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL;URL(drivername='mysql', username='db_user',password='db_pass', host='db_host', port='10',database='db_name', query={'charset': 'utf8mb4'})"
<string>:1: SADeprecationWarning: Calling URL() directly is deprecated and will be disabled in a future release.  The public constructor for URL is now the URL.create() method.

This would allow dropping python-sqlalchemy1.3 for the drop-python-mock-checkdepends todo list.

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