Freeze on Welcome page
In the welcome page it freezes when I click on "login".
The output in the terminal is the following:
$ tokodon
kf.config.core: Migrating old staterc "" -> "/home/user/.local/state/tokodonstaterc"
QFile::rename: Empty or null file name
kf.config.core: Failed to migrate "" -> "/home/user/.local/state/tokodonstaterc"
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami/dialogs/Dialog.qml:344:18: QML ScrollView: Binding loop detected for property "calculatedImplicitHeight"
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami/dialogs/Dialog.qml:401:33: QML Binding: Binding loop detected for property "value"
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/tokodon/content/ui/LoginFlow/WelcomePage.qml:14:1: QML WelcomePage: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene.
kf.config.core: Migrating old staterc "" -> "/home/user/.local/state/tokodonstaterc"
QFile::rename: Empty or null file name
kf.config.core: Failed to migrate "" -> "/home/user/.local/state/tokodonstaterc"
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/tokodon/content/ui/Main.qml:510: TypeError: Cannot read property 'followRequestCount' of null
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/tokodon/content/ui/LoginFlow/LoginPage.qml:15:1: QML LoginPage: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene.
This is a fresh install
Additional info:
- package version(s): 24.08.0-1
- config and/or log files:
- link to upstream bug report, if any:
Steps to reproduce:
- Install tokodon from official extra arch repo
- Open tokodon
- In the welcome page click on "login"
- The window will freeze