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Remove pytest-runner, use PEP 517, use SPDX and more

Rafael Fontenelle requested to merge rafaelff/urh:various-fixes into main
  • SPDX license: Apply GPL-3.0-only because nowhere in the case the maintainer states "or any later version", so no "later" as per GPL3's 14 Clause.
  • Add support to Cython 3.x using a post-release patch from upstream
  • Apply PEP 517, and apply a patch to be able to use PyPA build upstream pull request #1107
  • Promote setuptools to depends because 'src/urh/dev/native/' is installed in site-packages and depends on it.

TODO related: pytest-runner removal

EDIT: Initially, I downloaded a patch from the upstream pull request #1107 and added to sources array. Since the pull request is now merged, I force-pushed the related commmit to use the patch from the commit URL directly, hence not adding anymore a patch file from the pull request.

Fixes #1

Edited by Rafael Fontenelle

Merge request reports